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Reoctava, »/. half-pint-exci»e for retail of wine
Reoctavár, a. 1. to excise the eighth of an eighth
Reojár, va. 1. to bleech, whiten wax
Reojo (mirar de, 1.), to look obliquely, ang^rily
Reopóntico, sm. coi.iinon rhubarb (m'ed. root)
Repacer, a. 2. to cat the whole grass of a pasture
Repadecer, van. 2. to suffer extremely
Repagar, va. \. to pay again; repay; requite
Repajo, sm. enclosure (for pasturing cuttle)
Repantigarse, v. r. 1. to lean back at full length
Repapilarse, v. ref. 1. to eat, gorge to excess
Reparable, a. reparable; remediable; mendable
Reparación, »/. reparation; compensation
Reparada, if. sudden bound (of a horse)
Reparador, -a, im/. repairer; mender; observer
Reparamiento, tm. repair; reparation; recovery
Reparar, a. 1. to repair: restore; compensate
Reparar, to observe carefully; consider: guard
Reparar, vn. to regain strength; stop; halt
Reparar en pelillos, to notice trifles, minutiae
Reparar el timón, to right the helm (naut.)
Repararse, v. ref. to abstain; refrain; forbear
Reparativo, -a, adj. reparative, amending
Reparo, sm. repair; recovery; notice; difficulty
Reparo, careful inspection, consideration
Reparo, strengthening plaster on the stomach
Reparón, sm. great doubt; difficulty; objection
Reparón, -a, adj. too cautious; too circumspect
Repartible, a. divisible; distributable; partible
Repartición, sf. repartition; distribution
Repartidamente, adv. in various partitions
Repartid'-ro, -a, adj. distributing; dividing
Repartidor, -a, s. distributor; assessor of taxes
Repartimiento, m. partition: assessment of taxes
Repartimiento, stated amount upon a dividend
Repartir, va. 3. to divide; grant favours; assess
Repasadera, sf. plane (carpenter's tool)
Repasadora, sf. wool-carder (woman)
Repasar, va. 1. to repass; revise; explain again
Repasar, to air linen at the fire; clean dyed wool
Repasar, to repeat; sow again; remix mercury
Repasata, sf. reprimand; chiding; censure
Repasión, /. re-action of the agent on the patient
Repaso, sm. revising; re-examining; reprimand
Repaso, effect of remixing mercury with metal
Repastar, va. 1. to feed; give food a second time
Repasto, sm. increase of food; additional meal
Repatriar, vu. 1. to return to one's country
Repechar, van. 1. to ascend a declivity, slope
Repecho, sm. declivity; slope; descent
Repedir, va. 3. to ask, supplicate again; repeat
Repelado, sm. salad (made of raw herbs) [hor.)
Repelado, -a, «.pulled out (liair); put to his speed
Repeler, va. 2. to repel; refute; reject
Repeliente, adj. refuting; rejecting; repellent
Repellár.rt. l.torunatrowel over plaster on a wall
Repi'lo, sm. small part raising against the grain
Repelo, slight dispute; repugnance; aversion
Repelón, sm. pulling out the hair; small torn bit
Repelón, short gallop; slight fall; loose thread
Repelón (de), adv. by the way; in haste
Repelóne5(á), ad. by degrees; by little and little
Repeloso, -a, adj. of a bad grain; touchy; peevish
Repeloso, -a, possessed of a lively sense of honour
Repensar, va. 1. to think deeply; consider
Repente, sm. sudden motion; unexpected event
Repente (de), adv. on a sudden; suddenly
Repentinamente, adv. suddenly; unexpectedly
Repentino, -a, adj. sudden; unexpected; abrupt
Repentirse, ». rej. 2. to repent; feel deep sorrow
Repentista, sm. composer of impromptus [ment
Repentón, sm. unexpected event; sudden move-
Repcór, adj. much worse
Repercudida, »/. repercussion; rebound
