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RES 'ó
ResHiudár, va. 1. to return a salute; salute again
Resalutación, sf. return of a salute; resaluting
Resanaría, /. bleeding again; blood-lettinganew
Resarcir// coinpensate;make amends; repair
Resarcirse de lo perdido, r. tomakeupone'sioss
Resbaladero, m. slippery place; dangerous thinfr
Resbaladero, -a, adj. slippery; glib; dangerous
Resbaladizo, -a, «. slippery; exposed to tempta.
Resbaladiza (memoria), .»/. treacherous memory
Reslialadór, -a, imf. slider; backslider
Rt^sbaladúra, sf. slippery track; backsliding
Resbalante, s. & a. slider; backslider; slipping
Resbalir, vn. re/. 1. to slip; slide; fail to perform
Resbalón, im. slip; slipping; sliding; fault; error
Resbalón \de), adv. by mistake; unsteadily
Resbaloso, -a, n. slippery; exposed to temptation
Rescaldar, vu. 1. to heal; scorch; burn
Rescatadór, -a, stnf. redeemer; ransomer
Rescatar, va. 1. to redeem: ransom; exchange
Rescate, «.redemption; ransom-money; exchange
Rescaza, >/. scorpoena (kind offish)
Rescibir, va. 3. to accept; receive; imbibe; suffer
Rescindente, ndj. rescinding; rescissory
Resc.ndir, vn. 3. to rescind; cut off; abrogate
Rescisión, j/. rescission; cutting off; abrogation
Rescisório, -a, adj. rescissory; rescinding
Rescoldo, m. embers; hot cinders; scruple; doubt
Rescontrar, a. 1. to counterbalance; compensate
Rescribir, va. 3. to write in answer; rescribe
Rescripto, »m. rescript; mandate; edict; order
Rescriptório, -a, adj. to, of a rescript, mandate
Rescu<^ntro, sin. balance, of accounts
Resecación, »/. exsiccation; drying up (chym.)
Resecar, va. 1. to dry again; exsiccate; dry up
Reseco, -a, adj. too dry; very lean, thin
Reseco, sm. drying up; dry part of a honey comb
Resegar, va. 1. to reap again; cut, mow a second
Resellante-, adj. coining, stamping again [time
Resellar, va. 1. to coin over again; recoin
Resello, sm. coining anew; recoinage
Resemblár, va. 1. to resemble; be like; compare
Resembrar, va. 1. to sow again: resow
Resentido, -a, ndj. resentful; malignant; angry
Resentido, -a, resented; begun to give way
Resentimiento, sm. flaw; crack; resenlment
Resentirse, r. 3. to begin to give way; fail; resent
Reseña, sj. review(of soldiers); muster; signal
Reseñas, sf. plur. tokens; signs; marks [things
Reseñar, a. I. to notice the marks identifying
Resequido, -a, adj. too dry; very lean, thin
Reserva, sf. reserve; secret; exception; modesty
Reserva, rescrvedness; closeness; eucharist
Reserva (andar con), to proceed cautiously
•vmg; 1
Reservadamente, adv. reser^-edly; secretly
Reservado, -a, udj. reserved; cautious; exempted
Reservado (caso), sm. great crime
Reservado, sm. eucharist (kept in the ciborium)
Reservar, a. 1. to reserve; defer; exempt; lay aside
Reservar, to restrain; limit; conceal; shut up
Reservarse, r. to preserve one's self; be cautious
Reservatório, »>«. reservoir; green -house
Resfriado, sm. cold (disease caused by cold)
Resfriado, obstruction of the perspiration (med.)
