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Entanmádo, -a, «.covered with boards; tabulated
Entarimar, va. 1. to board a floor; contabulate
Entarquinar, «. 1. to cover with mud; bemire
E'nte, iin. being; entity; ridiculous persou
Entecado, -a, adj. unable to move; stiff; timid
Enteco, -a, adj. inñrm; feeble; weak; languid
Entejado, -a, adj. made in the shape of tiles
Entelarañirse, r. 1. to be cloudy, overcast (sky)
Entelerido, -a, a. fearful; timid; timorous; afraid
Entena, »/. lateen-yard (triangular sail, naut.)
Entenada, /. daughter of a former marriage
Entenado, tin. son-in-law of a former marriage
Entenallas, f/.j)/i<r. small hand-vice (tool)
Entendederas, if. plttr. understanding; judgment
Entendedor, -a, smf. understander; conceiver
Entender, a. 2. to understand; hear; observe; think
Entender, to intend; make (one) understand
Entender, vn. to be employed about, engaged in
Entender (dar en que), to molest; distress
Entender (á mi), ¡idv. in my opinion, judgment
Entenderse, v. ref. to have some motive for doing
Entenderse, to agree; understand each other
Entendidamente, adv. with caution; knowingly
Entendido, -a, o. learned; wise; prudent; knowing
Entendido (darse por), to show one understands
Entendimiento, in. understanding; explanation
Entenebrecer, va. 2. to darken; obscure; perplex
Enteramente, adv. entirely; wholly; completely inform fully;make whole; complete
Entere/.a,/. entireness; rectitude; presumption
Enterizo, -a, adj. entire; whole; complete; full
Enternecer, va. 2. to soften; move to compassion
Enternecerse, r. to pity; commiserate; bemoved
Enternecidamente, adv. in a merciful manner
Enternecimiento, sm. compassion; pity; feeling
Entero, -a, adj. entire; perfect; just; sound; strong
Entero (por), adv. entirely; completely; fully
Enterrador, »/n. grave-digger; who digs graves
Enterramiento, »«. burying; burial; bui-ying-place
Entesadaménte, ad. to a great degree; intensely
Entesamiento, m. stretching; extension; fulness
Entesar, va. 1. to stretch out; extend; make stiff
Entestado, -a, adj. fixed, enclosed in the head
Entibador, sm. miner who props, shores up mines
Entibar, va. 1. to prop, support, shore up mines
Entibar, vn. to rest, lean upon; be supported
Entibiadéro, sm. cooler (vessel to cool liquids)
Entibiar, va. 1. to cool; make cool; refrigerate
Entibiarse, v. ref. to grow cool; relax; slacken
Entibo, in. stay; prop; support; , shore
Entidad, if. entity; being; consideration; moment
Entierro, »in. burial; interring; funeral; grave
Entigrecerse, v. ref. 2. to be as furious as a tiger
Entimeroa, sf. imperfect syllogism; entbymenie
Entinar, vn. 1. to tinge; colour; tint; dye
Entintar, va. 1. to stain with ink; change colour
Entirár, va. 1. to dilate; adjust; extend; enlarge
Entitulár, va. 1. to entitle; prefix a title; dignify
Entiznar, va. 1. to revile; calumniate; defame
Entoldado, sm. awning to shelter from the sun
Entoldado, -a, a. covered with an awning; cloudy
Entoldamiento, sm. covering with an awning
Entoldar, a. 1. to cover with an awning; tapestry
Entoldarse, r. to dress pompously; grow cloudy
Entomccer, vu. 2. to swell; tumefy; benumb
Entoniizár, va. 1. to tie bass-cords around laths
Entomología,/, science of insects; entomology
Entonación, </. modulation; intonation; pride
Entonación, blowing the bellows of an organ
Entonado, -a, adj. puffed up with pride; haughty
Entonadór,in.organ-blower;one that sets the tune
■jnto, <i/i. tune; modulation; intoning
( 1. to tune; set a tune; harnionize(col.)
Entonar, to blow the bellows of an organ
Entonar, to strengthen by means of tonics (med.)
Entonarse, r. to be puffed up with pride; look big
Entonatório, m. book of sacred music (in churdi)
Entonces, Entonce, adv. then; at that time
Entonelar, va. 1. to barrel; put in a barrel, cask
Entono, sm. intoning; modulation; arrogance
Entontecer, a. 2. to dispirit; craze; make foolish
Entontecerse, v. ref. to grow foolish; be stupid
Entontecimiento, sm. growing stupid, foolish
Entorchado, in. twisted cord (for embroideries)
Entorchados, cords covered with silver wire
Entorchar, va. 1. to twist a cord; coverwith wire
Entormecimiputo, in. torpor; drowsiness; sleep
Entornar, n. 1. to turn; revolve; form; change
Entornillar; va. 1. te shape like a screw, ring
Entorpecer, a. 2. to benumb; make torpid; stupify
Entorpecimiento, sin. torpor; numbness; duliies
Entortadura, sf. crookedness; curñty; deformity
Entortár,rt.l. to crook; bend: twist; piill out an eye
Eutortijár, va. 1. to ring; encircle; curl; wring
Entosigar, a. 1. topoison;corrupt;harass;oppress
Entrada, sf. entrance; entry; avenue; beginning
Entrada, admission; familiar access; concourse
" ' ' i,goodhand(atcards);receipts; leak(nau.)
o (a place)
Entramiento de bienes, sin. sequestration (law)
Entramos, -as, pron. mf. pi. both; both together
Entrampar,'/.!. to entrap;ensuare;deceive;perplcx
Entrampar, to encumber an estate; run in debt
Entrampárse,»'.rp/. to borrow money; be indebted
Entrante, jin. & adj. one who enters; entering
Entrante (ángulo), fin. angle (fort.)
Entraña, */. entrail; Entrañas,/./»/, entrails
Entrañas, mind; peculiar disposition; love
Entrañas, internal parts; centre, heart of a city
Entrañas (dar las), to give one's very heart-blood
Entrañas, -niias! interj. my dear! my love!
Entrañable, adj. intimate; affectionate; loving
Entrañablemén'te, adv. in an affectionate niannet
Entrañar, vn. to penetrate into the heart
Entrañarse, v. r<f. to contract intimacy, love
Entraño, -a, adj. internal; inward; interior
Eiitrapáda, sf. coarse scarlet cloth
Entrapár, va. \. to powder the hair; to clean
Eiitrapár, to manure with woollen rags (routs,&c.)
Entrapárse, v. ref. to be covered with dust '
£ntrái,i'«.l.toenter;come,go in; begin:be classed
Entrar, iin. to thrust; put upon; place to account
Entrar, to invade; take possession by force of arms
Entrar, to gain upon a ship on the same course
Entrar á, en, (expressed by), to begin, commence
Entrar á cantar, to begin to sing in concert
Entrar en rezelo, to begin to suspect, mistrust
Entrar á uno, to prevail upon, persuade one
Entrar de por medio, to settle a fray; reconcile
Eiitrático, sm. entrance ufa friar, nun (in aeon.)
Entre, prfji. between; in; in the number; into
E'litre semana, 6<c. in the course of a week, &c.
E'ntre dos aguas, wavering; irresolute
E'ntre tanto, « the interim; in the mean time
E'ntre manos (tomar), to take in hand; undertake
Entreabrir, a. 3. to half-open (a door); leave ajar
Entreancho, -a, adj. neither wide nor strait
Entrecanál,/. space between the flutings(arch.)
Entrecano, -a, a. between black & grey; greyish
Eiitrecav.i, sf. very shallow digging
Entrecavar, i'«. 1. to dig shallow, not deep

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