De regimine principum bonum consilium   (Page 6 of 8)

First Scottish book image

(p.106) Her for keip law gif you wald hald yi land
And luf largese or you sall lordschip leise
But quhilk gret stait mygth tho_ lang stedfast stand
The example in the be for yi self you seis
For falt of law all fawour of fortoun_ fleis
Herfor sectouris fermly scho haldis at fed
For quhilk hir dynt is dishonour and deide

Iustice wald haif a generall president
Ane auditour of complante of ye pure
The quhilk daily suld minister iugement
To pure at cry iustice at yi dur
Spendand mar yan ther clame is of valour
Syne put on bak quhill gret cause decyde.
Syne lewand all for pouerte may not byde

It is imposible to yi gret counsale
For to discusse all materis small and grete
Bot to small men commit all causis small
Of pur plennyeand that rarys at yi yet
Quhilk daily hes not half ther fill of met
with wif and barnis suonand for falt of brede
For quhilk god sall ye challange of ther dede.

Thy Iugis als yit hes iustice to leide
Oft tymes abuf ther iuridictionne
Stopand ye laif for luf frendschip or feide
For radour request for meid or warison_
Syne quhen ye parti complenyeis to ye croune
Thai send yam oft to ther iuge agane
Quhilk for ther complaynt full dere sall by yt blame.