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catiws ; a faithless wife.
BEAN-UASAL, s. f. A hidy, a gentlewo-
KE ANN, gen. pL of Beinn, Top of a moun-
tain ; a degri'e ; a step ; a born ; a skirt ; a
drinking cup ; a beam ; a corner.
BEANNACH, -akiik, adj. Skirted ; cor-
ner-ways ; borned ; pointed ; forked.
BEANNACIIADH, -aidh, s. m. A bless-
ing, benediction ; the act or circumstance
of blessing.
BEANNACHD,/)/. -an, s. m. A blessing;
a farewell ; compliment, salutation ; Cair
mo bheannachd, send mi/ compliinenls ;
thoir mo bheaiin;ichd, gwt? my coiiipll-
poet's congratulation.
BEANNACIIDACII, adj. Prone to blessj
ready to salute.
BEANNAGACII, -aiche, adj. Having
corners ; skirted.
BEANNAICH, -inn, im-, v. a. Biess, sa-
lute, bail.
BEANNAlCHIDH,ywi. aj. adj. Shall or
will bless,
BEANNUICHTE, adj. and pret. part. v.
Blessed ; saluted.
BE ANN AN, -ain, s. w. {dim. of beinn.)
A little hill.
Beinn. Hills, mountains.
BEANNTACH, -aiche, arfj. Hilly, moun-
tainous; rocky ; pinnacled.
BEANNTACHD, 4./. Hilliness, moun-
tainousness. •
BEAN-NUAUH-PHÒSD A,.s./. A newly
married woman, a young wife.
BEANNUCHADH, -aidh, s. m. A bless-
ing; the act of blessing.
BEANNUICH, -imi, uh-, v. a. Bless ; in-
voke a blessing ; salute.
BEANNUICHTE, a(//. and ;)rc/. part. Sec-
bean naichte.
BEANTAG, -aig, -an, x.f. A corn fan.
BKANTAINN, s. m. Touching, the act of
touching. See Beantuinn.
t Beau, biii, «. m. A spit. See Bior.
t Bkakam, v. a. See Beir.
BEAR ACM D, s.J. Judgment.
t Bkauan, -ain, s. m. A young man ; a
pen ; a little spit. See Bioran.
+ Beahg, s. m. Anger ; a champion.
i Bkaiiiìaciii), s.f. Diligence,
t Beakgna, .s.f. The vernacular language
of a country.
BEAIILA, s.f. See Beurla.
BEAKN, -EiRN, -an, s.f. A breach ; a gap;
an aperture ; a cranny, crevice.
BEARN, -AIDH, BH-, V. a. Notch; hack;
make a breach or gap.
BEAIINACH, A1CHE, adj. Abounding in
gaps, or breaches ; notched, hacked ; hav-
ing fissures, apertures, clefts, or openings ;
wanting teeth.
BE ARNAN, «. pi. of beam ; which see.
BEARNAN-BRÌD£,s. m. Aplant called
BEARN-MHIOL, s. m. A hare-lip.
BEARR, -AIDH, BH-, V. a. Shave; shear,
clip, crop, curtail ; prune.
BEARRA, ;;/. -an, s. m. A spear, a dart ;
short hair; a cut, a slice, a shred.
BEARRADAIR, -e, -ean, s. vi. A bar-
ber, a hair-dresser ; a critic; a shearer.
occupation of a barber; a clipping, a crop-
ping, a carping, criticising ; satirising.
BEARRAUH, -aidh, s. vi. and pres. part.
V. Bearr. Shearing, clipping, shaving ; lop-
ping, pruning; the top of mountains, cliffs,
or rocks.
BEARR AG, -aic, s.f. A razor.
BEARRAICHE, 5. »1. A barber, a hair-
BEARRAIDEACH, -eiche, adj. Light,
nimble, active.
BEARRCASACH, -aiche, adj. High-
mettled; of ardent spirit.
BEARR-SGIAN, -eine, -ean, s. f. A
pruning-knife ; a razor.
BEARRTA, p. part, of bearr. Shaved,
cropped, clipped, pruned, shorn.
machine, an engine, a loom, a frame; a
deed, %vork, or exploit ; a harness, a yoke ;
a burden ; shrouds ; tackling of a ship ; a
sheath or scabbard ; a bundle or truss ;
clothes. A bhearta, iongantach, ins umider-
ful works. Bearta treubhantais, feats of
valour. Cuig luingis fo'm beairt, Jive ships
in full equipment. A lann fo bheairt, Jiis
sword in the scabbard. Ar siùil 's ar bear-
tan, our sails a7id oiirshroiuls. Beairt-f highe,
a tvcaver's loom. Beairt-tuairneir, a tur-
ner's loom, or lathe. Beairt-uchd, a poitrel.
BEARTACH, -aiche, adj. Rich, wealtliy;
of or belonging to a machine.
BEARTAICH, -idh, bh-, v. a. Equip, ad-
just, harness ; prepare, make ready, bran-
dish, ilourish. Bheartaich c a charbad, he
i/uked his chariot.
BEART AH., -e, adj. Well furnished.
BEARTAIR, s. m. A brandisher.
BEARTAS, -Ais, s. in. Riches, wealth;

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