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712 Ztl
depended upon, true, trusty. - Z-iU'
fctlatllBcn, ad. truly, faitlifdly. -
'ZiHf'6tUtligl>et, f. certainty, truth,
tEiUfetertnflj f- a. to constitute, to ai
point; to adjoin, -nitt'i. adjunctioi
mUfim fifl, f. r. to trust to, to de-
pend upon. - 'CillfStftgt » m. trust,
liQfOtfel) m. supply of provisions,
conveyance. affFiira -n ) to stop llic
iTi&gtft) m, pardon; forgiveness. -
tEillgifPa, v. a. to forgive one, tc
pardon one a tiling. - XEtllflifren, a.
forgiven ; affectionate, attached. -l>et)
/; attachment, aflectiou.
iCingjorb, a. affected.
^iOgrepp) n. usurpation, seizwe, at-
tempt; embezzlement. - tEilltfripa)
. to 3:
^iKga, V. n. to happen, to com
pass, to be, to be brought about.
att — t to have resource of. — npj m.
access, avenue, passage; stock, re-
source, expedient.
ttingangltg, a. accessible, accostable.
-tet) /. easy access.
tEiHgotanfces ) t. ff. vih Iif»|lr«ff -,
upon pain of dealli. [ready.
^itlbfln&a, tCittl^anbs, ad. at hand,
tCiH^fltiMfl , V. a. - jig nagot, to buy
a thing. [means.
trinbiel}?) ni. aid, assistence, help,
tIiEt>opfl, ad. together, jointly.
iC»nbuttga> V. a. to roughhcw,to form.
;Ctai>itt,«. haunt, abode, dwelling-
place. \)A jitt -, to dwell, to stay.
\)A (itt - pa, to fret]uent.
"ZiVikiViCi i V. a. - m dtt gcra tt^got)
to make one do a thing, to constrain.
tCiH^atbfl, V. a. to inure, to harden.
^in^oraj f . n. to belong to, to apper-
tain to; to concern. - tTilUjOrtg, a.
belonging to, relating. -t>rt»/. pro-
perty, dcpendencj', appertenance.
tCinfAttft, V. a. to call, to summon.
— nbC) n. call, summons.
^CiHEIippa j v. a. to cut out. - tCia=
flippniiig, /. cut, cutting.
tlinf cmtna , v. n. to come to ; to be-
long to. -n&e) a. future, to come, to
be. - tiber, time to come, futurity. -
tCittf ommcn, a. come to ; risen, born.-
^infemmelff,/. coming. -tCillfemfl,
m. coming to, accessiou ; origin, birth.
tEiHf on(lIa , v. a. to complicate, to
embroil, to subtilize, -b, a. com-
plicated, subtilized.
ZiVitannc., ge -, linf annagifra, v. a.
to make understand, to make know,
to declare. -gifran&e,«. notification,
advice, declaration.
tCiHaga) v. a. to prepare, to make
ready, to dress, to cook.
^iEifa, ad. togetlier, added to.
^iQit> m. trust, reliance; applieatiou,
recourse; dependence. — fl) v. a, to
apply to, to liave recourse tu.
tlillfriifa, /. greatest black wood-
pecker, [crowd.
tlialopp, n. afflueuse; concourse,
^inlytailbe, a. belonging to, apper-
taining to.
TEiHIata) v. a. to permit, to allow, to
admit, to suffer, to let, to indulge. -
trittlatelfe , /. permission, leave,
license, allowance.- 1ialatlig,a.
allowable; allowed, permitted;
triQIagg>n. addition, supplement, ap-
pendice. -A) f • a. to add, to adjoin,
to put to. - ZTtHIaggning , /. addi-
tion, adjoining; exaggeration.
triniiJmpa, V. a. to apply. - ItHlatnpj
njng, /. application. - TEiaiatttpIig,
a. applicable. -l>et,/. applicableness.
triniiirb) a, exercised, practised.
TEittmiile ■> n. charge, reproach, impu-
ttinmafFa, v. a. to mash. - ZiUm'i^-
ning, /; mashing; mash, malt-ground.
tCiUmataj f. a. to measure unto.
tEiatlflttlll, n. surname. [dense.
tEiUpfltffl, V. a. to compress, to con-
^tllpyjlta , ♦'. a. to adorn ; to dirty,
soil, to put into a sad condition.
tEiQra> v. n. to roll, to trickle,
ttiarcba, V. a. to prepare. - 1liHte-

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