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deifiol, a, singeing; blasting; scorching,
deifiwr, wyr, n, scorcher, blaster
tdeifnio, v, to constitute, to produce
tdeifniog, a, dripping (dafn)
tdeifniog, a, substantial, essential, ac-
tdeifr, np. See dwfr
deigr, 11 & en, tear; drop: pi. dagrau
tdeigrau, np— dagrau
deigryn, n, tear; drop: pi. dagrau
tdeilad, M=deiliad
deildy, dai, n, bower, arbour
deilen, dail, nf, leaf, foil
deiliach, np, (mixed) leaves; herbage
deiliad, n, foliation
deiliad, laid, deiliadon, n, tenant; sub-
ject; captort
deiliadaeth, uf, tenantry, tenancy
tdeiliadaeth, nf, foliage, fohation
tdeiliant, n, foliage, foliation
fdeiliar, a, foliaceous, leafy
deilio, V, to put forth leaves, to leaf
deiliog, a, bearing leaves, leafy
deiliwr, wyr, n, herbalist
fdeiliwr, n, tenant, subject
tdeilw -on, n, the small of the leg
deilliad -au, n, procession, emanation
deillio, V, to proceed, to emanate; to
flow, to issue, to spring
deincod, dincod, en, teeth on edge
tdeintgryd, tdeincryd, n, chattering or
gnashmg of teeth
deintiad, n, dentition
deintio, v, to nibble; to bite
deintiol, a, dental, deintolion, dentals
deintlwch, «, tooth-powder
deintrod -au, "/, cogwheel
deintur -iau, n, tenter; tenter-hooks
deintws, n, little tootli, toothlet
deintwst, nf, toothache
deintydd -ion, n, dentist
deintyddiaeth, nf, dentistry
deiol, n & nf, dial
deir, a. slow, dilatory (S.W.) = dyhir
deirton, nf (tertian) ague
tdeiryd, v, (it) pertains, belongs, re-
deiseb -au, nf, petition
deisebu, v, to petition
deisebwr, deisebydd, wyr, n, petitioner
deisyf -ion, n, request, entreaty, peti-
tion : V See deisyfu
fdeisyfedig, a=disyfyd
tdeisyfedigaeth, nf, request, entreaty,
deisyfiad -au, n, request, desire, prayer,
petition, supplication, entreaty
deisyfol, a, beseeching, suppliant
deisyfu, deisyf, v, to desire, to wish, to
request, to ask, to pray, to crave, to
entreat, to beseech, to supplicate, to
implore; to require; to seek; to suitf,
to befitf. Deisyfu einioes, to seek
one's life; to long for one's death
(by anticipating future events im-
deisyfwr, wyr, n, suppliant
tdeisyfyd, a=disyfyd
tdeisyfyd, tdeisyfaid, j;= deisyfu *
del, delo, V. subj, will, shall, or may
del, a, stifft, sternt, grimf ; pertt,
saucyt; pretty, neat
delbren -ni, n, cudgel; log ; stick tied to a
dog's tail; idle or stupid fellow
tdelder, n, stiffness; sauciness; pretti-
delfryd -au, n, idea, ideal
delfrydiaeth, nf, idealism
delfrydol, a, ideal
delfrydwr, delfrydydd, wyr, >i, idealist
delfî, 11, oaf, dolt, numslvull; churl
delfîaidd, a, oafish ; stupid; churlish
delfîo, V, to stun, to stupefy, to nioider
fdeli, V, to hold=daI
tdelid -au, n, metal
tdelidaidd, a, metallic
tdelidau, np, feasts
delio, V, to deal
delor -au, nf, the woodpecker
delw -au, nf, image, impress; statue;
idol; form, mode, manner. Pa ddelw,
how. Pa ddelw bynnag; however
tdelwad, n, form, formation
tDelwad, n. Creator
delw-addolaidd, a, idolatrous
delw-addoli, v, to worship images
delw-addoliad, n, delw-addoliaeth, nf,
delw-addolwr, wyr, n, idolator
delwdorrwr, dorwyr, n, iconoclast
deiwedd -au, ;;/, image, simile
delweddu, v, to portray, to picture
delw-gell -oedd, nf, image -chamber
(Ezek. viii. 12)
deiwi, V, to turn pale; to be paralysed
with fright

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