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Balla, ball'-a, n. m. a wall, a fence. !
BiLLACH, ball'-ach, n. m. spotted, speckled ;
laogh ballach, a spotted or speck-led calf.
Ballaire, baU'-ur'-à, n. m. a cormorant. N.
Ballan, bàll'-an, n. m. a teat ; ballan na
boine, the cow's teat ; a tub, a vessel ;
ballan binndeachaidh, a cheese vat (fiodh-
an), H. ; 6a.'/an stiallach, a sort of pillory
used of old in the Highlands; air ballan
stiallach 'g ad sparradh, fastening thee to
the pillory. Arm.
Ballart. ball'-àrt, ». m. noise, fuss about
one's family.
Ballartach, ball'-art-ach, a. boastful.
Balt, ballt, n. m. the welt of a shoe ; bor-
der, belt ; pi. built, baltan.
Baltach, bàlt'-ach, a. bordered, belted.
Ban, ban, the gen. phi. of bean, a woman ;
b' ionganntach do ghradli dhomhsa, a'
toirt barrachd air gràdh nam ban, thy
love to me was luorulerful, surpassing the
love of women. B.
Ban, bann, a. pale, wan, white, fair-hair.
ed ; ni 's bàine, fairer, &c. ; n. m. left
hand side of a funow, in ploughing.
Ban, a prefix in compounds ; ban before
f aspirated, ban and bana in other in-
stances; as, banfhàidh, a prophetess;
banacharaid, a female friend.
Banaba, bàmi-ab'-à, n.f. an abbess.
Banabhakan, bann-a-vhar'-un, lu f. a ba-
Banabhard, bann'-a-vhard, n. f. a poetess.
Banachadh, bàn'-àch-i, n. m. and p.
whitening, growing pale or wan.
Banacharaid, bàn'-a-char-èj, n. f. & fe-
male friend, a female relation.
Banacheard, ban'-a-chyàrd', n.f. a gipsy,
a tinker's wife.
Banacheileadair, ban'-juchyais-a-dar*,
7J./. an executrix, a female guardian.
Banachiobair, ban'-a-chèbb-ar', n. f. a
Banachoigreach, bàn-à-choèg-ryàch, n.
f. a female stranger.
Banachompanach, ban'.a-chomp-an-ach,
n.f. a female companion.
Banachompanas, ban'-a-chomp-an-us, n.
m. female companionship.
Banachruitear, Uan'-a-chrùt'-tjar', n.f.
a female harper, a female minstrel.
Baxachuisleanaiche, bàn-a-chùsh'-lyan'-
ech-à, n. f. a female performer on a wind
Banachuradair, ban-a-ehùr'-a-dar', n.f.
an executrix, a female guardian.
Banadhaltranxach, banu-aò'-allt-runn-
àeh, n.f. an adulteress.
Banag, bàn'-àg, 71. /. a grilse, gealag.
Banaghaisge, ban-a-ghàsg'-à. n.f. surpris-
ing feats or exploits of a female.
Baxaghaisgeach, ban'-a-ghashg-ach, n. f.
a heroine, an amazon, female warrior.
Banaghoistidh, ban'-a-ghòsht-è, n. f. a
Banaghrudair, ban'-a-ghrù-'dur', n. f.
the landlady of an inn ; a female brew-
er, a hostess ; eagar na banaghrudair, the
ale-wife's ivhisper soon turns loud. A.
Banaibhistear, bann-Iv'-èsht-àr,' n.f. a
she-devil, a fury, a virago.
Banaich, bàn'-èch, v. to whiten, grow pale.
Banail, ban'-al, a. modest, feminine, be-
coming a female, comely.
Banais, bàn'-èsh, n. /. a wedding; fear
na bainnse, the bridegroom; bean na
bainnse ; gen. bainnse.
Banalachd, bàn'-àl-àchg, n. f. modesty,
behaviour becoming a female.
Banaltrachd, ban'-àllt-rràchg, n.f. nurs-
ing, fostering, cajoling, the business of a
nurse ; mach air bhanaltrachd, out a
BAXAiTRAnH, ban'-allt-trao, n./. a nurse.
Banaltraich, bàn'-àllt-iTèch, v, nurse.
Banaltrulm, ban'-àlt-rùèm, v. nurse.
Banaltru.m, ban'-alll-rum, n.f. a nurse.
Banaltrumas, bàn'-àlt-rum-us, n.f. nurs-
ing; cajoling.
Baxamiiaighstir, ban'-a-vhaesh-tyur", 71.
/. a mistress ; a schoolmistress.
Baxamhaighstireas, ban-à-vhaè'-tyur'-
us, tlie rule or sway of a mistress.
Baxmharcaiche, bàn-à-vhàrk'-èch-à, «.
/. a female rider.
Banamharcas, ban-à-vhàrk'-us, n. f. a
Banamharsonta, batm'-a-vhar-sunt-à, «.
/. a female merchant.
Baxamhoihear, ban'-a-vhoyr-àr', n.f. a
noblewoman, the wife of a lord ; ia?i must
be prefixed almost in every case, when
speaking of a female's country ; ban-al-
bannach, ban-sassunnach, ban-fhrang-
ach, ban-diiidseach, a Scotswoman, an.
Englishwoman,a Frenchwo»ian,a Dutch,
Baxamhortair, tann-a-vhort'-ar", n.f a
female tliat commits murder.
Banaphrioxnsa, bànn-a-fFrumi'-sà, 71. f. a
princess, a king's daughter.
Baxarach, ban'-àr.àch, n. f. a dairy-maid.
Baxarachas, bàn'-àr-àch-us, n. f. the of-
fice of a dairy-maid or milk-maid.
BaXASTiGHE, bàn-us-tàe'-è, n. tn. house-
wifery, female occupation.
Banbh, ban'-uv, n. m. land imploughed
for a year, an ancient name for Ireland.
Banc, bank, n. m. a balk, a bank. Bib.
Baxchruthach, bàn'-chrù-ach, a. pale,
wan, pale-complexioned. H.
Baxdaidh, bànd"-è, a. modest, delicate,
Baxdia, ban'-jea, or dyèa, luf. a goddess;
ach mar an ceudna gu cuiiear team pull na
han-di mòixe Diana an neopbris, Imt aii»

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