t6 REP
Repercudir,! wiJ. 3. to repercuss; drive back; re
Repercutir, / bound
Repercusión, sf. repercussion; driving back
Repercusivo, -a, adj. repercussive; rebounding
Repercutir, van. to repel; retrograde; beat back
Repertorio, m. book of records; repertory; index
Repesar, va. 1. to weigh again: new-«eigh
Repeso, sm. weighing a second time; wei^h-office
Repeso, charge of weighing again; reweighine
Repeso (de) , adv. with the whole force oí autho-
Repetencia, sf. repeating; recital [rity
Repetición,/, repetition; repeater(clock, watch)
Repetición, collegial discourse; thesis; repeat
Repetidamente, adv. over and over; repeatedly
Repetidor, -a, smf. repeater; teacher; explainer
Repetir, va. 3. to demand urgently; repeat
Repetir, vn. to deliver a discourse (for degrees)
Repetir,to have the tas'e in one's mouth(üf food)
Repetirse, v. ref. to repeat one's self (artist)
Repetitivo, -a, adj. containing a repetition
Repicado, -a, adj. chopped; starched; stiff
Repicapunto (de), ad. delicately; excellently
Repicar, va. 1. to chop; chime; reprick
Repicarse, r. to pique one's self on; boast; glory
Repilogár, a. 1. t» recapitulate; sum up a discou.
Repindurse, i;. r'/. 1. to soar; elevate; tower; rise
Repintar, «'. ref. 1. to repaint; paint over again
Repintarse, ^. »<•/. to paint one's self
Repintarse, to make a false impression (print.)
Repique, sm. chopping; chime, dispute; scuffle
Repique, counting 90 before the other counts 1
Repiquete, í»i. merry peal; opportunitv; chance
Repiquetear, a. 1. to ring a merry peal on festiv.
Repiquetearse, v. ref. to wrangle; quarrel
Repisa, sf. pedestal, for a bust, vase, &c.
Repiso, sm. weak, flat, mawkish wine
Repitiente, adj. repeating; defending a thesis
Repizcar, a. 1. to pinch; nip; pilfer; take only a bit
Repizco, sm. pinch; nip; small bit; remorse
Replantar, va. 1. to plant anew; replant (ground)
Replantear, a. 1. to mark anew the plot of a build.
Replanteo, sm. 2nd plan of the ground of a build.
Repleción, sf. repletion; overfulness of humours
Replegar, a. 1. to redouble; fold again; fall back
Repleto, -a, adj. replete; full; completely filled
Replica, sf. reply; answer; repartee; objection
Replicación, sm. repetition; replication; reply
Replicador, -a, smf. answerer; replier; disputant
Replicante, s. & adj. replier; disputant; replying
Replicar, n. 1. to reply; argue against; contniUict
Replicar, va. to respond: repeat (la«)
Replicón, -a, smf. replier; frequent disputer
Repoblación, sf. repeopling; peopling anew
Repoblar,». 1. to repeople; stock with new people
Repoda, sf. pruning, of trees a second lime
Repodar, va. 1. to prune trees a second time
Repodrir, va. 3. rot excessively; make putrid
Repodrirse, v. ref. to become rotten; pine away
Repollar, n. 1. to form round heads, like cabbage
Repollo, sm. white cabbage; round head of leave»
Repolludo, -a, a. cabbage-headed; round-headed
Repónche sm. rampion; esculent bellflower(pla.)
Reponer, va. 2. to replace; oppose anew; reply
Reponer, to restore a law-suit to its first state
Reponerse, v. r. to recover health, properly lost
Reportación s/. I f^^^,^^,^^^ moderation
Reportami'into, sm.)
Reportado, -a, adj. forbearing; moderate
, . 1. to moderate o: ,
, to obtain; reach; carry; bring
se, r. to forbear; abstain; be patient
io, sm. repertory; index; almanac
imente, adv. quietly; peaceably
}, -a, ndj. quiet; peaceful; repoked

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