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Silvano, sm. sylvan; wood-god; satyr
Silvático, -a, iidj. reared in a forest; fbrest-born
Silvestre, ndj. rustic; wild; nucultivated; savage
Silvoso, -a, adj. woody; full of woods; sylvan
Siina,>/. deep dark cavern; abyss; i^lf; whirlwind
Simado, -a, nrij. deep (applied to land)
Simaroúba, Siiuarúba, sj. Guiana-bark
Simbólicamente, adv. in a symbolical manner
iimboio'°a"''}«- ^Jnnbolical; typical; analogou:
Simbolización, sf. representation; emblem
Simbolizái-, ra. 1. to represent; figure; resemble
Símbolo, sm. symbol; type; sign; creed; watchw.
Simbologia, xj. doctrine of symptoms (med.)
Simetría, sJ. symmetry; due proportion; harmony
Simétricamente, adti.'with due proportion
Simétrico, -a, adj. symmetrical; proportionate
Simia, J/, female ape, monkey (mimic animal)
Siini.nte, sf. seed; origin; cause; source; rise
Simienza, s/. sowing; seed-time; sown land
Simil, ■■m. resemblance; likeness; comparison
Si. nil, 'tdj. similar; like; conformable; same; su
biiiiiiLir, ridj. similar; resembling; homogéneo»)
SiMÍlitúcl,/. similitude; resemblance; likeness
Simio, sm. male monkey, ape; mimic; buffoon
Sim(3n,-a, s. & iidj. hackney-coach; of a hired coach
Simonía, sf. sale, purchase of church-property
Simon iaco, -iático, -a, adj. guilty of simony
SiuipAr, adj. matchless; without an equal
Simpatia, »/. sympathy; fellow-feeling; consent
Sii;!patia (tener 2.), to feel mutually; sympathize
Simpáticamente, adv. with sympathy
i pático, -a, adj. sympathetic; mutually felt
patizár, on. 1. to sympathize; feel mutually
plazo, -a, smf. augm. great simpleton, dunce
pie, adj. single; simple; artless; gentle; brief
pie (beneficio), s>n. church-sinecure
pie sacerdote, sm. undignified clergyman
pie, sm. simple; herb (medicinal plant)
plecillo, -ito, -a, smf. dim. little simpleton
I SiiiJiieraénte, adt<. simply; foolishly; merely
"^' ;. sJ. silliness; rusticity; simplicity
ul, sf. simplicity; silliness
t;i, sm. simplist; herbalist; simpler
ir, va. 1. to simplify; render plain
::..o, -a, adj. super!, extremely foolish
I Si:i Jill sta, s»i. simplist; herbalist; botanist
Simplón, -a, smf. augm. great simpleton, fool
Simplouázo, -a, adj. augm. extremely simple
Simulación, sf. dissembling; feigning evasion
Simulacro, sm. idol; image; vain show; ghost
Simuladamente, adv. in a dissembling manner
Simulador, -a, smf. dissembler; hypocrite
Simular, va. 1. to feign; counterfeit; dissemble
Simultad, sf. existing at the same time; union .
Simuhaneaménte, a. at the same time together
Simultaneidad, sf. acting, existing together
Simultáneo, -a, a. acting together; simultaneous
Sin, prej). without (joined to a verb negative)
Sin embárgo,co»j. notwithstanding; nevertheless
Sill uies ni cabeza, adv. without head or tail
., sf. cloth, of the natural colour of wool
.'• synagogue; Jewish assembly .temple
•. contraction of a final syllable
•.sm. mustard-poultice; sinapism (med.)
