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Ulag, aig, s.y. A pulley. A^. p/. ulagan.
Ulagach, «. Having pullies ; like a pullev ; of, or belong-
ing to, a pulley.
Ulaidii, s. f. (fr. id.) A hoard, a treasure; a treasure
found ; a packsaddle. Cliaill sinn an t-sàr ulaidh, we
have lost the precious treasui-e. — Macfar. M' ulaidh, my
darling, my treasure. — Macfar. Voc.
Ulaisx, s.f. A charnel-house.
Ulautaicii, s./. Howling, roaring. Ulartaich nam buach-
aillean, the shepherds' howling. — Stew. Zech. Written also
Ulciiadii, aidh, s. m. (Ir. ulcha.) A beard.
llLFiiAnTAicii, s.f. Howling, roaring. Làn ulfhartaich,
full of howling. — Stew. Dent.
ULLACtrADii, aidh, s. TO. A preparing; preparation.
Ullachadh, (ag), pr. part, of ullaich. Preparing.
Ullag, aig, s.f. As much of meal or of any pulverized
substance as can be lifted between the thumb and two
fingers ; also, a mouthful of meal ; a kind of multure. —
Macfar. Voc.
Ullaich, v. a. (for ullamhaich.) Prepare, make ready,
adjust, put in order. Pret. a. dh'uUaich, prepared ; fut.
aff. uUaichidh, shall prepare; fut. pass, ullaichear, shall
be prepared.
Ullaichte, p. part, of ullaich. Prepared, made ready,
Ullamii, a. (Ir. id.) Ready, in readiness; finished, done;
over. Bheil thu uUamh ? are you ready ? Ullamh chum
urchoid, ready fur mischief; — the Irish say the same.
Ullajihaciid, s.y. Readiness; completeness ; completion ;
Ullamhaich, Ullmiiuicii, v. a. Prepare, make ready,
adjust, put in order. Pret. a. dh'ullmhuich ; fiit. aff. ull-
mhuichidh. UUnihuichidh mise thu, / will prepare thee.
■ — -Stew. Ezek.
Ullmhiicute, p. part, of ullmhuich. Prepared, made
Ulldach. Sec Ulltach.
Ulltach, aich, s. (/;•. ulltach.) An armful; a burden
canied within the fold or grasp of the arms ; a bundle.
Ulltach feòir, an armful of grass. Rinn i adhart do 'n
ulltach bu tirime, she made his shroud of driest [(/rass]. —
Oss. Fin. and Lor.
Ulluich. See Ulloich.
Ulluichte, p. pari, of ulluich. See Ullaichti:.
Ultach, aich, s. m. An Ulsterman.
Umad, comp. pron. (Ir. id.) About thee, around thee;
respecting thee ; upon thee ; on thine account.
Umadail, a. Boorish; unsocial.
Umadh, aidli, s. m. A withe used to fasten the door of a
Umaidh, comp pron. About you, around yon ; ronrorning
you, on your account. Fuidh uinliarus uniaibh, in doubt
about you. — Steiv. Gat.
U.MAIDH, s. m. An ignorant boor, a booby, a fellow of
vulgar manners. San duinr choir cha bhi ach imiaidh, the
worthy mail shall be deemed a boor. — Old Song.
Umainn, comp. pron. (Ir. id.) Aljout us, around us ; con-
cerning us; on our account. Dh'iadh iad umainn, they
surrounding us. — Oss. Duthona.
Umam, comp. pron. About nie, uround ine ; concerning
me, on my account.
Umaii, air. (Ir. id.) See Amah.
Umahlaii), s.f. A vulgar bulky female.
Umastau, air, s. 7JÌ. (Ir. id.) Circumference.
Um-dhkl'iu. See Uim-diiuuid.
Um-ohlac. See Uim-ohiac. I
Umha, s.m. (Ir. id.) Brass; copper. Airgiod is umha,si7r
and brass. — Stew. Ex.
Umiiach, a. Brazen; of copper.
