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H Imlf )
S»xo, »»>. sex (distinctive property of nature)
SfXta, sf. sixth; sequence of six cards at piquet
Sextante, m.coin, of 2 ounces; sextant (ast. nis.
Sextário, m. sextarv(meHSUre of a pint m
Sextil, tm. August; adj. including bO degi
Sextilla, -ima, »f. Spanish poetry of six fe
Sexto -a adj. sixth (ordinal number of six)
Sexto, tin. book containing canonical decrees
Séxtula, »/. coin, worth one real & 5 maravedís
Sexual, adj. sexual; distinguishing the sex
Sever vii. to be; exist; become; belong; serve
Sezeuos, -as, adj. seventeenth (ordinal of 17)
Si, adv. yes; yea; truly; indeed; so; thus
Si (de) adv. apart. Oe por si, spontaneously
Si conj. if: althouirli: unless; in case that; when
Si'bi^n, although; notwithstanding; however
Si acaso, por si acaso, vimj. if by chance
S! prun. ml. »ing. & plur. him, her, it, them
Si sm. assent; consent; note (in the gamut)
Siámpán, sm. dye-stuff (produced iu Siampan)
Sibarítico, -a, adj. sybaritical; luxurious
Sibil, m. small cellar under ground, for wine, «cc.
Sibila,/, sibyl; tall, portly, good-looking woman
Sibila doctora, old maid affecting much learning
Sibilante, adj. hissing; whizzing; sibilant
Sibilino, -a, adj. of a sibyl; prophetic; sibyline
Sicamor, sm. European Judajs-tree
Siclo, sm. shekel vJewish com value 2s. 6d.)
Sicofanta, s>n. sycophant; parasite; flatterer
Siculo-ia, sf. treatise on the soul; psychology
Sicómoro, m. sycamore; mulberry-leaved hg-tree
Sideritis,/. siderite; loadstone; ironwort (pla.)
Sidéreo, -a, a. starry; of the 6xed stars; sidereiU
Siilra, si. cider (liquor made of apple-juice)
^ ., //. reaping-time; harvest; fruit-gathering
..r,i, sf. seed-time; sowing-season; corn-field
ic «¿I', always; continually; forever
, :t.'\;nnAR for'ever and ever; eternally
e-!eek (plant)
)f the side of the head
niple, upper par
Sierpe, m. serpent; Satan; peevish fretlul person
Sierpecilla, sj. dimiu. small serpent, snake
SierpeciUas, sf. plur. winding sky-rockets
Sierra, sf. saw; ridge of mountains; saw-fish
Sierra, waves rising mountain-high in a storm
Sierra bracera, kind of bow, frame-saw
Sierra de mano, panel-saw; hand-saw
Sierrecilla, sf. dimin. small hand-saw
■ Siervo, -a, adj. serf; servant; servant by courtesy
Sieso, sm. fundament; back part of the body
Siesta,/, hottest part of the day; nap alter duin.
Siesta, afternoon music (in churches)
Siete, sm. Sc adj. seven; seventh; card with 7 fig.
Siete en siete (de), adv. by seven and seven
Sieteañál, adj. septennial; lasting seven years
Sietedurmientes, sm. plur. seven sleepers
Siete en rama, sf. septfoil; tormentil (plaiitl
Sietelevár, sm. winning the stake 7 times by 3d
Sietemesino, -a, adj. born at seven months l.cha.
