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datod, V, to loose, to unloose, to undo,
to untie, to solve, to dissolve; to
destroy (i John iii. 8)
datoi, V, to unroof
datreiglo, v, to roll back
datro -ion, n, reversion, twist
datroi, v, to turn back, away, or aside;
to reverse ; to twist ; to untwist
dathliad -au, n, celebration
dathlu, V, to celebrate
tdathoedd, v, he had come
tdathoeddwn, v, I had come
tdathoeddynt, v, they had come
dau, a & n, two: /. dwy. Ein dau, both
of us. Eich dau, both of you. /// dau,
Eill dau, both of them
dau-, px. in composition, double, two-
bi-. For other words so compounded
see under deu-
daudatodiog, a, double-tongued, two-
tongued (Ecclus. vi. i)
daudroedlog, a, bipedal, biped
dauddyblyg, a, two-fold; duplicate;
daueiriog, a, equivocal, double-tongued
dauenwol, a, binomial
daufiniog, a, double-edged, two-edged
daulygeidiog, a, binocular
dauochrog, a, two-sided, bilateral
dauwynebog, a, two-faced; deceitful;
hypocritical: n/, heartsease, pansy
daw, V, s. 3 pres. and fut. of dyfod
daw -on, dofion, n, son-in-law
fdawad, fdywad, v, to come= dyfod
dawn, doniau, n &7if, gift; virtue; grace;
mental endowment; talent; wit, hu-
mour; fervour, eloquence; favourf
tdawnbwyd, n, food-rent (legal)
dawns -iau, « & nf, dance
dawnsfa, leydd, nf, dance, ball
dawnsio, v, to dance
dawnsiwr, wyr, n, dancer
dawnswraig, nf, female dancer
dawnus, a, gifted, talented ; virtuousf
tdawr, r, it behoves, interests. A'l'm
dawr, I do not care ; it does not
interest (concern) me=tawr
de, a, right; south
de, n, right side; the south=dehau
deaden, >;/=diadeU
deall, V, to understand, to perceive; to
make to understand!, to interpretf:
n, understanding, intelligence, intel-
dealladwy,ŵ, intelligible, comprehensible
deallgar, a, intelligent, wise
deallgarwch, n, intelligence
deallol, a, intellectual
tdeallt, r= deall
dealltwriaeth -au, nf, understanding,
comprehension, intelligence
tdealltwrus, a, intelligent
deallus, a, intelligent, understanding
deau, a & H=dehau
fdebed, v, to go, to depart
tdebre, i;=dabre
deeban, n, having ten divisions
decplyg, a, tenfold
deesill. a, of ten syllables
dectant, tannau, n, ten-stringed instru-
dectro, a, of ten turns
dechreu, dechre, v, to begin, to commence,
to originate: n, beginning, origin
dechreuad -au, n, beginning, commence-
ment, origination; origin
deehreunos, nf, nightfall, dusk
dechreuol, a, original, initial, primitive
dechreu wr, wyr, n, beginner, starter
tdechryn, etc. See dychryn
fdechwyn, v, to strike (tents)
dedfryd -au, nf, verdict, adjudication,
decision ; sentence
tdedfryd, i'=edfryd
dedfrydu, v, to sentence
tdedryd, n/= dedfryd
dedwydd, a, happy; blessed; blissful;
dedwyddo, v, to beatify, to make happy
tdedwyddol, fdedwyddus, a, beatific;
blessed, happy
dedwyddwch, dedwyddyd, n, happiness,
felicity; blessedness, bliss
tdedyllu, v, to suckle, to suck
deddf -au +-on, nf, law, statute, ordin-
ance, act; customf; privileget;
rightf. ^Hen Ddeddf, Old Testament.
■\Newydd Ddeddf, New Testament
deddfle -oedd, n, place or position
before the law (theol.)
deddflyfr -au, n, statute-book
tdeddfod -au, n, statute, ordinance;
also= defod
deddf ol, a, legal, lawful, legitimate;
deddfoldeb, n, legality
deddfoli, v, to legalize, to legitimize
tdeddfon.M^, privileges: s. deddf

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