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deddfres-au -i, n/, code of laws
tdeddfroddi, v, to legislate
deddfroddol, a, leptislativi^
deddfroddwr, wyr, n, lawgiver, legislator
deddfu, V, to legislate; to enact
deddfwr, wyr, n, lawgiver, legislator
deddfwrfa -oedd, feydd, nf, legislature
deddfwriaeth, nf, legislation, legislature
tdeddyw, v, he has come
tdefal, ;;., devil
defeidiog -au, nf, slieep-walk
tdefeidiwr, wyr, n, shepherd
dafeita, v, to gather sheep; to plunder
tdefeity, tai, «, slieep-fold
defion, np, rights, dues; rites, customs
deflys -oedd, n, court of common pleas
defni, tip, droppings, drops: s. dafn
defnydd -iau, n, material; matter, ele-
ment, substance, stuff; subject-mat-
ter (of poem, etc.)t; end, purpose;
use. Gwnenthur defnydd o, to make
use of
tdefnyddfawr, a, substantial, important
defnyddiad, n, utilization
defnyddio, v, to use, to utihze, to em-
ploy (of things) ; to preparef
defnyddiol, a, useful; material
defnyddioldeb, n, usefulness, utility
defnyddiwr, wyr, n, user, consumer
defnyn -nau, datnau, n, drop, particle
defnynnu, v, to drop, to drip, to dribble,
to distil, to trickle
defod -au, nf, usage, custom; rite,
ritual, ceremony; ordinance
defodaeth, nf, ritualism
defodi, V, to fix or institute a custom
defodol, a, customary, accustomed; ap-
pointed; ritualistic, ceremonial
defodwr, wyr, n, ritualist
defosiwn, ynau, n, devotion
defosiynol, a, devotional, devout (Acts
X. 2, 7)
deffiniad -au, n, definition
deiUnio, v, to define
tdeffol, V, to select, to pick=dethol
deflro, deffroi, v, to rouse, to arouse; to
wake, to awake, to awaken. Yn
neffro, awake
deffroad -au, n, awakening
deffrous, a, rousing
deg -au, n, ten, lo, x; decade: a, ten
degaid, eidiau, n, decad(e)
degeidio, v, to form decad(e)s^
degfed, a & n, tenth
degiad -au, n, decimal
tdegle, pi. deglywch, v. imp, hark !
listen ! ho !
degol, a, decimal, degolion, decimals
degwm, ymau, n, tenth, tithe; (facet.)
fee. Degwm oil dwrn, gratuity, tip
degymu, v, to tithe; to decimate
deng, a, ten = deg (before mlynedd,
niwrnod, mil, and .1 few other words).
dengair, decalogue, dengwaith, ten
times, dengwr, ten men
dengwriad, iaid, n, decemvir, dccurion
tdengyn, a, strong, hard, sharp; dogged,
dehau, deheu, a, southern; south; right;
dexterous; propitious: n, south; right
deheubarth -au, n, south region. Deheu-
barlh Cvmru, Deheudir Cymru, South
deheubartheg, nf, southern dialect
deheuberthig, a, pertaining to the Deheu-
deheudir -oedd, n, southern region.
Deheudir .America, South America
deheudra, M=deheurwydd
deheufor -oedd, n, southern sea;
South Sea
deheuig, a, dexterous, skilful, expert
deheulaw, nf, right hand
tdeheuoedd, np, right hands
deheuol, a, dexter; southern, austral
deheurwydd, n, dexterity, adroitness, ex-
pertness, skill
deheuwr, wyr, n, southerner, southron;
deheuwynt, n, south wind
dehongli, v, to interpret
dehongliad -au, n. interpretation
dehonglwr, wyr, dehonglydd -ion. n, in-
tdehol, i^=deol
tdeholiad, n, banishment, expulsion
fdeholwr, wyr, n, banisher
tdehores, v, (he) snatched or dragged
deial, n, dial (2 Kings xx. 11)
tdeierin, a=deyerin
deifíad, n, singeing; blasting (2 Chron.
vi. 28)
deifio, V, to singe, to scorch, to burn; to
blast ; to roastf
deiflog, a, scorched, blasted

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