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city -gate, -febel , m. certificate,
cocket. -fltifvate^m. clerk at a toll-
office, -perf, n. the customs, -a, v.
n. ft a. to pay duty, to pilfer; to
tEllHe, m. T. tl.owl. [filch out.
ttulpsti, f. tlulipan.
ttuUs, V. n. to waddle, to doddle.
^um, m. iiicli. -(locE, ?n. batteu, rule.
-tfllS) ad. hy inches.
tEumla, V. n. - omfiiB) oft>et anba?
to tumble down. - fig, v. r. to roll
one's self, -ttj m. tumbler ; porpus,
porpoise, porpesse.
tEutnlett, m. tumbler.
lutnma, f . a. to tluimb.
tCumtne, m. thumb. ]{>allfl -n pa oflAt
pa en j to keep a check upon one. -
tEumfTtUf, m. thummikins, thunib's-
screw. [theater of war.
tCutntttclpIate , m. wrestling- place,
ttuinult, m. tumult, bustle, noise,
ttimbet, n. tinder. [uproar.
â– lunp} a. heavy, ponderous, dull,
weighty; profound, sound. Jjaflm
lit -t, the horse jolts, -fota^, a.
unwieldy, heavy, -^)atl^} a. lieavy-
handed. -jotb, -fpat,/. baryte calk,
-fpat, m. heavy-spar. -«, /. bur-
den ; impost, tax.
^EutiBa , /. tongue ; sole. - (tTung)
-banb J n. the ligament of the ton-
gue. -l)afta, /. ancyloglossum.
-Unfe, m. scolopendra. -emal,
n. tongue, language, speech, -rotj /.
the root of the tongue, -fpeil i n.
the soft palate of the mouth, uvula.
-fpetSj m. the end of the tongue. -
-jletli m. glossopelra.
Ilungel) m. moon. -fTifte, n. change
of the moon, lunation.
Zunn-, a. thin. -\)tt, f. thinness,
-fla^b, a. dressed thin. -fa&bj a.
thin sown.
ttuntlA) /. barrel, cask, en - gul^i
a sum of 4166 1. 12 sh. - (^unil)
-banb) «. hoop, -btnbate,
hooper, cooper, -btanf > -feraUfl;
grounds, dregs, lees. -lanb) «• swc
acre. -teXiy ad. by barrels, by casks,
Swedish - English Diet.
by tuns. -ttMy m. tunnel. - tEun-
rtaj V. a.- ividdy to tun beer.
^unnboj, n. T. nunbuoy.
tTupP) m. cock; weatlier-cock. -faft*
ningj /. cockfight, -galb, m. cock-
crowing, -fani) m. cock's -comb,
crest, -fras, -fPaflg, n. cock's wat-
tles, -fytfling, Tw. cockrel. -fpottp,
OT. cock's spur.
'^UtiAMy m. turban, tm-bant, turband.
Cure, m. en lujlig -, a droll, a mer-
ry fellow,
tTurE^UfPub, «. moor's-head. - t£ur=
fifF pappet) marbled paper.
%Utlaiy m. turkois.
tEurmalin, m. tourmaline.
tCurfr, a. -A boner ) french beans,
Curturbufttfl, /. turtledove.
Cufd), n. china-ink, indiau ink. -fl, v.
to shade with china-ink, to wash.
Cufen, a. thousand, -fce, a. thou-
sandth. -, -fee, n. thousand, -ben,
«. centipede, centipee, scolopendra ;
chafed sennit, -tel, //z. the thousandth
part. -fal&, -faI^ifl, a. -falfct, ad.
thousand -fold, -gytten, n. lesser
centaury, -fonfinar, m. cunning fel-
low, proteus. -fFon,/. common daisy.
-tal, n. thousand, tlie number thou-
sand. -tal8> ad. by tliousand. -acitt,
a. millennial.
CufFa, V. a. &. n. to barter, to truck.
Cu^a, V. bait, to comse, to chase,
to hunt. - Ibuntar pa en, to set dogs
on one. - tbop, to set at variance.
Uutj m. point ; muzzle ; pipe ; speak-
%\xiCyf. rag lapped about a sore finger.
Cuta, V. n. to wind a horn, to blow
tlutia, /. tutty. [a horn.
tCwttancflO) n. tutanag,tutenag, spelter.
tlutti, n. repicno.
ttPCbett, n. two horses harnessed
abreast. -t>a{jn, m. coach drawn by
two horses. - (tEpe) -iiraflt, m. dis-
cord, dissensiou,vaiiance. -falb,-fal*
&i5,a.twofold. -gitcf.tCrenne. -flfle*
^anfca, a. twofold, double. -|fift,

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