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o slave.
720 Zvii
laliorious, tiresome. -A;
lo drudge, to toil.
ILtHUai f. spring-wheel.
tEranflAj v. a., to throng, to press, to
pinch ; to crowd. - fig emellan , to
press between, amongst. - fig ftam,
to press forward, to force one's way. -
tgenom, -ftgigenom) to get through,
to peuetiate, to press tlirough. — i^>o^JJ
, to press together. - jig in, to throng
into, to penetrate. —9, v. d. to be
piessing. -ribf, a. pressing, urging. -
tTtangb) a. pressed ; having a motion
lo slool. - tEraiigntng, /. thronging,
pressing ; motion to stool. - tErftng=
fel J m. throng, crowd, press; strait,
narrow pass, defile, bringa tiagcn
i —J to bring one to great straits.
Ctiingtaj v. n. - eitet^ to long for,
to lust after, -ttj /. great desire.
tSriinjoti) n. f. tttflnbat, unfcer ^t*ti«.
tttAfr, n. bog, fen, marsh, moor.
tLtatat f- n- to quarrel, to wrangle,
to scold. - pa en, to scold one. -,
s. f. quarrel, contention, dispute, dif-
ference, wrangle, fray, brangle. -
(tCrat) -^ryg, -girig, a. quarrel-
some, -girigbet, /. quarrelsomeness,
-fto, n. seed of dissension. - ZxitO-
-bro>CC,w. adversary. - ^ciit|ftm,
f. Itatgitig. ^ttataple, f. ttratfco.
itrcg, a. slow, tardy, heavy, dull,
loath, sorry. —Iftt^yf. slowness, tar-
diness, dulness, inertness. -Eoc&, -PU=
Icn, a. somewhat slow, sluggish, tar-
dy. -Iii(J,a. tedious, tiresome, -fntalt,
tttOJ«, f. jacket. [o. indigestible.
Uroff, m. thrashed corn. -lege,w.
barn, thrashing-floor, -ntfl^'i'' ) "»•
thrashing-macliine. -Pflgn,7n. thrash-
ing-wheel, -fl, t'. a. to thrash, -atf,
UcbfPd, m. threshold, [m. thrasher.
tttojl) m. comfort, coasolatiou. Pflt -,
have a good heart, -ettef , n. con-
solatory letter, -full, a. consolatory,
comfortable. -lc» , a. inconsolable,
comfortless. -lo»tet, /. uncomfor-
tablcness, sadness, despair, -tif , a.
full of comfort, -a, v. a, to comfort,
to console, -te, m. comforter , con-
soler, -ligen, ad. comfortably ; con-
fidc2itly, tiustily.
Zt'itt, a. weary, tired, fatigued, spent.
-tet, /• weariness, lassitude, -fam,
a. Wearisome, tiresome, tedious, dull.
—iam^etf f. tiresomeness ; tediousness.
-as, V. d. -na, v. n. - U|)J), to tire,
to grow weary.
lu, a. two. &da i -, mibt i -, to
divide into two equal parts. g« i - ,
tCub, m. tube. [decoy.
Subba , V. a. to entice, to inveigle, to
;iufF, m. tophus.
tJufPa, /. molehill, little hillock. -
tlufpig, «. full of molehills,
lugga,/. a mouthful of meat cliewed,
bite on. - fonSet, to chew to pieces. -
(^ugg) -bup, m. chew of tobacco,
quid. -mujTel, m. masseter.
tEufan, m. toucan (bird).
luft, m. discipline, correction, chasti-
sement; bashfulness, decency, mo-
desty. -t»u», n. house of correction,
-omiillarf, m. corrector, chastiser. -a,
V. a. to correct, to discipline, to
chastise, -an, /. discipline, chastise-
ment, correction, -ig, a. bashful, mo-
dest, chaste, pure, -ig^^et, /. modesty,
tltllipan, m. tulip. [chastity.
tlulfort, /: officinal swallow-wort.
tTutl, m. custom, duty, toll, impost;
customhouse, city-gate. lagga - 1?a
t>arcr, to lay an impost or a duty on
goods, -afgift, TO. duty, -arrcnbc,
n. farm of the customs, -bat, a. due
to pay custom, -betjcnt, m. custom-
officer, -fti, «. duty-free, toll-free,
-ftibet,/. exemption from paying
duty, -ferpaftare , m. farmer of the
customs, -fftpaltare, m, toll-gathe-
rer. -t)il0 , n. customliouse. -fam*
tnatr, m. custom-office, -fappc, m.
multure, toll-disli. -n'iti '«. toll-
gatherer, publican. -ta):a,/. tarif.
-umgaI^£t, m. pi. duties, customs.
-pert, m. gate where toll is paid;

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