A Gest of Robin Hood (pp.197-220 in the volume)   (Page 22 of 24)

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(p.218) Alle for to tel our kinge ther he telde him of that knight
And eke of Robyn hode
And also of the bolde archars.
That were soo noble and gode
He wylle auowe that he hath done
To mayntene the outlawes stronge
He wylle be lorde and set you at nought.
In alle the northe lande
I wyl be at Notyngham saide our kynge.
Within this fourteenyght.
& take I wyll robyn hode & so I wylle yt knight
Go nowe home shyref sayde our kynge
& do as I byd ye & ordeyn gode archers ynowe
Of alle the wyde contre
The shyref had his leue Itake
And went hym on his way
And Robyn hode to grene wode
Upon a certen day.
And lytel John was hole of the arowe
That shot was in his kne.
And dyd hym streyght to Robyn hode.
Under the grene wode tree
Robyn hode walked in the forest
Under the leuys grene
The proude shyref of Notyngham
Thereof he had grete tene
The shyref there fayles of Robyn hode.
He myght not haue his pray
Than he awayted this gentylle knight.
Bothe by nyght and day
Euer he wayted the gentylle knyght.
Syr Richarde at the lee.
As he went on haukynge by the ryuer syde.