U.MHADAX, s. ?n. A brazier; a copper-smith ; a tinker.
Umuadaiueaciid, s.f. The trade or business of a bra'jt
or of a copper-smith ; braziery.
Umhail. See Umiiaill.
U.viHAiLEAcn, a. See Umhailleach.
Umiiaill, s.f (Ir. id.) Heed, consideration, attenti ;
doubt, suspicion. Gun umhaill do 'n lot, heedless ofU
wound. — Oss. Cathluno. Na biodh umhaill agaibh, do ft
heed. — Stew. Song Sol. Gun umhaill, without suspict,
heedless; cha 'n eil umhaill, there is no matter ; ciodin
umhaill th'agadsa ? what matters it to you ? wluit Ò!mì;ii
is it of yours? cuir umhaill, sws/)ec^
U.MHAiLLF.ACii, a. Hecdful, attentive, considerate, care
suspicious, scrupulous. Gu h-umhailleach, heedfuUy.
Umiiailleaciid, s.f. Heedfulness, attentiveness ; a h ii
of attention ; suspiciousness. ,
Umiial, a. (Ir. id. Corn, huvel. Lat. humilis.) Sb
missive, obedient, subordinate ; humble, lowly. Umha- 1
cridhe, loivly in heart. — Stew. Mat. Umhal do lib,
obedient to law. — Steiv. Rom. i
Umiila. See UMiiLAnii.
Umhlacii, a. Apt to impose a fine; relating to a fine,
Umhlachadh, aidh, s. m. (Ir. umhlughadh.)
Umhlachail, a. Liable to penalty or fine ; penal.
Umhlaciid, s. f (Ir. id.) Obedience, submission,
missiveness; humbleness, obeisance; the practice ofjii
posing penalties ; taxation. Rinn iad ùnihlachd, they t> it
obeisance. — Stew. Gen. Umhlachd a chreidimh, <//e o/'i-
encc of faith. — Stew. Rom. ,
Umiiladh, aidh, s.f. A fine or penalty ; a Lax, tribute or
impost. locaidh iad umhladh, they shall pay a fin-
Mac Lach.
U.MiiLAicii, V. a. (Ir. uuihlaigh.) Humble, humilij;
make submissive. Pret. a. dh'umhlaich, humbled; U.
aff. umhlaichidh, siiall humble. Umhlaich thu fein, iwii'
thyself. — Steiv. Gen.
UiiuL.MCivry,, p. part. Huml)led. !
Umiiuuisg. See Uni'iso. •
U.mhkuisgeach, a. See Ukiisgeach.
U.MPA, comp. pron. About them, round them; respeopf
them, concerning them. Eudach saic umpa, sucAw
about them. — Stew. Jon. {
U.MPAiu, s. in. An umpire, an arbiter, a jud£:e. — ilfu'ir.
Voc. N. pi. umpairean. j
Umpa I REACH, a. Like an umpire or arbiter; of, orbel'^g-
ing to, an umpire or arliitcr.
Umpaikeachi), s. f The employment of an umpii or
arbiter ; arbitration.
Umurlaid, s. in. A vulgar bulky female. — Macfar. V\
UxAMAiu, s.f. (Ir. id.) A salve. j
UxFAiur, V. n. (fr. id.) Toss; wallow; tinuble. (5«''
Un'eaiut, s.f. (Ir. id.) A tossing; a wallowing or tnu-
ling. See AoxAiirr.
Ung, v. a. Anoint; besmear, daub. Pret. a. dl np.
anointed ;fut. aff'. a. ungaidh, shall anoint ; fut. pass, i ,'"'■
Unoa, ai, s. in. An ingot.
Unga, ai, s. ?n. Brass; copper. Airgiod is unga, silv i'"'
brass. — Stew. Ex. rcf. and Lev. i
, s. m. /I vuigar nuiKy lemaie. — luacjar. r ;
f. Hurry, bustle, confusion; struggle, rivry;
ce. Le mòran unaich, with much bustle. — Miwt.

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