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Enroscadura, »/. twisting; complication [bind
Enroscar, va. 1. to twist; convolve; lay round;
Snrubescér, vit. 2. to redden; make red
Enrubiadór, -a, s. that has the power to make red
Enrubiar, va. 1. to rubify; eive a reddish colour
Enrubio, im. redness; bright reddish colour
Enrudecer, vn. 2. to weaken the intellect
Enruinecer, Enruinescér, vn. 2. to become vile
Enruinecido, -a, adj. ruined; corrupted; reduced
Enrunár, va. 1. to throw, clear rubbish away
Ensabanar, va. 1. to wrap, roll up in sheets
Ensacar, a. 1. to sack; enclose, put in a sack, ba;
Ensaladilla, sf. dry sweatmeats; combined jewel
Etisaladista, m. Bfreen-grocer; seller of vegetables
Ensalma, sf. kind of pack-saddle
Ensalmadora, sf. sorceress; beautiful woman
Ensalmador, -a, J. bone-setter; medical enchanter
Ensalmar, u. 1. to set dislocated bones; euchaut
Eusalmár, to make, sell pack-saddles
Ensalmar á alguno, to break the head
Ensalmo, sm. spell; charm; enchantment
Ensalobrarse, v.ref. 1. to become putrid, corruii
se, ref. to boast; praise one's self highly
ünsamuenitár, 1. to put on the yellow-cross-gown
Ensamblador, sm. joiner; workman in wood
Ensambladura, sf. joinery; art of joining wood
Ensambladura de milano, swallow-tail scarf
Ensambláije, sm. joinery; art of joining wood
of wood
Ensamble, sm. joinery; art of joining wood
Ensancha, s/. extension; augmentation; goar
Ensanchas (dar), to give too much liberty for
Ensanchador, -a, s. extender; enlarger; amplifier
Ensanchar, va. 1. to widen; enlarge; extend
Ensanchar el corazón, to raise one's spirit
Ensancharse, ref. to assume an air of importance
Ensanche, sm. dilatation; widening; goar; slip
Ensandecer, vn. 2. to be disordered in one's mind
Ensangostar, va. 1. to narrow; contract; shorten
Ensangrentamiénto, sm. bloodshed; bloodiness
Ensangrentar, va. 1. to stain, smear with blood
Ensangrentar, to aggravate a criminal action
Ensangrentarse, r. to he over-zealous; obstinate
Ensangrentarse, to proceed in a cruel manner
Knsánno, sm. affront; offence; insult; disgrace
Eiisruiár, va. 1. to provoke; irritate; anger
Kns^revár, Ensariüár, va. 1. to reel, wind yarn
Knsarii'ecér, «. 2. to itch; be infected with the itch
Ensartar, vn. 1. to string; link; tell a long story
Eiisiiy, Ensaye, im. assay; trial; examination
Ei!-ayadór,iH.assayer; rehearser; prompter(thea.)
Erisayir, iv/. 1. to' assay; prove; teach; rehearse
Ensaye, iJm. assay, proof; trial; rehearsal (of a
Ensayo, /play); experiment; previous practice
Ensebar, va. 1. to grease; smear with fat, grease
Enselvado, -a, «. full of trees; posted in ambush
Enselvar, a.\. to place in ambush, a secret place
Ensambla, Ensemble, Ensembra, adv. jointly
Ensenada, sf. creek; small bay; cove; gulf
Ensenado, -a, adj. formed like a bay, creek, cove
Ensenar, a. 1. to put, hold in one's bosom; enter
Enseña, sf. ensign; flag; standard; colours
Enseñable, adj. teachable; able to learn; docile
Enseñadéro, -a, adj. susceptive of instruction
Enseñado, -a, a. taught; instructed; accustomed
Enseñado á trabajos, inured to hardships
il ENT
Enseñadór, -a, imf. teacher; instruí
Enseñamiento, s. teaching; instruct!
