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Victoria Life Assurance Society, 131 Princes st— Thos. Pirret, agt
Victoria Lodging-Houses, 85 Westport, 115 Cowgate, and 2 Mer-
chant st; females, 3 Merchant st
Vignon Gustave, French teacher, 45a George fit
Villa Gardener Office, 6 India buildings
Vincent John, spirit dealer, 55 Bernard st, Leith
Virtue & Co. publishers and booksellers, 46 Nicolson st— John
Matheson, agent [road
Virtue William, clothier(Holtum& Welsh), 7 North Mansion House
Vueghs Louis, professor of dancing, 20 India St
WACH Frederick, boot & shoe merchant & manufacturer, 77 Leith
â– walk and 18 Commercial st, Leith
Waddel Andrew, builder & contractor, Freer st
Waddell Andrew, vinegar manufacturer (Campbell & Waddeh),
5 Gillespie crescent [st
WaddeU Alex. Peddle, W.S. (J. & A. Peddio & Ivory), 4 Great Stuart
Waddell .S M'Intosh,W.S. 87 George st
WaddeU Autlrew & Son, carriers & contractors, 82 Sandport st, L
Waddell Hugh, bootmaker, 4 Ferguson's buildings
Waddell John, spirit dealer, 38 St. Leonard's st
Waddoll John, railway and public works contractor, 10 St. Andrew
square ; house, Belford park. Dean
Waddell John, traveller, 2 Windsor st
Waddell William, teacher of music, 137 Princes st
Waddie Alexander & Co. shipbrokers, &c. 43 Bernard st, Leith
Waddie & Co. manufacturing stationers, Brunswick st
Waddie Charles, stationer (AVaddie & Co.), 25 Gayfield square
Waddie John, stationer (Waddie & Co.), 7 Derby st, Stanley road
Wade Peter, tailor, 11 Forbes st
Waghorne Archibald, stationer, 34 Castle st
Wagner John B. draper, 20 Dundas st
Wagnor Thomas L. smith, 27 Morrison st
Walcot John, ironmonger {G. Callam & Co.), 20 Drummond place
Waldensiau Mission Aid Fund— Alexander Brown, 4 North Saint
David st, secretary
Waldie David, coal merchant (J. Waldie & Sons), 3 Clifton terrace
Waidie Geoigo, gieengrocer, 11 Clifton terrace
"Waldie James and Sons, coal and coke merchants,
£1 Haymarket terrace, Saeitli walk ; & ]^ailway
Stations at EEayinarket, Et.S.eonard's,Scotland st,
ZiCitli walk, BS"ortli Xieitb, Trinity, and <B>ranton ;
shipping emcefl Bernard st^Jteitii— See advert ijiement
Waldie James, smith, 64 Potter row
Waldie James, junior, coal merchant {James Waldie and Sons),
The Grove, Trinity
Waldie Jane, dairy, 123 Pleasance
Waldie Thomas, coal merchant (J. Waldie & Sons), 104 Ferry road
Walker Alexander, glass merchant (Dickson and Walker), Spring
grove, 23 Morningside place
Walker Alex, draper, &c. (G. & J. Walker), 4 WeUington place, L
Walker Alison, embroiderer, 320 Leith walk
Walker and King, engineers, &c. Caledonian Engine Works, West
Walker Audi-ew H. spirit dealer, 2 Little King st
Walker Anna, apartments, 20 Pitt st
Walker Archibald, chimney sweeper, 11 Bread st
Walker Archibald, foreman. 270 Boanington road
Walker Archibald, clerk, 4 Victoria place, Trinity
Walker David, pavement merchant, 32 Castle terrace
Walker David S. private teacher, 22 Panmure i>lace
Walker Elizabeth, apartments, 81 Clerk st
Walker Ellison, grocer, 42 Potter row
Walker Fletcher, draper, 8 Toviot place
Walker Frederick, fui-niture dealer, 18 Kirkgate, Leith
Walker George, dairyman, 21 Clerk st
Walker George, cabinet maker, 4 East Dublin st. la ; ho, 8 Castle st
Walker George and John, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers,
hosiers, & hatters, 2 Kirkgate, Leith
Walker Isabella V. teacher, 14 Union st, Leith
Walker James, advocate (of Dairy), Dah-y House, and at 10
Grosvenor crescent
'Walker James, Bunfermline 2Llnen Warehouse,
table linen, sheetings, blankets, quilts, &c. 35
G-eor^e st; bouse, 6 How^e st
Walker James, poUce sergeant, 16 Cochi-ane place, Leith
Walker James, print seller, 18 Oxford st
Walker James, recorder of Calton Burying Ground, 21 Calton hiU
Walker Jae. grocer, wine & spirit merchant, 54 Nicolson st
Walker James, clerk, 7 Buccleuch place
Walker James & Sons, drapers & clothiers, 134 & 135 Kirkgate, L
