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Sombría, sf. shady place; slielter; shed
Sombrilla, »/. parasol; slight shade
Sombríta, í/. </i«in. slight shade [dark
Sombrio, -a, adj. shady; gloomy; cloudy; hazy;
Sombrío, sm. dull heavy colour; shady place
Sombrío, part of painting to be shaded darker
Sombroso, -a,a. shady;gloomy; darksome; sombre
Someramente, adv. superficially: slightly
Somero, -a, adj. superficial; little impressive
Someter, va. 2. to submit; subdue; subject
Someterse, v. rej. to humble one's self: submit
Sometimiento, sm. submission; subjection
Somir, «. 3. to take, receive (the chalice at mass)
Somnambulismo, $m. walking in sleep [sleep
Somnámbulo, sm. somnambulist; walker in his
Somnífero, -a, adj. causing sleep; soporific
Somnolencia, sf. sleepiness; drowsiness
Sómo, sm. summit; top; utmost height
Somonte, m. pile, shaggy part of cloth; rudeness
Somorgujador, sm. diver; goer under water
Somorgujar, van. 1. to dive; go under water
Somorgujo, -ujón. Somormujo, in. diver(sea-bird)
Somorgujo, Somormujo (á lo), adv. under water
Somorgujo (á lo), adv. privately;
Sompesar, va. 1. to weigh by bar
Son sm. sound; report; noise; reasoi
Son (á), adv. at the sound of; to the
Son (á que) á son de que, with what
Son (en), adv. in such a manner; ap
Son (sin ton y sin), without rliyme c
Sonable, adj. high-sounding; loud; <
Sonada, sf. sonata (tune for instrumi
Sonadera, sf. blowing of the nose
Sonadero, sm. handkerchief; blowing the nose
Sonado, -a, adj. blown; wiped (nose); famous
Sonador, -a, imf. one, who makes a noise
Sonaja, sf. timbrel; tabour (musical instrument)
Sonajero, sm. small timbrel, tabour (mus. inst.)
Sonajica,-ílla,-ita,-uéla, sf. dimin. small timbrel
Sonámbulo, »n.walkerin his sleep; somnambulist
iounding; sonorous; loud sounding
■ pronounce; allude to
;;please;dislike; displease
Sonrosearse, r. to blush; redden; flush; colour
Sonroseo, stn. blushing; blush; sudden colour
Soiirugirse, r. 3. to be whispered about; divulged
" '^ ^^^ jwheedling; petty theft
smf. wheedler; nrier; petty thief
Sonsacar, va. í. to steal privately out of a bag
Sonsacar, to obtain by cunning; pump a secret
Sonsaque, sm. wheedling; petty theft
Sonsonete, sm. repeated gentle beats; sneer
Soñarlo (ni) , adv. nc
Soñarrera, sf. dreami
Soñolencia, sf. sleep
Soñolientam.'Dte, ad
Sopa (
led in liquor); soup
en victuals for the poor
•e soup, made of bre
. ^^'
y hand; p<
_! leather thong, strap; lintel
blow with the hand; sucker
. to sop; steep bread; tread
Sonda,/, sounding; sound; borer; cathi
Sonda del escandallo, sj. lead-soundini
Soudáble, adj. that may be sounded
Sondalesa, sj. lead-line; logsounding-h
Sondalésa de mano, sf. haiid-lead (nau
Sandalesa delabómba, gage-rod of the f
- • • !. 1. to sound; heave th:
lead; sift
■s only)
Sondar la bomba,
Sonecillo, sm. dim. slight souna; s.ion .
Sonetázo, sm. aiigm. very great sonnet
Sonetico, sm. dimin. merry little song
Sonetin, sm. insignificant sonnet
Soneto, sm. sonnet (short poem of 14 In
Sonido, sm. sound; noise; fame; pronun
Sonlocado, -a, adj. crack-brained; foolish; crazy
Sonora, sf. cithern (ancient stringed instrum.)
Sonoramente, «rf. with high sound; harmoniously
Sonoridad, sf. giving sound; sonorousness
Sonoro, -oróso, -a, adj. sonorous; harmori.ous
Sonreírse, v. ref. 3. to smile: look pleased
Sonrisa, sf. Sonriso, »«. smile: look of pleasure
Sonrodadúra, >f. sticking in the mud, inire
Sonrodarse, v. ref. 1. to stick in the mud (wheels)
Senroiár, -ear, a. 1. to make blush with shame
Sonrojo, sm. blushing; blush; offensive word
Sonrosar, -ear, va. 1. to dye of a rose-colour
Sopa borri
Súpa ¿uisántes, jiease-soup; pease-^ c- ,
Sopa de vino, flower of the small caltrops [door
Sopa (andar ala), to go begging from door to
S.ipaipa, si. sort of fritter steeped in honey
Sopalancar, va. 1. to put a lever under to lift, &c.
Sopalanda, sf. ragged clothes of poor students
Sopanda,.' ' ' " ' ' " ""'"'
Sopapo, St
Sopar, -eá
I Sopeña, a
Sopera, sf. soup-d
Sopetón, J'... r ... .- - ,
Sopetón de molino, toasted bread steeped ...
Sopetón (de), «d!-. unexpectedly; suddenly
" - ilia, -ita, sf. dim. light sop; sou- -"'
sm. hen-dung; carrion-vulture.
sm. one who lives upon chanty; beggar
Sopla! i7iterj. (exclamation), O strange!
Sopladéro, m. air-hole in subterraneous places
Soplado, -a, a. o\-er nice in dress; blown; robbed
Soplador, -a, smf. blower; that which excites
Soplamocos, sm. slap, box on the face, nose
Soplante, adj. blowing; exciting; inflaming
Soplar va. 1. to blow; suggest ideas; rob artfully
Soplar, accuse; denounce; huff, at draughts
Soplar, rn. to blow; be blown away by tlie w
Soplar la musa, to inspire the muse [gaged
Soplar la dama, to marry a woman supposed en
Soplarse, »'. ref. to dress in style; be overnice
Soplarse las manos, to be disappointed, mocked
Soplete, sm. blow-pipe (used m glass-houses)
Soplico, -illo, Jwi. slight puff, blast
Soplillo, sm. crape (thin stuff) ; light thin thing
Soplo, sm. blowing; gust of wind; secret advice
Soplo, instant; denunciation; blast of favour
Soplo, sudden gust of wind, soon passed away
Soplón, -a. smf. tell-tale; officious informer
Soploncillo, -a, ». & a. little tell tale; chattenng
Sopón, JWI. person living upon charity-soup
Soponcio, sm. grief (caused by disappointmei!
Sopor, sm. sleepiness; drowsiness; heaviness
Soporífero, -a, adj. causing sleep; narcotic
Soporífico, -a, a. soporific; causing sleep; opiate
Soporoso, -a, a. sleepy; causing sleep; soporous
Soportable, a. supportable; tolerable; sufferab.e
Soportadór, -a, smf. supporter; s"st!
I Soportal, sm. portico, r' '*■ *
It the entrance of a house

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