Resfriado, -a, adj. cool; cooled; made cold
Resfriadór, sm. refrigerant; refrigerator
Resfriadura, */. cold (in horses, disease)
Resfriamiento, sm. cooling; refrigeration
Resfriante, adj. cooling; mitigating heat [dour
Resfriar, a. 1. to cool; make cold; moderate ar-
Resfriár, vn. to begin to be cold, chilly
Resfriarse, >'. 1 ' " ' ■'''
Rcsfriecér, i¡
. Resfrio, sm. cold; obstruction of perspiration
I Resguardar, va. 1. to preserve; protect; harbour
Resguardarse, v. ref. to be guarded against
Resguardo, sm. guard; defence; shelter; security
Resguardo, body of custom-house officers
Res^árdo, watchfulness; preventive service
Residencia, sf. residence; account demanded
Residencia, clergyman's time to reside at cure
Residencia, place of a resident at foreign courts
Residencial, adj. residentiary; resident
Residenciar, va. 1. to call a pub. officer to ace.
Residenciado, -a, adj. residentiary; resident
Residente, adj. residing in a place; resident
Residente, sm. public minister at foreign courts
Residentemente, adv. assiduously; constantly
Residir, vh. 3. to reside: dwell; be at one's riisp.
Residuo, m. residue; remainder; residuum(chy.)
Residuo de una mesa, offals; leavings; fragments
Resiembro, «in. seed thrown on ground
Resigna, sf. resignation of a benefice, living
Resignación, sf. resignation; resigning
Resiguadaménte, adv. with resignation
Resignante, s. Si adj. resigner; resigning
Resignar, va. 1. to resign; give up; abrogate
Resignarse, ref. to submit to the will of; resign
Resignatorio, sm. resignee(to whom is resigned)
Resina, sf. resin(viscous substance from trees)
Resinoso, -a, adj. resinous; consisting of resin
Resisa, /. 8th part taken as duty on wine, vin., &c.
Resisár, r. 1. to diminish, things, already taxed
Resistencia, sf. resistance; opposition; defence
ResistPiite, ndj. resisting; opposing; repelling
Resistero, m. hottest pari of the day, from 12 to 2
Resisti^ro, heat from the reflected rays of the sun
Resistible, adj. resistible: that may be resisted
Resistidero, sm. hottest part of the day
Resistidór, -a, smf. resister; opposer; oppugner
Resistir, van. 3. to resist; oppose: repel: reject
Resma, sf. ream (20 quires of paper) ; isinglass
Resobrar, vn. 1. to be much over and above
Resobrino, -a, mf. son, daugter of nephew, niece
Resol, sm. reverberation of the rays of the sun
Resolana, sf. 1 place covered from the wind to
Resolano, sm. /take the sun
Resolár, va. 1. to repave; new sole (shoes, .^c.)
Resolladéro, sm. vent; air-hole; breathing-hole
Resollar, vn. 1. to respire; take breath; rest; talk
Resollar (no), not to utter a single word
Resoluble, a. resolvable; resoluble; solvable
Resolución, sf. resolution; determination
Resolución, easiness of address; activity; mind
Resolución (en), adv. in short; in a word
Resolutamente, adv. resolutely; determinately
Resolutivamente, adv. in a resolutive manner
Resolutivo, -a, adj. dissolving; analytical
Resolutivo, »m. resolutive remedy (med.1
Resoluto, -a, adj. resolute; bold;l>rief:de.xteroui
Resoluto, -a, resolved; decided; dissolved
Resolutoriamente, adv. resolutely; promptly
Resolutorio, -a, a. resolute; swift; prompt; quick
Resolvente, adj. resolving; resolvent; melting
Resolver, va. 2. to resolve; decide; sum up; solve
Resolver, to unriddle; dissolve; analyze
Resolverse, v. r. to determine; be comprised
Reson, sm. kind of small anchorfor boatsfnaut.)
Resonación, sf. resounding; resonance
Resonancia, sf. resound: harmony; consonance
Resonante, adj. resonant; resounding; echoing
Hesonar, v». 1. to resound; be echoed back; chink -
Resoplar, vn. 1. to breathe audibly & with force
Resoplar, to snort; bluster, storm with passion
Resoplido, Resoplo, sm. audible breathing
Resorber, va. 2. to re-absorb; sip again
Resorte, sm. spring (elastic body); cause; meani <

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