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speckle. - ^tgrftilig , /. speckling,
^iggfl, V. a. to beg, to ask alms. Qa
C^ -) to beg from door to door. -
om, to beg for. - ftp tiU. , to get by
begging, -te, m. beggar. - (ZEiggar)
-fif tig, a. beggarly. -fog&C , m.
catcbpole. -faring j /. beggar-wo-
man, -munf, m. mendicant. -Otbftt,
m. order of mendicant friars. — patfj
n. beggarly crew. -fPtift, /. suppli-
cation for alms, -jlflf , m. beggar's-
stafl'. bringa tiQ -|l«f , to reduce to
beggary. - Liggett, n. beggary.
trif, /. bitch.
'HiUiprp. to; till, at, by; more; in
regard of. - oi> tnej, even. t>«ra —,
to exist, ftotifl en - Bonung, to
crown one king, fottl f)an at -, as he
deserves. - fJ03, by sea. - fets, on
foot. - fangS) abed, in bed.
Q^inbaf a, ad. back, in return.
ttxHbcbjaj f. a. to adore, to worship.
— n>e, n. adoration, worship. — tCj m.
adorer, admirer.
ZiUbelf'itf n. apparatus, appertenance.
ttillbjuba, V. a. to offer.
^itlblanba, v. a. to mix; to inter-
mingle. - ■iinblan^ttingj/. mingling,
mixtion. > [up.
ZEiUbomma, v. a. to barricade, to ram
tEtttbtinga , v. a. to bring to , to get ;
to spend, to pass, -tx^enmeb naget,
tlinbub) n. offer, proposal ; attempt,
trinbygga, v. a. to build next. - iiD-
byggna&> /. additional building,
^ihby ta, V. a. - fig, v. r. to get by
tEinboca, v. n. to be fit, to become. -
tTtttborligj a. due, proper, -en, ad.
duly, properly, fitly.
tEin^aiia, v. a. to form. - tCiUbfltting,
/. formation, fashion.
tCiUbela, V. a. to give one a share, to
bestow; to distribute to. - tCinbeI=
ning, /. bestowing, distribution,
ttittbtaga fig, v. r. to happen, to come
to pass.
tril 711
trinbomma, v. a. to adjudge, to decree.
tEtQcgna, v. a. to appropriate, to at-
tribute, to assign. - nagon en bof,
to dedicate a book to one. — fig, v. r.
to claim or to anogate to one's self.
-n,/. -nbe, n. ^iHcgnelfe, / claim,
challenge, appropriation; dedication. -
^illegnelfcfTtift , /. epistle dedica-
tory, dedication.
tlilletfanna, v. a. to adjudge.
tEittfalla, v. n. to devolve, to fall to.
tCittfirEt, m. refuge, shelter, recourse,
taga fin - tVXt to liave recourse to,
to take slielter or refuge in.
tEittfiyta, v. n. to flow to. - tTiafiyt^
tling, /. affluency.
tttllfoga, V. a. - onbt, fFaba, to do
one wrong or damage. — b, a. joinjed
to, fastened to ; done.
titttftebs, ad. satisfied, content, easy,
quiet, ge fig -, to quiet one's self or
to calm; to have patience, -flatla,
V. a. to satisfy, to content, to appease ;
to calm, to quiet, -flallflfe, /. com-
fort, contentment, satisfaction.
ttiQftifFna, v. n. to recover, to mend,
to grow better.
^iOftyi'a, V. n. to freeze, ttttfrnfen,
frozen up or over. - ■^tttfcysning, /.
freezing, congelation.
tliUftaga, v. a. to interrogate, to ask.
— n, /. interrogation, inquiry, question.
tEinfylleft, ad. enough, sufficiently,
fully, completely, -gota , v. a. to
satisfy, -gorelfe, /. satisfaction,
atonement, expiation.
HiBfaHe, n. occasion, opportimity, sea-
son, time, leisure; accident. t)ib — ,
upon occasion, nyttja -, to lay hold
of an opportunity, ge - till , to give
an opportunity to. - tCittfaHig, a.
casual, accidental, fortuitous, occa-
sional, adventitious, -bet, /. acci-
dent, chance, casualty, -tfis, ad. ac-
cessorlly, by accident. [conduce.
^illfota, V. a. to carry, to bring, to
^iDfetene, ad. formerly, once, before
^infoclitlig , tEtCf cclatlig , a. to be

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