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:'s reputation, character
irage; madfleo; make ma<
Enlodar, to
Enloquecerse, thj. lu «<:..«■">. ...— , .,--■■ --
Enloquecimiento, un. enraging; ^ovnug mi
Enlosado, sm. pavement made of flaa s
Enlosar, va. 1. to flag; lav a floor wuhflags
1 Enrtrme, a. enormous; huge; dreadful; exorbitant
Enorme (delito), m. enormity: great wickedncbs
Enormemente, adv. enormously; excessively
Enormidad, »/. enormity; hugeness; atrocity
• - • ' ,1 , r».i>nori>- namp of nlants
Enlucir, )
r^niozanarsc, ". -r^. ■• -v^^v""
Enlucernár, a. 1. to dazzle, di
Enlucidor, «'«. whitener; white-wasl
- m.white-washing; scoi
to white-wash a wall;
■ér, va. 2. to brighten; mak ^ „..5...
Enlutar, va. 1. to put in mourning; veil; darken
Enmacliambrár, va. 1. to scarf piei
Enmaderamiento, ""-Xcover of woC'd
Íümaderá"°!l. U) roof, cover a hous e vnth timbi
Enmagrecer, vn. 2. to grow lean, en laciate
Enraafecér, vn. 2. to fall sick; ' •^■-°"'-
Enmalletádo, -a, «rfj. entan^I
id, »/. enormity; nugeness; «i.»....i;
inovár -«Í^Tot^'teLiraro^Tm^^^^^^^^^^^
^;íexterity I 1 J^ «f^,J?- ¿^hind; in^púrsu^^
p'e ripxtcritv En pos, adv. alter; benmo; ni pursuii y
lit^ht-puz" le Enquadernadór..«.book:binder;whobmdsbooks
, í^ ' L„o- I7r,m,,riemár. va. 1. to bind books; reconc le
, scourer
ig of plate
s of timber
J. 1.1
nantarse, ref. i
Enmarañar, ««.1.
i;atted; fouled
mket [uaut.)
(holy (birds)
Enmarillecerse, v.
Enmaromar, va. 1
Enmascarar, va. 1
Enmascararse, r.
be dull, mi
; the sails (naui .
I entangle; invo '
. to get, take se
eV. 2. to become uaic, .t.w
o tie, bind up with a rope
o mask the face ; cloak
lisguise; masquerade
o njarriage
Enmelar, va. 1. to smear, c
Enmendación, «/. ""
Enmendadaménte, —
Enmendadór, m. correctoi
Enmendadura,»/. Enmeuüamientu, '"■^""--" „¡
Enmendar, a. 1. to correct; repair; revoke; excel
Enmendarse, v. ref. to mend; grow better
Enmerdár, ««. 1 to dirty; make d. y nas^y
Enmienda, tf. correction; amenunu ni, ic
Enmiénte, sf. memory; memorial; i nemoir
Enmienzár, a. 1. to begin; commenc e; enter upon
Enmoheclr, va. 2. to must; mould; n '«ke mou^y
Enmohecérse,D.rí/.tomould;grovi mouldy rust
Enmohecido,-a,musty;mouldy;spoiled with damp
Enmohecimiento, im. mustmess; m ouW; '"^t
Enmollecer va. 2. to soften: make soft, tender
Enmondár, '««1 to clear off the kn ots from cloth
Enmontadúra, /. elevation; raising up; erection
Enmordazar, va. 1. to gag; stop th|- mouth
Enmudecer, vn. 2. to grow dumb; \ '^ silent; still
Enmudecer, va. to silence; impose f'lenee- sUU
Enneerecér, va. 2. to blacken; make black; darken
Ennoblecer va.1. to ennoble; exa^ t: embellish
Ennoblecimiento, .;«. ennobleme.i t; exaltation
Ennoviár vn. 1. to contract marrn ige (iron.)
Ennudeclr,««.2. to wither; fade; w. iste; pine away
Knodación, sf. illustration; expían ation
Enodio, «m. fawn; young deer (ani.m.)