. chisel (tool to pare wood); graver
r, -a, s. graver; engraver; stone-cutter
rri. chisel; engrave; emboss; carve
• r, -a, «m/. vindicator; justifier; excuser
Mente, adv. sincerely; truly; honestly
o.u^>..uf va. 1. to exculpate; justify; excuse " |
¡9 SIN
Sincerarse, v. ref. to justify, vindicate one's self
Sinceridad, sf. sincerity; candour; honesty
Sincero, -a, adj. sincere; candid; frank; open
Sincipucio, sm. front top of the head; sinciput
Sincoudrósis,/. close connexion of two bones
Sincopa, sf. elision; syncope; division of a note
Sincopadamente, adv. in a contracted manner
Sincopado, -a, adj. contracted; cut off; abridged
Sincopál, «)n. faintingfit; swoon; syncope
Sincopál, adj. attended with fainting fits (fev.)
Sincopar, ua. 1. to cut off; retrench, abridge
Sincope, sf. fainting fit; swoon; syncope (med.)
Sincopizar, -arse, vu. & ref. 1. to faint; swoju
Sincronismo, am. concurrence of events
Sincronista, smf. contemporary
Siueróno, -a, adj. happening at the same time
Sindéresis, sf. remorse of conscienie; synteresis
Sindicado, sm. tribunal; sentence of the court
Sindicádo.m.meetingof the members of the cortes
Sindicado, -a, od/. informed against; accused
Sindicadór, -a, smf. informer; prosecutor
Sindicar, va. 1. to inform against; accuse
Sindicadúra, sf. office, dignity of a syndic
Sindico, m. syndic; recorder; collector of fines
Sindico, depositary of the alms of some convents
Sinécdoque, sf. part for the whole; whole for part
Sinédra,y. seats in a public hall, for the audience
Sinedrio, sm. great council of 70 Jewish elders
Sinéresis, sf. contraction of two vowels into one
'" ■' in. conciliation of various sects
Sínfito, sm. comfrey (medicinal plant)
Sinfonía, sf. symphony; harmony; concert
Singladura, sf. day's run (naut.)'
Singlar va. 1. to sail daily with a favourable wind
Singlón, Sm. timber placed over the keel (naut.)
Singular, adj. singular; particular; strange
Singularidad, sf. singularitv; raritv; oddness
Singularizar, va. 1. to singularize- detail; show
Singularizarse, v. ref. to be singular, remarkable
Singularmente, adr. singularly; especially
Singulto, Jin. sob; sigh; hiccough, singult
Siniestra,/, left hand. A' la siniestra, to the left
Siuiestr.iménte, adv. sinistrouslv; perversely
Siniestro, -a, udj left; sinistrous; hurtful; bad
Siniestro, sm. perverseness; depravity; evil habit
Siniguál, adj. unequalled; unparalleled
Siiijusticia, sf. injustice; wrung; iniquity
Sinnúmero, sm. innumerabiiity; endless number
Sino, conj. if not; but; except; besides; only
Sino, (followed by an interrogation) otherwise
Siuo, sm. destiny; fate; sign; mark; emblem
Siiióca, sf. inflammatory fever; syiio. ha (med.)
Sinocal, adj. continual; incessant (fever)
Sinodal, adj. synodal; svnodic; to, of a svnod
Sinodal, sm. examiner of curates & confessors
Sinodático, sm. synodals, rents paid to a bishop
Sinódico, -a, adj. of a synod; syuodical; synodic
Sínodo, sm. synod; assembly of bishops, &c.
Sínodo, conjunction of the heavenly bodies
Sínodo, stipend allowed to missionaries in Amer.
Sinón conj. except; save only; else; if not
Sinonimia^, samemeauing uttered in other words
sinónomo I ""' "''•'■ °^ *'^^ ^*™^ signification
Sinónimo, word of the same meaning; synonyme
Sinóple, adj. sinople (heraldry) ; sinoper; ruddle
Sinopsis, sJ. general view; summary; epitome
Sinóptico, -a adj. summary; brief; compendious
Sinovia, sf. glutinous matter between the joints
Sinrazón, sJ. injustice; wrong; iniquity
Sinsabor, sin. displeasure; disgust; uneasiness
Sintaxis,»/, construction of words; syntax
Síntesis, sJ. art of composition; synthesis

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