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SOB 072
Sobrevivir, van. 3. to outlive; survive; live after
Sobriamente, «<í«. soberly; abstemiously
Sobrie(l:'u1, >/. sobriety; abstemiousness
Sobrinito, -ita, tinf. dimin. little nepbew, niece
, -a, adj. sober; temperate; abstemious
tidj. suborned: bribed; corru|>ted
.tch(loose part of a rope); shelter
Socairero, S'n. larker; skulker; idle, lazy fellow
Socaliñero, -a, sinf. sly extortioner; cheater
Socapa,»/. Ipretext; pretence; cloak; colour;
Socolor, J>n./ subterfuge
Socapa (á), adv. on pretence; under colour
Socapiscol, 1 «in. subchanter (deputy of a precen-
Sochántre, /tor)
Socar, va. 1. to set tauijht a rope, &c. (naut.)
Socarra, i/. half-roastiiiir meat; craft; cunning;
Socarrar, va. 1. to half-roast, dress meat
Socarrén, >m. eaves (edges of the roof )
Socarrena, »/. hollow; cavity; space; interval
Socarrina, >J. scorching; sin^ein^
Socarrón, -a, adj. cunnint;; artful; crafty; sly
Socarronaménte, adv. in an artful, sly manner
Socarronería, sf. cunning-; artfulness; craft
Socava, if. undermining; A\«^ing around trees
Socavar, va. 1. to undermine; excavate
Socavar la tierra, to turn up the ground (boars)
Socavón, in. cavern; cave; subterraneous passage
Socavones, sm.vlitr. pits, shafts in mines
Sociabilidad, sf. sociability; familiaritv
Sociable, adj. sociable: friendly; famiíiar
Sociablemente, adv. in a sociable manner
Social, adj. social; familiar; fit fur
Socollada, »/. jerk (violent straininii of ropes)
Socóno, III. thing sent by a strumpet to her bully
Socoro, tm. place under the choir
Socorredor, -a, smf. succourer; helper; assister
Socorrer, va. 2. to succour; pay part of a debt
Soccorrido, -a, a. succoured; supplied; furnished
Socorro, urn. succour; part of a salary in advance
Socorro, fresh supply of men, provisions (mil.)
Socorro de espáña (el), tardy arrival of succour
Socrocio, »>n. saffron-colour poultice; delight
Sódo, >/. fixed alkali; glasswort; sodium
Sodio, tin. metal obtained from soda; sodium
Sodomía, »)«. sodomy (unnatural crime)
Sodomita, sm. sodomite (guilty of sodomy)
Sodomiticoj-a, u. to, of sodomy (unnatural lust)
Soez, X'idj. mean; base; worthless; shameful;
Soezmente, adv. meanly; basely; shamefully
Sofá, /. sofa (long covered seat to recline upon)
Sofaldar, va. 1. to truss, raise, tuck up; lift up
Sofaldo, tin. trussing, tucking up (clothes, &c.)
Sofi, tm. sophi (emperor of Persia)
Sofión, sm. hoot, shout in contempt; reprimand
Sofisma, «m. sophism (fallacious argument)
Sofista, >m. sophistcr: fallacious disputant
Sofistería, sf. sophistry; fallacious reasoning
Sofisticación, sf. adulteration; sophistication
Sofisticamente, adv. sophistically; fallaciously
Sofisticar, ' ■ ■ • ■■ - ..»..,
Sofistico, _, --_,. __, .--
Sofito, »>». soffit(underside of the ,
Soflama, sf. subtle flame; glow; artful language
Soflamar, va. 1. to deceive; delude; raise a blush
Soflamero, stn. sophister; deluder; beguiler
Sofocante, sm. ribbon with a tassel; large pin
Sofocar, a. 1. to suffocate; quench (fire); molest
Sofreír, tm. to fry slightly; nalf-roiist in a pan
Sofrenada, sf. sudden check with the bridle
Sofrenada, severe reprim.ind; fit of sickness
Sofrenar, a. 1. to check, a horse; repri>ve sharply
Sofrenazo, sin. violent pull of the bridle
Sofrito, -a, '(. fried slightly; half-roasted in a pan
Soga, sf. rope; halter; measure of land
Soga de un pozo, bucket rope (for a well)
Soga (hacer, •2.). to make a rope; remain behiml
Soga! interj. expression of astonishment, &c.