Enodrida, adj.f barren; past layi ng eggs (hen)
Enojadamente, adv. in » fyetful.c ross manner
Enoiadizo -a. adi. peevish; fretfu 1; fractious
Ino ado, .'a, ¿dj.-'fretful; peevish:, out of humour
Eno inte . vexer; molester; bar isser; annoyer
F niir « 1 tovei- teaze; molest ; trouble; annoy
Iño arse," r.- to be fretful; peevisl '^boisterous
Enojo, Ki. fretfulness; anger; pa ssion; oftence
Fnoiosamente adv. in avexatiou s, angry manner
Eno ÓSO -a" «: vexatious; offensi ve; h«nio«rsome
KnoÍuél¿, ,n. ''^f^fS,^^^,^ ^VKÍ ents
^í;^ríüf^cfdó.:::::vi-ry°&; ;proud; r^rogant
Enquademár, va. 1. to bind books; reconcile
- iquésta, sf. inquest; investigation; search
,quiciádo,-a, «.hunguponhinges;wellfounded
iiauiciár, va. 1. to hinge; hang on hinges
enquillotrarse. V. ref. 1. to be jumbled together
Enquillotrarse, to fall in love; be enamoured
Enauiridion, sm. compendium; abridgment
inqS ádo°;.a, adj. cTsted; full of morbid matter
Euíaigonár; a. 1. to fix bass in silk worms' sheds
Enramada,/, hut covered with Iranclies of tree.
Enranciarse, v. ref 1. to grow rancid; be stale
Enrarecer, va. 2. to thin; rarefy; extenuate
Enrasadas (puertas), sf plur. plain doors
Enrasado, -a, adj. smooth; planed; '""out hair
Enrasar, va.\. to smooth; plane; level; make even
Enrasar vn. to be bald; without hair; ba'd-P» ed
Iniastrir: a. 1. to file silk-cods to wind the silk
Enrayar, va. 1. to fix spokes in a wheel
Enredadera, sf. twining plant; bind-weed (plant)
Enredado, -a, a. eutangled;matted; fouled nau.)
Enredador, smf. entangler; busy-body; tattler
Enredamiénto. sm. turning m a circle; vrinaui^
Enredar, va. 1. to entangle; confon^ri lav snares
Enredar, to involve in difficulties; sow «.''si^ord
Enredarse, v. ref to be entangled; fall "' '«^e
Enredo, sm. entanglement; perplexity: falsehnun
Enredoso, -a, adj. full of snares: of dirtituUie;,
Enrehojár, 1. to clear the bleached «akes o^^ax
Enrejado, sm. trellis; lattice; grate: open la e
Enrejar, va. 1. to fix a grating, trellis, to amiiauw
Enrejar, to fix the ploughshare to the plo."Fh
Enrevesado, -a, a. stubborn; obstinate; .litti.ult
Enriadór, m. whosteeps.putshemp.aaxiii wjier
- - - ' to steep, put hemp, flax in water
to entangle; confound: lay snares
Enriefai, f«.'i. to make ingots of.f"!''' ^"jer ,.
Enripiar, va. 1. to fill up chinks with moj.'aj. -^'••
Enriquecedór, -a, smf eiincher; ag&r.a"'''^er
Enriquecer, va. 2. to ennch;aegrandixe; adorn
Enriquecer, vn. to grow rich; become opu cut
Enriquéño, -a, adj. of, belonging to Henr)
íí" :^ -J ' .' .J.- ,«A.i,itaiiirms- cratrrv; rockv
Enriscado, -a, aaj. mountainous, uiogg/.
Enriscamiento, sm. taking refuge among rocks
Enristre, sm. fixing the lance !" '°e "s' •
Enrizamiento, sm. curhng in ringlets; fretting
Enrizar, a. 1. to curl: t""^" '"i" ""£n^asTi oak
Enrobrescido, -a, adj. as hard & ^''""S ** *" "^ ,
Enrobustecir, va. 2. to strengthen: ""'ke r°bu.t
Enrocar, va. 1. to castle the king (»» eness,
i?„rnriár va 1 to execute; rack on the wheel
l^odei Jo,^a, «¿r^rmed with a shield: shieldec
Enrodrigonar, va. 1. to prop vines with stakes
Enrojar, va. 1. Enrojecer 2. to m''''e'r°|'/fd-ho
Enrojar, &c. to give a red colour; putto the blus
Enroma, va. 1. to blunt; <lull the point, edge
Enrona, sf rubbish; refuse of works
Enroñar, va. 1. to throw, clear rubbish a«'ay
Enronquecér, wan. 2. to make hoarse; grow noar
Enronquecimiento, sm. hoarseness (trora a com
Enroñar, va. 1. to fill with scabs, scurf
Enrosar. 1. to tinge; give a red ?°'»^'^
Enroscadamftnte, udr. in an intrR.ite

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