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Solear, v,i. 1,
Solecismo, a,
Only; solely; i
crely; but
impropriety of speech; solecism
yy,, ..... ocor-chiiig sun; broiling heat
lad,/, soluude; lonely life; wan! of comfort
Soler !>7/. 2 '¡rr &
Soler, sm. under-l
Solera, .■>/: entablr
Solera, plank on \
Solera de cureña.
Solercia, sf. Indus
«. blower;
Sollastre, sin. si
Sollastría, sf. si
Sollastron, sm.
•J''vt. to be wont, accustomed
oring-of aship (naut.)
ire; plinth: lees of wine
ich earthen-ware is dried
V ab'iluS's""ta'i''.''-"^''
Solerte, «rf/. sa?a
Soles, sm. plur^ sparklinif, dazTl'iñ'J
soleta, sj. linen sole put into stock
Soleta (apretar, picar ile), to run ai
'amp stockint,..
; mender; botch
Sollva" * "' '
sheer ofif
'/. 1. 1
Solevantar, to
Solevar, va. 1
Solfa, s/.§:amu. i,..uo.;
Solfa á alguno (tocar 1;
Solfeadór, sm. musí
Solfear, an. 1. to si
Solfeo, sm. melodio
Solfista, s. musiciai
Solicitación, sf. sol:
ift u
, , .-B--ited; perturbed
rection; rebellion
ra, sJ. solicitre'ss; entreatimrVJni:
!nte, <id,: solicitously; carefully
e, sm. solicitor, for criminal favoui
ike firm; cousolidati
small cap)
; integrity; sense
Solideo, sm. calotK
Solidez, j/.soliditv
Sólido, -a, adi sol
Snlírtn «,„ „ i- , "' "■"•' >-"'"piicc; true; sound
Soliloquio, sm. soliloquy; discourse to one's self
Sol.pedo -a. adj. having solid hoofs; soiipede
;i'".!?"'-T' P'^'''' '"ipucleiit woman
- _«orm (worm bred iu the body)
c v.- • ■ '"• lonely; solitary
io ! Irio' 2. "sl!ir'"-Y^ retired; ionelv; lone
oontario, jw solitary; hermit; berlin- irkmp
tóuío"V^rf^"°'' ""■ '"'""-^ *^^"^"' S
Soliviado;». «^.'raisi'n"tin7up-a1i;u'e°' '°"''''
Soliviar, vil. 1. to raise- liff „^ i '"'^,
So ado de los pañoles de la despensa cock-nit
Sollado, -a, adj. blown; blown with bdlows ^
who blows
scorcu; singe; burn slightly
)w; blow with bellows
lion; kitchen-boy; sly rogue
ery; business of a scullion
r»'. crafty juggler
•^•""•, f'l. cuuinion pike (large lish of previ
Sn ^^'"■' ""• h^° '"''■■ ^'^^ convulsively^^
bo lozo, sm. sob; convulsive sigh
Solo, sm. solo (tune played by one person^
So o, -a, «rf,. alone; only; lonely; single; sole
SÓM ^^/"''■i, •''"",'■ "'°"'-'' ""aided; in solitude
Soltar la cáfgá. Z"hrow down'atiirthe'i' "'""'''
So tar la dunda, to forgive, remit a debt
iohf !' '''?-f'"' '° ''' ""^'^ tongue run loose
So ar la palabra, to pledge one's word for
loit'lr ertrl;'o"":.ive on"'" s"elf ^-f t.f f ""'\
bility to pay debts
able to pay debts
— , -iitie; explain; solve
iiii; loosening; dissolving
a (b.
if .-fthUd"
— -;■"-;. y . i.easi of burthen
I, sJ. beating; severe chastisement
' '" ""'^e'l corps for the defence of a city
doctrine of bodies; somatology
^»..,„.„, .,j. ,„,ide; ghost; appearance; sign
nombra, dark part of a picture; graylinif ffish^
^ombrade tejado (andar, á. 1.); fo alsc5nd '
^umura (andar sin, 1.) to desire anxiously; crave
^omora aponer a la 2.) to imprison; confine
sombra (in por), adv. by no means: not at all
^ombrage, i,«. hut covered with branches
Sombili"',,";- f í'l^.í'J.f '^body); butin vineyards
Sombrar !-«. 1. to frighten; astonish; amaze
Sombreado, sm. shading; gradation of colours
sZhi^f "• "', "; ^i-fed; painted in dark colours
9'omurear, va. I. to shade; paint in dark colours
"<g-»i. large bat; blow with a U.r
utter-bur (plant); hat-box
nianufactory of hats; shop
hatter: hat-maker; hatter's wife
SoiCCü'"".'!"' :'>-o»:' lo,sw.rfnn. small hat
^sombrerillo de señora, s,,.. lady's hat [house
inding-board; head of a
el patr
te, tt
H, hat money,to captains(na.)

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