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Seamar CHAPiiLL, s. f. Purple trefoil; broad-leaved
clover ; the trifolium pratensc of botanists.
Seamar cure, s.f. Male speedwell ; the veronica officinalis
of botanists.
Se.'IMar MiiuiRE, s.f. Female pimpernel; yellow wood
loose-strife; the anagallis ftemina of botanists.
Seamhrag, aig, s./. A small nail or peg ; wood-sorrel.
.Seanaxach, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) .4 wasp.
Seaxsachax, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A wily fellow.
Seav-talamh, s. to. {It. id.) Fallow-!and.
t Searxach, a. {Ir. id.) Dissolvent, separable.
t Searnadh, aidh, s. m. (Ir. id.) Dissolution, separation.
Sear-shuil, s./. (Ir. id.) Asquint-eye.
Seasaothar, air, s. m. (Ir. id.) A rower's bench in a boat.
Seasdan", ain, s. m. A shout; a hunter's cry.
uSeasgach, aich, s./. (Ir. id.) A dry cow.
Seiceam, s. to. (Ir. id.) The membrane that covers the guts.
Seilide, s./. (Ir. id.) A snail.
Seimheax, ein, s. to. Black-headed bogrush ; the schcenus
nigricans of botanists.
tSEiRE, s./. (Ir. id.) Food.
SIeireach, a. (Ir. id.) Liberal of food.
ÌEIRSEAX, ein, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A robust person.
5EIS MADRAiDii, s. f. Great burr-reed; the sperganium
erectum of botanists.
5E0LADH, aidh, s. TO. (Ir. id.) The first semi-metre of a verse.
5GAMALL, aill, s. TO. Scum ; phlegm.
ÌGABALLACH, aich, s. TO. A wardrobe-keeper.
iJGAiKDEAR, eir, s. TO. A dirision, dissension.
•ÌGAIRG, s. /. (Ir. id.) A stony gravelly bottom.
iGALAiD, s. /. (Ir. id.) Noise.
JGAMH, s. m. A wry mouth.
•GAOiLTEAG, eig, S.f. (Ir. id.) A sheet; a windinsr-sheet.
^GAOTHAX, ain, s. in. (Ir. id.) A chamber-pot.
OATHACH, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A fence made of loppings.
GARDACn, aich, s. TO. A'omiting; a squirt; a bunch of
furze or thorns placed before the tap in a mask kieve.
GFARACii, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A square.
r.ÀTHAV, ain, s. to. A gazing-stock.
GiATAX, ain, s. TO. A dart.
(.iLLiAX, s. pi. The scales of a fish.
GiSEiDEACii, a. Skittish.
GiOBALLAX, ain, s. m. A brush for sw-eepiui- cattle with.
GioRRAG, aig, s./. A flatus.
310LMIIOR, a. Talkative. Com. and sup. sgiolmhoire.
siRBH, s./. (Ir. id.) A rocky ford ; a stony bottom.
50IGE, s./. The throat.
30IGEACII, a. Guttural.
;rab, t'. a. ( Erase; scratch; write.
iRABAX, ain, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A currycomb.
;oLGAiR, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A scold. iV. pi. sgolgairean.
JOXASACii, a. Eager, greedv.
■RAM, s. TO. ( A snatch ; a snap.
^RAMAix, s. TO. (Ir. id.) An extortioner.
■ REABHAG, aig, s.f. (Ir. id.) A crust.
iREAGAR, a. Rockv.
iREiG, s./. ( Rocky ground.
■RiEEAG, eig, s.f. (Ir. id.) A small griddle.
■ROG, sgroig, s.f. An old cow or ewe.
•RiiBLEACiiAX, ain, s. TO. A scribbler.
■RviGEAX, ein, s. to. The neck of a bottle.
Sgrutacii, aich, s. TO. ( The itch.
.Sgvirb, s.y. ( Cessation.
Sguirbeadh, idh, s. m. A condemning; condemnation.
SiACH.viR. See Siochair.
SiDHE, s./. ( A blast.
SiLTE.ACHAN, ain, s. TO. A still ; a distiller.
SiOGAN, ain, s. TO. -A^ gizzard.
SiOLLAX, ain, s. to. A skinny, meagre creature.
Siox% s. TO. .\ whisper; a phenomenon; brightness; a
SiosDAX, ain, s. to. ( Ir. id.) A hunter's cry.
SiOTHLAN, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A strainer; a sack.
SiSTEALACii, aich, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A flax-dresser ; a wool-
SisTEAL.vciiD, s.y. ( Flax-dressing ; wool-carding.
SisTEALAiR, s. TO. A flax-dresscr ; a wool-cnmber.
SiuxAS, ain, s. m. ( Ir. id.) A vessel made of straw to
hold meal.
SiuRDAX, ain, s. TO. (Ir. id.) Tattle.
SiuRRAX, ain, s. TO. ( Ir. id.) Giddiness; drunkenness;
a watery mist.
t Slabhar, a. (Ir. id.) Narrow.
.Slaimean", ein, s. m. A dirty person.
Slamair, s. to. One who eats voraciously.
t Slaod, s. to. (Ir. id.) Murder, slaughter; a pulley or
Slaodracii, aich, .<. to. (Ir. id.) Foundation.
Slaod-theixe, i. TO. A wasting or consuming fire ; a great
fire in which many persons were consumed.
Sleaxt, s. to. a tile.
Sliasaid, s.f. (Ir. id.) The coarse part of a thread.
Sliasd, Sliasdax, ain, s. to. (Ir. id.) A ledge in a loom.
Slox'nadh, aidh, «. m. Cattle.
Sll'DRacii, aich, s. to. ( Ir. id.) A foundation.
Smaile, s.y. A blow, a buflfet.
Smeirxe, s.y. A spit ; abroach.
Smiste, s./. ( A mallet.
Smol, s./. ( A weaver's shuttle.
SiiuGADAiR, s. TO. ( A pocket-handkerchief.
Smuit, s.f. A nose, a bill, a beak.
Smulag, aig, s.f. (Ir. id.) A fillip with the fingers.
Smulc, s. in. A snout ; a surly look.
Smulcach, a. Snouty ; surly.
Sxoghach, a. (Ir. id.) Beautiful.
.SoCAX, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A big-bellied man ; a tield-fare.
SoDARACH, a. Trotting.
Soimhneach, a. Peaceable; agreeable.
SoiMHXEAS, eis, s. TO. Fretting; reconciliation.
SoiGHXE, s.f. (Ir. id.) Pleasure, delight.
SoiXEACH, a. (It. id.) Noisy.
SoisEALACn, o. Airy; hearty; proud.
SoiSLEAX, ein, s. to. A firm or bold standing.
SoxxADii, aidh, s. m. A fort, a garrison.
SoPAG, aig, s.f. A small bundle of straw.
SoRTAX, ain, s. in. (Ir. id.) A shout.
Spadaxach, aich, s. m. A sluggard. N. pi. spadnnaiili.
j Spaid, s.f. (Ir. id.) A drug; a sluggard; an eunui h.
1 Spailleadh, idh, s. m. (Ir. id.) A fall.
; Spailp, s. y. ( A kiss ; a lie.
' Sparsax, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A diminution.
I t Spart, a. Heavy, dull, dense.
I SpEARAG, aig, s./. ( A sparrowhawk.

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