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liElRTE, pret.jHirl. v. Belr. Born, brought
HEI IITICH, -inH, BH-, V. a. See Beartaich.
B ÈIST, E, -EAN, X. J. A beast, a monster,
a beast of prey ; a wretch ;
BfilSD-DUBH, -uiBHE, s.f. An otter.
BÈ1STE1L, -E, adj. Beastly, bestial; like
a beast.
BÈISTEALACIID,5./. Brutality, beast-
BÈ1STEAN, s. m. A little beast.
BÈIST-MH AOL, -aoil, s. f. A seal, a sea-
BP:ITH, -e, 5. VI. and/. The second letter
(B) of the Gaelic alphabet; birch, birch-
BEITHEACH, «. m. See Beathach.
s. ni. A bear ; a serpent ; any wild beast ;
a thunder-bolt; a large skate.
t Beith-luis-nion,s./. The Oglium alpha-
bet of the Irish ; so called from its first
three letters. B, L, N. Beith, Luis,
t Beitin, s. m. The withered or decayed
grass of the hills.
BEITIR, -E, adj. Tidy, neat, clean.
BEO, adj. Alive, living; quick, lively. Am
beo e ? is he alive ? Am beo i ? is she alive ?
BEO-AIRGIOD, s. m. Quicksilver.
BEOCHAN, -AiN, s. m. A small fire.
Beochan teine, a Utile fire.
BEOCHANTA, -ainte, adj. Vigorous;
lively, sprightly.
BEOCHANTACHD, s./. Vigorousness ;
liveliness, sprightliness.
BEODH A, ac/;. Lively; courageous, intre-
BEODHACHADH, -AiDH, >«. m. and
See Beothachadh.
]Tres. jtart.
BEODHAICH, -inn, -bh-, v. a. See Beo-
BEODHAIL, -E, adj. SeeBeothail.
BEODH ALACHU, x. /. See Beothalachd.
BEOUHANTA, adj. Lively; vigorous.
BEODHANTACHD, s. f. Liveliness,
sprightliness ; vigorousness.
BEO-DMEALACHAUH, -aidh, 5. m.
Separation with life.
BEO-DIIÙIL, -E, -EAN, s. /. A living
BEO-EACHDRAIUH, s.f. Biography;
writing the lives of men.
BEO-EACHDRAICHE, -fan, s. m. A
biographer ; a writer of lives.
BEO-FHAL, -Air,, -kan, s. m. An inclo-
BEO-GH AINEAMH, -eimh, s. f. Quick
BEO-GHLAC, v. a. Take alive; take into
custody alive.
BEO-GHRÌOSACH,-AicH, s.f. Hotem-
BEO-ÌOBAIRT, -e, -ean, s.f. A living
BEÒIL, gen. sing, of Beul, A mouth.
BEÒ1R, -E, s.f, Beer, ale. Bcòir chaol,
small beer. Beòir laidir, strung beer.
BEOLACH, adj. Talkative, loquacious.
BEOLAICHE, s. m. A chronicler; atalk-
ative person.
BEO-LAOCH, -AOICH, s. m. A lively fel-
low, a young hero, a lively lad.
BEO-LEATROMACH, adj. Quick with
BEOLAIDEAS, -ais, s. m. Oral tradi-
BEO-LUAITH, -luaithre, s. f. Hot
ashes, or embers.
BEOLUM, -uiM, s. VI. A scold, ridicule.
BEO-FHHADHARC, -airc, s. m. Quick
sight ; clear sight ; a lively view.
BEO-FHRADHARCACH, -aiche, adj.
Quick sighted ; clear sighted.
BEÒSACH, -AICHE, adj. Bright, luminous,
glittering ; brisk ; trim, spruce; dapper.
BEÒSAICH, -iDH, BH , V. a. Beautify,
adoi'n, deck out ; m.ike spruce, or tidy.
BEÒ-SGARADH, -aihh, s. m. A divorce.
BEÒ-SHLÀINTE, s.f. A life-rent, live-
BEÒ-SHLAINTEACH, adj. Of or per-
taining to a life-rent.
BEOTHACH, -ak u, x. m. A beast. See
BEOTHACHADH, -aidh, s. m. imd prcs.
]>art. V. Beothaich. A re-animating, quick-
ening ; a kindling ; enlivening.
BEOTHACHAIL, adj. Having a re-ani-
mating or quickening influence.
BEÒTHAIBH, of Beo. Living.
BEOTHAICH, 5()i. sing, of Beothach.
BEOTHAICH, -mn, bh-, v. a. Kindle,
light ; re-animate, revive, quicken.
BEOTIIAICHlDII,/«<. aj. of Beothaich.
BEOTHAICHTE, p. pari, of Beothaich.
Quickened, animated, kindled ; enlivened.
BEÒTHAIL, -E, adj. Vigorous, active,
BEOTHALACHD, s./. Liveliness, smart-
ness, agility, vigour.
BEOTHAN-TEINE, s. m. A little fire.
BEÒ-THORRACH, adj. Quick with
BEO-THUISLEACH, adj. Viviparous.

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