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Reposar, «n. 1. to repose: rest: repose in the grave
Reposarse, v. ref. to settle, subside (liquors, &c.)
Reposición, »/. restoring a law-suit; reposition
Repositorio, sm. repository; store house
Reposo, sm. repose; rest; tranquillity; quiet
Reposte, sm. pantrv; provisions; butlership
Repostería, */. office of king's butler (in Spain)
Repostero, j>/i. king's butler; keeper of the plate
Repostero, covering set off with a cuat of arms
Repostero de camas, queen's chamberlain
Repostero de estrados, keeper of the drawing-ro.
Repregunta, /.second question on the same subj.
Repreguntar, I'a. 1. to question repeatedly
Reprenda, sf. pledge taken a second time
Reprender, va. 2. to reprove; reprimand; correct
Reprendiente, 'idj. reproving; reprimanding
Reprensible, ndj. reprehensible: censurable
Reprensión, sf. reproof; reprimand; blame
Represa, sf. mill-dam; restriction; resentment
Represa, reprise (ship retaken after capture)
Represalia, Represaría, sf. reprisal; reprise
Represar, v/i. 1. to recapture from the enemy
Represar, to stop; detain; repress one's passions
Representáble, adj. that may he represented
Representación, sf. representation; image; idea
Representación, power; remonstrance; acting
Representación, right of succession to an estate
Representador, -a, sinf. representative; player
Representante, stnf. player; representant
Representante, adj. representing; acting
Representar, va. 1. to represent; describe
Representar, to act as, agent &e. ; play on the stage
Representarse, v. r. to offer; occur; present itself
Representativamente, adv. by delegacy, agency
Representativo, -a, adj. representative; as agent
Represión, repression; repressing; crushing
Reprimenda, af. reprimand; reproof; censure
Reprimir, va. 3. to repress; control; curb; forbear
Reprobable, adj. reprovable; censurable
Reprobación, sf. reproof; reprobation
Reprobadór, -a, smf. reprover; reprobater
Reprobar, va. 1. to reject; condemn; exclude
Reprobatorio, -a, adj. reprobatory; reproaching
Reprobo, -a, adj. lost to virtue; abandoned
Reprobo, -a, smf. wretch abandoned to wickedo.
Reprochar,». 1. to reproach; challenge, witnesses
Reproche, sm. reproach; reproof; censure; blame
Reproducción, sf. reproduction; reproducing
Reproducir, va. 3. to produce; produce again
Reproductible, adj. that can be produced again
Repromisión, sf. repeated promise
Repropio, adj. restiff; unwilling to stir (horse)
Reprueba, sf. new proof added to a preceding one
Reptar, va. 1. to impeach; challenge; reprimand
Reptil, sm. reptile; creeper; crawler (animal)
Reptil, adj. reptile; crawling; creeping; mean
República, sf. republic; public welfare
República literaria, sf. republic of letters
Republicanismo, sm. attachment to a republic
Republicano, -a, s. & ud/. republican; democratic
Repúblico, jm. patriot; politician; statesman
Repudiable, adj. repudiable fit to be rejected
Repudiación, sf. divorce; rejection; repudiation
Rc^iciiiir, rrt, 1. to divorce; repudiate; renounce
Repudio, sm. divorce; repudiation; rejection
Repudrirse, r. 3. to decay, become rotten inward
Repuesta, sf money staked (in the game of ombre)
Repuesto, »m. store laid up by; depositoiy; stake
Repuesto (de), adj. by way of precaution
Repuesto, -a, adj. replaced; replied; opposed anew
Repugnancia, sf. reluctance; opposition
Repugnancia, (con), adv. in a reluctant manner
Repugnante, tidj. repugnant; contrary; opposite
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RepuCTár, va. 1. to oppose; withstand; implicate
Repulgado, -a, adj. affected; conceited; hemmed
Repulgar, va. 1. to hem; doable with a seam
Repulgo, tn. hem; border of cloth;ornamentofapie
Repulido, -a, adj. neat; spruce; polished again
Repulir, va. 3. to polish again; give a new gloss
Repullo, sm. jerk; leap; small arrow; sign of pain
Repulsa, sf. repulse; refusal; countercheck
Repulsar, a. 1. to refuse; reject; decline; repulse
Repulsión, sf. repulse; refusal; repulsion
Repulsivo, -a, adj. driving off; repulsive
Repulso, -a, adj. repelled; rejected; refuted
Repululár, va. 1. to bud again; repuUulate
Repunta,/, headland; point; sign of displeasure
Repunta, very short thing; very small portion
Repuntar, vn. 1. to begin to ebb (naut.)
Repuntarse, r. to be pricked (wine); be soured
Repúrga, sf. second purging draught
Repurgár,«. l.toclean again; give a second purge
Reputación sf. reputation; fame; character
Reputante, sin. appraiser; one who estimates
Reputar, va. 1. to repute; estimate; appreciate
Requebrado, -a, a. enamoured: inflamed with love
Requebrado, -a, J. lover; wooer; loving expression
Requebradór, «m. wooer (one who courts a worn.)
Requebrar, va. 1. to woo; make love to a woman
Requemado, -a adj. brown-coloured; sun-burnt
Requemado, -a, burnt a second time; extracted
Requemado, sm. thin silk (used for veils)
Requemamiento, sm. pungency (of any food) .
Requemar, va. 1. to burn again; roast to excess
Requemar, to extract the juice of plants
Requem;irse, v. ref. to be deeply in love
Requemazón, sm. pungency (of any food)
Requerer, va. 2. to desire anxiously; wish again
Requeridór, sm. requester; adviser; requirer
Requerimiento, w. request; intimation; summons
Requerir, vii. 3. to intimate; investigate; request
Requerir, to require; need; induce; make love
Requerir, to research with care; be on one's guard
Requesón, m. second curds made after the cheese
Requesonárse,r. 1. to turn to curds again(whey)
Reqiiesta, sf. request; intimation; challenge
Reqüéstar, va. 1. to entreat; endear; engage
Requibe, sm. singeing-iron (to burn slightly)
Requiebro, >i«. tender expressions of love
Requintadór, -a, s. outbidder(in letting lands)
Requintar, a. 1. to outbid a fifth; superadd
Requintar, to raise, or, lower the tone (mus.)
Requinto, sm. fifth part of the fifth penny
Requinto, sm. advance of a fifth part, in rent
Requinto, extraordinary tax on the Peruvians
Requirir, va. 3. to intirñate; investigate; require
Requirir, to request; need; induce; make love
Requisa, sf. night & morning visit of a gaoler
Requisito, vi. requisite; necessary circumstance
Requisito, -a, adj. required; necessary; needful
Requisitoria, sf. petition; request; suit (law)
Requisitorio, -a, a. requiring compliance to orders
Res, sf. head of cattle
Resaber, va. 2. to know very well
Resaber, vn. to affect too m'uch the learned man
Resabiar, va. 1. to make one become vicious
Resabiarse, v. r. to become vicious; be discontent
Resabido, -a, «. very learned; affecting learning
Resabio, sm. unpleasant taste left onthe palate
Resabio, vicious habit; bad custom
Resabio, -a, a. very learned; affecting knowledge
Resaca, sf. surge; surf; swelling sea (naut.)
Resalado, -a adj. very charming, graceful (worn.)
Resalir, vn. 3. to project; jut out; shoot forward
Resaltar, vn. 1. to rebound; crack: jut out
Resalte, jr«. prominence; striking point
Resalto, sm. rebound; result; shooting boars

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