Eglamour with Balade   (Page 33 of 36)

First Scottish book image

(p.85) That with hym baldely walde I feght
War he neuer sa wode
All hale the folke sayde now
Best worthy lorde art thou
Till haf that frely fude
Till vnarme tham lordis gays
Schort cotis atouart tham tays
To mete than can thai wende
The doghty knyght yt wan the gre
Was marschalyt with that lady fre
Scho franyt hym as hir freynde
Be quhat reson yt he bare
the schyp of golde with mast & are.
He answeryt as the heynde
My lady & my yhoung son
Damysell to the se war done.
And thare thai made thar ende
Knawlage of hym can scho ta
And sayde gude sir how fell it sa
At thay war broght to grownde
I was in a far cuntre
Hyr fader dyd tham to the se
Wyth the wallis to founde
Men callis me quhare I borne was
Syr eglemore of arteas
That with a worme was wondit
In swonyng fell that lady fre
Welcum sir scho sayde to me
Dere haff I boght the are
Wp scho sat & talde hym sone
How that scho to the see was done