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-t J ad. safely , seriously, witli cold
tEryiiej «• snout. [blood.
tErytfl) V. n. to want, to fail.
Zrkj V. n. f, S,hlQtA. -, a. t>atA -
eftet tiagon, to hanker after one, to
be fond or desirous of one.
tEratfkj v. a. to baste, to tack.
â– Ctat>)OT. thread; filament, fibre, -tflt)
a. threadbare, -ferflgate, m. wire-
draWer. -fctageti) «. wiredrawing.
-Xl'^litan) n. clew of thread, -iit-, a.
straight by the thread. -gan^C, /.
end of thread. - tlra6igj a. fibrous,
full of threads, -^et, /. fibres, fila-
Tlta&a) V. a. to tread ; to trample.
tirag, n. trough; maclra.
tCtaf, n. a troublesome task, painful-
ness, tiresomeness, -a, v. n. to rub
on, to tug, to drudge, -ig, a. tire-
some, troublesome, wearisome.
^Cana» v. n. to consume. - bctt) to
dwindle away, to waste away. — bj
/. languishment. - (tEtatt) -febct, m.
lingering fever ; consumption, -fjuf :
a. consumptive. -fjuEaj /. consump-
tion, atrophy.
tTtang) a. tight, narrow, small, close,
-t, ad. tight. -bc&ti, a. cramped foi
room, -btojiab) a. asthmatic. -1^0=
jligl^et, /. asthma. -\)ti^ f. tight-
ness, nalTO\^^less, closeness, straitnesSj
smallness. -]^ofpab» a. incastelled.
-mat J n. strait, distress, difficulty^
shift. VA^A X -mal> to be in straits.
Ira-, n. wood, timber, -aftig, a.
woodlike, wooden, -belate, ". image
of wood; *blockhead. -ben, n.
wooden leg. -botf > m. jack, sawing
tressel. -l^anbdj m. timber -trade.
— ^ajl, m. wooden horse. — f ol j «.
charcoal. — f aclj n. wooden utensils ;
wooden vessel. -Itl«) /. woodlouse.
-maffj m. timber-sow, wood-fret-
ter. -|)irtne, m. wooden peg. -fafcf) wooden furniture, lumber. — fTO;
m. wooden shoe, clog, -fnitt, n
wood-cut. -(lifate, -fni&are, m
cutter in wood. -fpflt>ej w. T. spattle.
*Cf a
spatula, -fyta,/. r. ligneous acid.
-taOtif, m. trencher, -petf) -PetFCj
-picEc, n. timber- work, -ig, f.
tEratf, m. turd, dung, excrement, -a,
V. n. to void excrements, -fling , f.
evacuation of excrements, -ig > a.
Zx'iii n. tree, -ffola* /. nurse-gar-
den. - (Xxi) -fruf t) m. fruit of trees,
-garj, m. garden. Iu(l -gatb, gar-
den of pleasure, ftuft -gart> , or-
chard. foFe-gar&, kitchen-garden.
-gacbsarbete, n. gardening. -gar&6»
fnif, m. priuiing-knife. -gar&8lag»
n. least soft rush, -gat&smona, /.
butterleaves, goldenlierb. -gatb8=
mjelfa, /. clove-gilliflower. -garb9=
maflare, m. gardener, -garbsffotfel,
m. gardening, -gat&sff of e, n. scare-
crow. -gar&SPayt, m. garden-ware,
cultivated plant.
"^ti^Ay V. a. fi n. to tread, to step. —
emeHan, to interpose, to intervene. -
fram, to advance. - till tit forbunb>
to accede to a treaty. - '^xi.'tiA-, v. a.
to introduce, to thrust, to file, to run.
-nalcn pa traien, to thread a needle.
- Upp parlor, to string pearls. - en
afer, to fallow, to plough up a fal-
low. - ITrabe, n. fallow. ligga i -,
to lie fallow.
tIrafFi m. random, hit, ofi" hand. —
tCraffa, v. a. to meet, to find ; to hit ;
to draw to the life ; to come home ;
to join battle. - i^op , to encounter,
to meet with, -pa, to hit on, to
light on. -9, V. d. to meet. - tEraff=
ning,/. action, engagement, conflict.
tCragm, a. assiduous, earnest; pres-
sing ; instant ; urgent ; importunate,
close, arduous, -^tt, /. application ;
importunity, solicitation.
"ilrajart, 'n.burflag,burreed, reedgrass.
tCrajon, /. fern.
lEral, m. slave, bondman, thrall. -af=
tig, a. slavish, servile, -aftig^et,
/. servility, -^cm, m. slavery, ser-
vitude, thraldom, -fatttj a. toilsome.

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