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ttelninQ) f. shoot, young twig.
Xitlilety n. T. deal-board.
tCi'mlig, ZimmdiQi a. pretty, well
enough, tolerable. - tEemltflCn j ad.
pretty, tolerably. - (loCj pretty big.
- P«I, well enough.
ZEfinpel, n. temple, -^ette, m. knight
of the temple, templar. [on.
■JCflltpel) m. loom to make figured stull's
tHempetiJtnent,/?. temper, constitution,
temperament. -tCetnpetatUt) m. tem-
perature. - tiempetera) v. a. to tem-
TEempO> «. motion, [per.
leu, m. spindle; iron rod.
treiiafcl, m. T. visorium.
tCenliFfl, /. brass-nail.
tLtnn > /i. tin, pewter. -afFa , /. tin-
ashes, calx of tin. -H«&, -lof, n.
tin-leaf, -fljutflte, m. pewnerer.
-grufPA) /. stannary. [singer.
tEenot, "J. tenour. -ijl , m. tcnour-
tEctm,w. technical term or expression.
TTfttnittj m. term, stated time.
ZEerpftitin, m. turpentine.
tTerta^, m. terrace.
XCettin, /^i. tureen.
tEers, m. tierce ; tercet, a third.
XCcjlj OT. test, tuft of hair.
•^EeflfttnentC, «. testament, legacy, will.
in fom fatt - , devisee, to utan att
gcra -, to die intestate. - tje(lamen»
tarifP, a. testamentary. - tEc|lamen«
tita , t'. a. to give by ■will , to be-
queath, to devise. - 'Zt^atot^ m.
testator, devisour.
TEefltfel, m. testicle, cod.
tEeyt) m. text, -a, V. a. to engross, to
write in imitation of print, -nitlg, /.
iinitation of print, engrossment.
tr^e,^J.thea. -ttatejn. tea-tray, -bu,
«.bohea. -tefa>/. lea-canister, -fat,
n. saucer, -vcttttl) n. tea, infusion
^Itcatet, m. theatre, stage. [of lea.
tTbeolog, m. theologer. -t, /. theolo-
gy. ptOfe^OC i -ten, professor of di-
Zieotetifti a. tlieoretical. [vinity.
•C^etiaf, m. treacle, theriaca.
tH>f5, m. thesis.
TEl)Or, m. Thor. -bott, «. thunder.
-sbaUjm. thursday. -gmanab , m
January. -gna#la, /. kernelwort.
tH)ren, m. throne, -atfpinfl, m. nex-
heir to the crown, successor, -folib
m. succession to the crown. -lejin
1)tty f. the lime in which a throne i;
^{)y, ad. & pr. i -, because.
tEia, /. a tenth.
^ibajl, m. mezereon, spurge-olive.
Zx&Ai f. boletus.
tEt&,OT. time, season, while, space
leisure ; monthly terms ; age ; T. tide
meb -en, in time. - cfter aniianj
from time to time, unbet -en, uk
while, i rattan -, iu due time, i
i gob -, betimes, i - o4) » C- )
and out of season, i ffnom -, a
convenient time, nu fot -en, no\
days, ga Ut -en, to die. -5, '
IbutU -9? at what time? ~i ni
early enough. - {ZiU) -bof, /.
chronicle, -foljb, m. period, succes-
sion of time, -brarf, n. period, aera
epoch, -lag, n. beastliness, -langb,
/. space of time, duration. - (tlib)
— lofa , f. common meadow-sallVon.
-niatare, m. chronometer, -punft,
m. epoch, -tymb, m. space of time,
-tafnate, m. chronologist. -taf=
ning, /. chronology, -fftift, /. pe-
riodical writing, journal. -fpiHan,
/. loss of time, -tale , ad. by inter-
vals, sometimes. - (llibs) -forbtif,
n. diversion, pastime, —et^y n. verb.
Tlx'Of.y ad. f. (Pfta, tEibtgt. - ■libjg,
a. early, timely, soon; early, for-
ward ; premature death ; timely, -t,
ad. soon, early. - tlibning, /. news,
accoimt; newspaper, gazette. — gfFtif=
race, m. gazetteer. - 'Zx^ty ad. - OfJ)
efta, frequently, often.
tltga, v.n.Xo be silent, to keep silence.
- meb nagot, to conceal, to suppress,
-nbe, a. silent, -nbf, »• silence, ta-
tligec, m. tiger, -bagge, m. sand-
beetle, sparklee, cicindela. - tTigcinj
na,/. tigress. - 'ligreta, v. a. to

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