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Sintético -a. adj. coraponnding; conjoinins
I ° toa?»-" symptom" indication; sie..; token
Sin óm»íicam¿te'; udv. symptomatica ly
Sintomático -a « of a concurrent circumstance
Sintomatologia.'»/ doctrine of symptoms
Sintonía, sj. conciseness; brevit); ^¿"\°^7
Sinuosidad, »/. sinuosity; turnings & """1'"^
«iiinóso -a. adj. sinuous; crooked; tortuous
Siñár va í to sign; subscribe; ratify by hand
Sine, «m.'sign; mark; signature; emblem; type
SÍO, Sion, sm. water-parsley (Slum, plant)
Sipedon. Sipidou, »»«. kind of serpent
Sipia, >/ refuse of olives given to swine)
irre!'y;rsiie"(tme giveT?o tL French king)
Sirena sf. siren; sea-nymph; alluring woman
Sirga, V. tow-rope; tow-line; line to drag nets
sliga (a la), sailing with a dragging-Une (naut.)
Sirgadúra, St. towing along on a canal, nver, an .
Sirflr, va. 1. to tow, hawl along with arope, line
Sirgo, «n. twisted silk; stufifmade of silk
o:-L.x._ .... i;,.nof ismall sininnir-bird.
Sirle, :
SIIK; SIUU maui. Y. \,
;t (small singing-bird.
Sirte;v^ syrt..; . ^^C^S^
Sirvienta, »y- "¿' ;^^, ,„,,„.servant; "serving
lislTi/^ieUy tbef¿; clippings, cabbaged; size
Sisa assize; excise (laid on eatables, liquors)
Sisadór, -a, ». petty thief; filcher; extorter; siz(
-• -•• ' 1; glasswort (pUnt)
villi spignel (p!.)
Sisállo, aril, artii."".'.. &-•-
Sisar, vu. 1. to filch; pilfer; ci
Sisea, sf. cylindrical sugar-cai
Siselis, sm. meadow-saxifrage
Sisero sm excise-collector; exciscumu
Sisimbrio, sm. water-radish; radish; water-cress
Siso ».». brain; understanding; judgment; sense
SisoL, sm. petty thief; filcher; moorcock (fowl)
|iste°nia, sm. svstem;methodi h>-pothes.s; scheme
Siste.u.iticaménte, adv. in a methodical manner
Sistemático, -a, ndj. systematical; method cal
Sistilo,»;». svstyle (order of placing pillars)
Sístole, sJ. contrauiion of the heart; systole
Sístole, shortening; of a long syllable (g.
Sobados, m. loaves of bread, made in LaManeha
Sobadúri,./. kneading; rubbing; scouring
Sobajadura, »/. scrubbing; rubbing; scouring
lobaj^iénto.»m. friction; scru bing; rubbing
Sobajanero, s,n. errand-boy; message-boy
Sobajar, va. 1. to scrub; rub hard; scour
Sobanda, sf. bottom of a cask, barrel
Sobaquera, i/. opening under the armpit, n clo.
Sobaquido sm. thief with a theft, under his arm
Sobaauina, sf. smell of the armpit
Soba?, « 1 to handle; lubhard; rumple; pommel
Sobáíba,í/. noseband. Sobarbas,/. y/«r. levers
Sobarbada sf. check with the reins; reprimand
Sobarcar i carry, a heavy thing, under the arm
iob^ícáí: to draw'the clo/hes up to the armpits
Sobeo, sm. leather-draughts, traces
Soberanamente, «d,-. sovereignly; supremely
Seberáno, sm. sovereign; king; supre'"" '"ra
Sobérbio,-a,«. proud; haughtv; loftyi 6=0 (''°J^j^>
ÍMnTsf. wo¿den pin, P.«g I'o stop a hole)
Sobo, -«.making soft & limber bvrequentvtork.
Sobón, Sobonázo, sm. sly. la'T.f^l'o^ , ,^^„j'"^
Sobordación, ./-.bribe;; inducement
omida,/. pi. offals; broken victuals
■•}adv. abundantly; with excess
1 to rMse edifices, with granaries
■ •■ small granary; small part
Sitárzia, */. kind of knapsack (loi
Sitiada, /. meeting for the manag
u:.:ó,l/^ 1 .!> ,1 üitnate: situal
sÍ'tÍádo','''li"¡, «."situate; situated; placed; be-
Situádo, /sieged . »,„ . .,n„i
Sitial, sm. seat of honour for princes, &c.; stool
Sitiar, va. 1. to besiege; hem in; deprive of means
Sitiar por hambre, to compel by necessity
S t búndo, -a, adj. thirsty; dry; eagerly desirous
Sitio?"»», place; Situation; country-seat; siege
Sito -a, adj. situate; placed; situated; assignee
Situación, sf. situation; state; assignat'on
Situado, «I. allowance; pay ("PO" ""ai" ffoods)
Situar, va. 1. to situate; assign a fund, for a re,,
Situarse, v. ref. to establish, station one s sen
Sizigia, sf. syzVgy. conjunction of two planets
So prfV under! beneath; below
So' color! adv. under colour; on pretence
So uno (de), adv. conjointly; at one time .
c ^r/nnMhis her its. So, /-ron.poM. theirs
ioatár-ri .obklfr"¿ast;parb
Soba, if. making soft & !V»''"^;""¿P'y¿^'„, Jeif
Sobra" (de), (
Sobras de la
Sobradar, vi
Sobrado, -a, ad¡. bold; '"=«°tious. weaiiny, c
Sobrája, sf. Sobramiento. m. overplus, e^l.ess
souroj , j ^ ^^ leisure; disengaged
m supernumerary ploughman
Sribrañadir »'«. 3. to superadd; add oyer & above
Sobrasar, to put lire under » P°'' '° "^t- ^non
lóbre' Thnl'morrtoftowards; before;' off
S'co^da, after'din'ner. El cabo, off the Cape
lóbre manera excessivelv; irregularly
Sobre si, selfishly; carefully; separately
Sobre alguno (ir), to go in pursuit of. a person
IS^ie üriJíáza Ustá?, 1.). to besiege a place
Sobre, sm. direction and cover of a letter
Sobreagudo, if«. highest treble \yo. musicj
Sobrealiente, sm. difficult respiration

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