Soguear, va. 1. to measure with a rope
Soguería, sf. rope-walk (place for making rope^)
Soguero, sm. rope-maker, seller; cord-maker
Soguica, -ilia, -ita, sf. dimin. small rope
Soguilio, sin. small band of braided, plaited hair
Sojuzgador, -a, smf. subducr; conqueror
Sojuzgar, "■/. 1. to subdue; conquer; overcome
Sol, sm sun; thing eminently splendid; day
Sol (riyo del), sunbeam. La luz del sol, suhlielit
Sol (quema<lúra del), «/.sunburning(or the skin}
Sol sale (se pone el sol), the sun rises, sets
Sol pica, albrása (cl), the sun scorches
Sol puesto (al), adv. at the fall of night
Sol (tomar el, 1.), to walk in the sun
Sol, X'idv. solely; merely; purely; onh-;
Solamente, i but
Solacear, va. 1. to solace: cheer; comfort
Solacio, sm. comfort; relief; consolation; jov
Solada, sf. floor; seat; site; situation [fic
Solada, sin. pavement; floor covered with flairs.
Solado, -a, a. floored; paved; soled(sboes, bouts f
Solador, m. tiler; pavier; he who paves with flag^
Coladura, sf. paving; materials for paving
Solana,/, sunny place; open gallery, for the sim
Solanár, sm. open gallery for taking the sun
Solanazo, sm. angm. violent & hot easterly wim!
Solano, iin. easterly wind; night-shade (plant)
Solapa,/, lapel (coat's double breast); pretext
Solapa, f/\ I cavity of a small wound in
Solapainiento, >in. /animals (vet.)
Solapadamente, adv. in a deceitful manner
c„i iA- , \ deceitful; cunning; craftv; slv;
Solapado, -a, a. | bidden under a false pretente
Solapadúra (obra de),»/, clincher-work (naut.)
Solapar, a.\. to button one lapel over the other
Solapar, to cloak, hide under a false pretence
Solape, -ápo, «in. lapel; cavity of a wound
Solapo (á), adv. in a hidden, furtive manner
Solar, sin. ground (on which a house is built)
Solar, adj. solar; solary; pertaining to the sun
Solar, va. 1. to floor; pave a stable; sole shoes
Solariego, -a, a. of the family's ancient mansion
Solariego, coming from an ancient noble family
Solaz, m. comfort; consolation; solace; pleasure
Solazar, va. 1. to comfort; cheer; solace; amuse
Solazarse, v. re), to be comforted, cheered
Solazo, sm. ttiigm. scorching sun
Solazoso, -a, a. comfortable; delightful; sweet
Soldada, sf. wages; sailors' pay, wages (naut.)
Soldadádo, sm. soldier, who ha's lost his pay
Soldadázo, si«. nugm. great, very tall soldier
Soldadiiro, -a, ndj. receiving wages; stipendiary
Soldadesca,/, soldiery; mifitarj' art; sham fi^ht
Soldadesca (á la), adv. in a soldierlike manner
Soldadesco, -a, a. soldierlike; martial; military
Soldadico, -ilto. -ito, sm. dimin. little soldier
Soldado, sm. soldier; military man; Christian
Soldado raso, common soldier; private (mil.)
Soldado de infantería, fuot-soldier (mil.)
Soldado de á caballo, horse-soldier; trooper (mil.)
Soldado, -a, «d;. soldered: mended; corrcctf '
Soldador, sm. solderer; soldering-iron
Soldadura, sf. soldering; solder; mending
Soldán, sm. sultan (Mohammedan prince)
Soldar, va. 1. to solder: mend; correct (error

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