The Porteous of Nobleness   (Page 4 of 6)

First Scottish book image

hym self / ane ful wame is neuer at eas bot slepand / for
othir thingis he neuer thinkis / dois nor dremis / bot so=
birnes gyffis all thingis in sufficience. And to al thinge
that vertu is for scho is help of yt wittis wach to ye hele
kepar of ye body & lynther of the life.
The xii. vertu in ane nobil man is perseuerance.
O Excellent hie & godly vertu mytty quene & lady per
seuerance / yt makis perfit fulfillis & endis all thin
gis for quhay yt kepis thy faithfull & trew techinge / fyn
dis without stop ye way of louynge / peas & sufficience /
thow oure cummis all thing be thy secure constance that
tiris neuer to suffre. Thou our cummis wanhap yt passis
fortune & in all placis scho gyffis to ye victory. Than be
resone thou gettis ye crowne quhen all vertuis gyffis
to ye ouirhand & be thy gidyng cumis to hie louing. Thay
sulde weil adoure ye as lady maistres & patrone sen ye end
makis al thinge to be louit. Thou art scho yt examinis
al hertis & as ye goulde chesis out ye fynit hertis in treuth
& leaute be thy humyl sufferance And quhay yt to ye assuris &
deliueris him selfe. Thou rasis him quhen he is to fall.
And giffis him sustenance & comfort bot ye febil hert castyn
in variance spillis & tynis in schort space all yt it dois in=
uy brekis sic folkis thay want vertu in defalt of fathe
tyris thame. & honour habandonis thame thay ar punist
Lady god thank ye for gude men has gude yt to gude atten=
dis. And al noblys yt seikis to hie worschip gife thay be
wise & will awowe to serue ye / sen ye ende makis al war
kis to be louit he dois na thing yt begynnis & endis noght
And yt in his warkis inclynis him to variance. Quhen
ye wark is hie worthy & louable gif ye vndir taking turn