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honour. Beiirtas agus urram, ridws and
f Beartha, adj. Clean, fine, nice, genteel.
t Beartrach, ■!. f. A pah- of tables ; chess
t Beas, i. e. Beus, s. m. A habit,
t Beasg, s.f. A prostitute.
BEATH, s. f. Birch-wood, a birch-tree.
Written also beith, which see.
BEATH A, -ANNAN, s.f. Life; food j
livelihood; welcome; salutation.
BEATHACH, -aich, -aichean, s. m. A
beast, animal, creature, not human. Some-
times applied to persons as a term of atfec-
tion, and also, of contempt, A bheathaich
bhochd, poor creature ; a bheathaich mhi-
mhodhail, you impertinent brute. It is
written beothach.
BEATHACH ADH, -aidh,s.7?i. and pres.
part. V. Beathaich. A living, maintenance,
livelihood ; sustenance, nourishment ; a
BEATHACHADH, pr. part, of beathaich.
Feeding, nourishing, maintaining.
BEATHACHAN, -ain, -an, s. m. dimin.
of Beathach, A little animal. Mo bheath-
achan gaolach. Mi/ dear Utile creature.
BEATHAG, -aig, 5. m. A bee ; a beech-
tree. Also the name Sophia.
BEATHAICH, -idh,eh-, v. a. Feed, nour-
ish, maintain, support ; welcome, salute.
BEATHAICHIDH,/Mi. aff. a. of Beath-
aich, which see.
BEATHAICHTE, p. part. Fed, nour-
ished, maintained, supported ; welcomed.
BEATH AIL, adj. Lively, vigorous; vital;
pertaining to life.
BEATHALACH, adj. Lively, sprightly.
BEATHALACHD, s. f. Liveliness, vi-
tality, sprightliness.
BEATH ANNAN, s.f. pi. of beathu. Food,
victuals ; kinds of food.
t Beathodach, a m. A beaver.
tBEATHRA, s. m. Water.
\ Beathrach, s. m. gen. of Beithir.
t Beathrach, adj. Of a serpent; a thun-
BEATHRAICHEAN, pi. of Beithir.
Dragons; thunder-bolts.
BECORA-LEACRA, s. m. Common
BEIC, s.J". A courtesy. Dean beic, courtesy,
or make a courtesy.
BÈIC, -iDH, BH, s.f. A cry, a shout, roar,
an uproar ; more commonly, Bèiichd.
BEIC, s. f. A point, a nib, the bill of a
bird. Hence beak and peak.
BEICEASACH, -aiche, adj. (from beic.)
Bobbing ; courtesying ; skipping ; hopping.
BEICEIL, s.f. Making obeisance, courte-
sying, bobbing.
BEICEIL, -iL, s. /. An outcry, roaring.
crying; a bellowing; a loud noise. See
BEIC-LEUMNACH, a(lj. Prancing,
skipping, bopping ; curvetting.
BEIC-LEUMNACHD, 5./. A dancing,
skipping, &c.
BÈIGNEID, 5. /. A bayonet. N. pi.
BÈIL, g-«j. «'h^. of beul. A mouth. More
frequently written Bedil.
t Beile, s. f. A meal of meat, a diet.
BEILBHEÀG, -aig, s. /. A corn-poppy ;
wild poppy.
BEILBHEAGACH, adj. Abounding in
wild poppies.
BEILEAN, -EIN, s. m. A mouth ; a
little mouth ; prattling person.
BEILE ANACH,m//. Garrulous ; prattling ;
loquacious ; talkative.
BEILEANACHD, s. /. Garrulousness ;
talkativeness ; loquaciousness.
BEILLEACH, adj. Blubber-lipped.
BEILLEACHD, s.f. The deformity of
BEILLEAG, -eig, -ean, s. /. The outer-
coating of a birch tree.
BEILLEACHAS, -ais, 5. 7«. The defor-
mity of a blubber-lip.
BEIM, gen. sing, of beum ; %vhich see.
BÈIM-CHE A P,-iP, s.?/i. A whipping^stotk.
BEIMEACH, -EicHE, adj. See Beumaca.
t Beimis, v. (Bitheamaid,) Let us be.
BEIMNEACH, -eiche, adj. Beumach ;
talkative ; loquacious.
BÈIN, g«t. sing, ofbian. A hide, or skin.
Clogaid bein an ruadh-bhuic, a helmet of
the ski?i of the roe-buck.
BÈINCE, ) -EAN, -EANNAN, S.f. A bcHCh ;
BÈINGE, i the side bench, or plank of a
BEINN, -E, gen. beinne, pi. Beanntan,
ainnean, s.f. A mountain; hill; pinnacle.
See also Beiinn.
BEINNE, gen. sÌ7ìg. of beann, and beinn.
BEINN-MHÒR, s.f. Name of a hill in
BEIR,-iDH, pret. Rug, V. a. ir. Take hold ;
bring forth, bear, produce.
f Beirbheis, s.f. Anniversary, feast, vigil.
BEIRBHE, s.f. Copenhagen.
BEIRM, -E, s.f. Barm, yeast, ferment.
BEI R SINN, «. m. p. part. v. Beir. Bringing
forth, producing ; also catching. See

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