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a. Ligamist. -fltfte, n. bigamy, -l^uf-
»flb, a. twolieaded, bicipital. -]&a0=
fen, a. doubtful, hesitating, scrupu-
lous, vata -^agfettj to be in sus-
pense, -^flflfeillet, /. irresolution,
hesitation, -l^'anb i a. having two
hands; both-handed, ambidextrous.
-FlufPCtl, a. forked, bifid, -f loft?ab)
a. bisulcous, cloven-hoofed. -fbnfl&j
a. hermaphroditical. -f Suing , m.
hermaphrodite, scrat. — fFiftti «•
bipartition. -fptA? , n. ambilogy.
-(ijert, m. earwig, -talan, /. cou-
U-adiction. -talig, a. doubktongued.
-ty^i0, a. equivocal, ambiguous,
doubtful, double-meaning. -tyi>i0=
})et) f. doublf-meaniug, equivocal-
uess, ambiguity, equivocation, ambi-
guousness. -apgjb, a. twoedged.
ILvtfdy *'■ n. to liesitatc, to be in sus-
pense, to be in doubt. — n, /• hesita-
tion, suspense, scruple, uncertainty.
-nbe, tEt>effam, a. doubtful, scrupu-
lous, luicertain, liesitating.
^t>et, a. thwart, transverse, -bjelfc,
OT. transom, crossbeam, —brant, a.
steep, -btabe, n. crossboaid. -fin-
ger, n. a finger's breadth, -flojt, /.
german flute, -flata , -grant , /.
cross-street. -Ijanb , /• the breadth
of a band, -^et, /. cross, traverse.
-^U0IJ> "• cross-cut. -Unity f. cross-
line, diagonal, -jjipa, /. fife, -fabel,
m. side-saddle. -jTar, -fnttt , n.
cross-cut, crucial incision ; diameter,
-fla, m. cross-piece, -fiahia, p. n.
to stop short. -(Ire*, n. dash, cross-
line ; disappointment. -flytfc, fi.
cross-piece, -tyflna, v- n. to be si-
lent all at once, -a, ♦'.a. -a en afer,
breadth, pa -en, across, ath-n
t>aga en ting pa -en, to take a thing
in a wrong sense. -8 , ad. Yati e^
-», higgledy-piggledy. -t, ad.
aci-oss, athwart, crosswise: sliort, all
at once, roundly, ga -t af, to break
short oft", -t einet, riglit opposite.
-t fete, across, atliwart. -t igenetn,
right through, -t em , on the con-
tiary; coutrarily. - ofper, athwart;
opposite. [a pox upon Iiim.
tlt>i, 1. pshaw, faugh. - rare t>onom,
Crifla, f. n. to doubt, to question. -
cm, pa, to question, to be in doubt
of, to make doubt on, to despair of.
-n, /. — nbe, n. doubt, question, scep-
ticism, -re, m. sceptic, doubter. -
^t>ift)el, «. doubt, -aftig, a. doubt-
ful, dubious, sceptical, -gmal, n.
doubt, question, scruple, trafla i -8»
mal, to call in question. [gemini.
ttriUing, m. twin, -arne, the twins,
tTPtna, f • n. to languish, to pine away,
to dwindle. - tlt>infct, m. consump-
tion, phthisis.
t£t>inga, «-■. a. to force, to constrain:
to restrain , to bridle , to subdue , to
compel, to oblige. - fina begar, to
bridle one's passions. — af, to extort.
- pa, to force upon. - tarar ur ego=
nen, to -^vring tears from the eyes. -
^rungen , ^'fl'"'. forced, constrained,
alTected, stifl'. - ttruiiget, ad. with
affectation ; unwillingly.
ttrinna, v. a. to twine, to twist, -re,
m. twister. - ttpinntrab , m. twine
Zvintf m. merlin, blackbird.
^ri(l, m. debate, dispute, cause ; con-
troversy, contention, expostulation,
-mal, n. civil cause, -a, ♦'. n. to
contest, to controvert, to dispute, to
plead, to debate, to contend, to ex-
postulate. — ig, a. litigious, question-
able, disputable.
^Eridguli', «. misled leaf.
tErungen, f. unber tEringa.
ZEt>a, f . a, to wash, to bailie. - llvA-
pttiyparf. washed. - tEtagning, /
ttra, a. two. -blabig, a. twoleaved,
bipetalous. -belt, a. bipartite. -fe=
tab, a. twofooted. -manningar, /«.
pi. T. diandria. -qpeba, /. didelph.
-ilbig, a. with two sides, -fitflg, a.
with two places. -fPrifpa, v. a. to
double. -fPrifning, /. doubling.

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