Enseñanza, sf. manner of teacliing;
Enseñar, va. 1. to teach; instruct; s
Enseñarse, v. ref. to accustom one'
"'"' - "iner of teaching; in!
(. 1. t
iñoreár, t
Enseñorearse, v. ref. to take possession ot
Enserar, va. 1. to cover with bass-weed
Enseres, sm. pliir. chattels; marketable goods
Enserpentado, -a, adj. enraged; irritated; furious
Enserrimár, va. 1. to varnish; set a gloss, polish
Ensiforme, adj. formed like a sword; ensiform
Ensilar, va. 1. to preserve grain under ground
Ensilar, gobble; devour greedily; eat much
Ensillado, -a, adj. hollow-backed (horse, mule)
Ensilladura, sf. part on which the saddle is put
Ensillar, va. 1. to saddle; raise; exalt; magnify
Ensoberbecer, va. 2. to make proud; puff up
Ensoberbecerse, r. to become proud; be arrogant
Ensoberbecerse, to become boisterous (naut.)
Ensogar, va. 1. to tie, fasten with a rope
Ensolerár, va. 1. to fix bee-hives on stools
Ensolvedór, -a, s. resolver; declarer; discutient
Ensolver, va. 2. to jumble; resolve; dissipate
Ensolverse, v. ref. to be included, reduced
Ensoñar, va. 1. to sound; like; pronounce
Ensopar, a. 1. to steep bread in wine to make soup
Ensordadera, sf. cat's tail; reed-mace; rush(pla.)
Ensorriamiénto, sm. deafness; dnlness of hearing
Ensordecer, va. 2. to deafen; make deaf; stupity
Ensordecerse, v. ref. to grow deaf; become silent
Ensordecimiento, sm. deafness; deafening
Ensortijamiento, sm. curling; ringing (animals)
Ensortijar, a. 1. to encircle; curl; ring (animals)
Ensortijar las manos, to wring the hands in grief
Ensortarse, ref. 1. to hide one's self in a thicket
Ensuciador, -a, svif. stainer; defiler; corrupter
Ensuciamiento, sin. staining; polluting; defiling
Ensuciar, va. 1. to stain; difile; suUyf pollute
Ensuciarse, v. ref. to dirty one's clothes, &c.
Ensuciarse, to let one's self be bribed by gifts
Ensueño, sm. sleep; repose; slumber; rest
Ensiima, adv. in short; in a few words; briefly
Ensuyár, va. 1. to undertake; engage; attempt
E'nta, prep, since; after; from; towards; near to
Entablación, 4/. register (in churches)
Entablado, sm. floor made of boards
Entablado de la cofa, platform of the top (naut.)
red with boards; planked
ring (made of boards)
ntal)lature; penthouse; shed
1 affair on the tapis
lemorial on a tablet(church)
D plank a ship (naut.)
Entablado, _, .
Entabladura, sf. floe
Entablamento, sm. e
Entablar, va. 1. to c
Entablar, to bring a
Entablar, to write a i
Entablar un navio, t, , , ,
Entablillar, va. 1. to secure with small boards
Entalamado, -a, adj. hung up with tapestry
Entalamadura, sf. awning (of a boat, carriage)
Entalamar, va. 1. to cover with tapestry, cloth
Entalegar, ; a. 1. to put into a bag, sack, &c.
Entalingadúra, sf. clinching the cable (naut.)
Entalingár, vu. 1. to clinch the cable (naut )
Entailable, adj. capable of being sculptured
Entallador, S( '-"— " "■"-
Entallad '
Entallar ... - .
Entallar, vn. to cut a thing so as to fit the body
Entalle, sm. work of a sculptor, carver, engraver
Entallecer, n. 2. to shoot; sprout; germinate (pi.)
Entapizar, a. 1. to hang, adorn, line with tapestry
Entarascar, va. 1. to cover with too many orna.
Entarimado, sm. boarded floor; contabulation

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