Sieteñal, adj. seven years old; septennial
Sifón, ¡m. syphon; crooked pipe; water-spout; tap
Sigilación, sJ. impression; mark; sign of shame
Sigilado, -a, adj. branded; marked with a crime
Sigilado, -a, kept secret; sealed; confirmed
Sigilar, va. 1. to seal; confirm; keep secret; close
Sigilo, »m. seal; stamp, mark; secret; secrecy
Sigilo sacramental, inviolable secrecy, of pnest
Sigilosamente, adv. .n secret; silently
Sigiloso, -a, adj. kept secret; reserved; silent
Siglo, sm. century; liKI years; age; days; time
Siglo (buen), eternal bliss, felicity; eternal life
Siglo de cobre, brazen age. Ue hierro, iron aye
Siglo de oro, golden age. De plati
Signáculo,— -»'i- •^•"'
Signar, va. 1. to sign; mark with a signet
Sigilarse, v. ref. to make the sign of the cross
Signatura, »/. sign; mark; signature, in printing
Signífero, -a, adj. bearing, carrying a mark, sign
Signífero, sm. standard-bearer; ensign-bearer
Significación, sf. signification; meaning
Significado, if», object signified by words
Significadór, -a, snij'. one who signifies
Significante, adj. significant; expressive
Significantemente, adv in a significative manner
Significar, a. 1. to signify; declare; mean; import
Significativamente, adv. siguificatively
Significativo, -a, adj. significative; expressive
Signo, m. sign; token; symbol; sign of the cross
Signo, fate; notarial signet; sign of the zodiac
Siguidór, -a smf. follower; leaf of ruled paper
Siguiente, adj. following; successive; sequent
Sil, «m. kind of red ochre (used by painters)
Silaba, «/. svUable; art of writing verses
Silabar, va. 1. to syllable; utter, form syllables
Silabario, sm. book explaining syllables
Silbeo, sm. forming syllables; syllabication
Silábico, -a, adj. syllabic; to, of syllables
Silbador, -a, smf. whistler; exploder; hisser
Silbar, n. l.towhistle;whiz; makeahissmg noise
Silbar, va. to hiss; express disapprobation; dawu
Silbatico, -illo, -ito, sm. dimhi. small wiiislle
Silbato, sm. whistle; small chink; whizziug
Silbato de cazador, sm. bird-call; decoy-bird
Silbido, sm. whistle; whistling; hiss; sibilatiou
Silbido de oídos, whizzing, humming in the ear
Silbo, sm. whistle; whistling; hiss; hiss;ng
Silboso, -a, adj. whistling; hissing; sibilant
Silenciario, sm. silentiary; silent place
Silenciario, ero, -a, adj. observing a deep silence
Silencio, sm. silence; secrecy; reservedness
Silencio, interj. silence', hush! peace there.
Silenciosamente, adv. silently; gently; softly
Silencioso, -a, adj. silent; mute; still; taciturn
Sileno, sm. Silenus (foster-father of Bacchus)
Slier montano, sm. mountaiu-laserwort iplant)
Sileria,/. place having granaries under ground
Silero, 7n. under-ground granary to keep wlieat in
Silfio, Silfida, sm. sylph; sylphid(fairy nymph)
Silguero, iwi. linnet (small singing-bird)
Silioo, sm. broad-leaved thistle (plant)
Silicio, sm. hair-cloth (worn in mortification)
Siiigo, sm. fennel-flower; obstinate denial
Siliqua, Silicua, sf. carat, 6 to a scruple; pod
Siliquóso, Silicuoso, -a, adj. having a pod. husk
Silla, sf. chair; see (of a bishop) ; saddle; seat
Silla de manos, sedan-chair. De posta, post-cha.
billa poltrona, ariu-chair. Volante, kind of gig
Silla á silla (de) . adv. face to face
Sillas (hombre de ambas), sm. clever fel ow
Sillar, sm. square hewn stone; back of a horse
Sillarejo, sm. small hewn stone
Sillera,/, place where sedan-chairs are shut up
Sillería,/, seat; shop where chairs are made
Sillería, stalls, in a choir; building of stone
Sillero, sm. saddler; chair-maker, seller
Silleta, sf. hollow stone to grind chocolate on
Silleta, small chair; side-saddle; close-stool
Silletero, sm. chairman; chair-maker, seller
Sillico, stn. basin of a night-table
SiUita, sf. dimin. small cliair, seat ,, , , ,
Sillón, sm. large arm-chair; side-saddlc (for lad.)
Silo, S -'■■— - -"■— "• .-""^r..- <•»
1. seal; stamp;
Siloi constant drinker of water; water-drinker
Silogismo, »H. syllogism (argument of 3 proposit.'»
Silogístico, -a, «. syllogistical: of a syllogism I
Silogizar vn. 1. to syllogize; to argue; reason
Silúío, sm. shad-fish (fish much like a sturgeon)
Silva,/, forest; wood; Spanish poetry; miscellany

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