Walker James B. drjsalter, 118 West bow
Walker James C. architect, 2North-East Circus place
Walker James D. stock & share broker, 14 South Saint Andrew st
Walker James K. clerk, 3 Victoria place, Trinity
Walker Jessie, china dealer, 11 Broad wynd, Leith
Walker Jessie, milliner, 80 Buccleuch st
Walker John, W.S. 2 Queen at
Walker John, tailor, 9 Crown at
Walker John (Bill Chamber Register House), 13 Broughton place
Walker John, painter & glazier, 43 North Pitt st
Walker John, chemist, 10 Gladstone place
Walker John, W.S. 2 ^ueen st ; house, 31 Buckingham terrace
Walker John, general manager. North British fiailway Company,
Strathedcn Villa, 5 Cbalmer's crescent
Walker John, cabinet maker, 22 South Back of Canongatc
Walker John, painter, 4 Hill square
Walker John K. architect, &c. (Sutherland & Walker), 16 Gayfield sq
Walker Joseph & Son, builders, 10 Janefield place
Walker Marion, apartments, 21a Broughton place
Walker Misses — , apartments, 20 Dundas st
Walker Mrs. — , apartments, 18 Oxford st
V.'alker Mrs. — , earthenware dealer, 11 Broad wjTid, Leith
Walker Mary M. earthenware dealer, 122f Fountain bridge
Walker Peter, spirit dealer, 121 Leith walk
Walker Richard, dairyman, 18 Rose st
Walker Robert, coutractor, 31 Coburg st, Leith
106 1
Walker Robert, tailor, 13 Roaeneath terrace
Walker Robert, wholesale tea merchant, 15 Bristo place ; house, 14
Lauriston gardens
Walker Robert, newsagent, 88 Pleasanco
Walker Thos. G. P. librarian, Literary Institute, 17 Livingstone pi
Walker W. bootcloser, 2 Northumberland place
Walker Walter, fancy goods dealer, 19 South College st
Walker Wm. police treasurer, 19 Charlotte at : house, 85 Duke st, L
Walker William, surgeon, 47 Northumberland st
Walker William, draper, 14 Union st, Leith
Walker William, cabinet maker, 180 Rose st
Walker William, cabinet maker it upholsterer, Tanfield
"Walking^sbaw Francis,tin3ber meE-ciiantj£id&nburg:li
Saw nsills, 23. Iieitb walk ; liou-e, 10 Peniland terrace,
Walkinshaw William, writer, 3 Lord Russell place
Wallace & Foster, S.S.C. and N.P. 3 Bernard st, Leith
Wallace Andrew, solicitor fWaUaee &. Foster), 11 Claremont park
Wallace Andrew & Co. sculptoria and marble merchants, Shrub
place, Leitli walk
Wallace Andrew P. merchant, 27 Quality st, Leith ; house, 11
East London st
Wallace Archibald, tailor, 147 Constitution st, Leith
Wallace Catherine, apartments, 2 Portland terrace, Leith
Wallace Charles, photographer, 12Sa Causewayside
Wallace Charles, bootmaker, 62 Broughton st
Wallace David, wright & house agent, 19 Panmure place
AVallace Ebenezer, cashier, Kingscroft, Stanley road
Wallace Ebenezer, W.S. and N.P. 5 St. Vincent st
Wallace F. M. teacher of music, 138 Nicolson st
Wallace G. H. foreinim, 6 St. Mary st
Wallace George, dairyman, 50 South Clerk st
Wallace George, flesher, 28 Argyle place
Wallace George, butcher, 13 Morrison st
Wallace J. B. missionary, 3 Summerhall place
Wallace James, advocate, 8 Albany st
Wallace James, merchant (Adam, Sons & Co.), 30 Howard jjl
Wallace John, lithographic draughtsman, 11 Melbomrne place
Wallace John, solicitor & N.P. (W. D. & J. Wallace), 15 Leaming-
ton terrace
Wallace Matthew, painter (Macfarlane & Wallace), 9 Castle ter
Wallace Peter, spirit dealer, 5 Albany Street lane
Wallace Robert, clerk, 6 Lonsdale terrace [berland st
Wallace Rev. Professor Robert, d.d. editor of "Scotsman," 20 Northum-
WaUace Robert, agent, *' Glasgow News" Office, 6 St. Giles st
Wallace Robert & Co. printers, 96 Rose st
Wallace Robert B. clerk, 10 James place, Leith [Trinity
Wallace Thomas. S.S.C. and N.P. 73 George st; house, Woodville,
Wallace Thomas, coal dealer. Main st, Newhaven
Wallace Thomas, actuary, 15 Gladstone terz'ace
Wallace Charles, bootmaker, 69 Broughton st
Wallace Thomas, mattress maker, 8 Fountain bridge
'Wallace Tliomas, aerated water manufacturer, SO
St. Klary street; boGse, ^2 B£ary:aeld place
Wallace W. & J. leather cutters, 39 West port
Wallace W. D. & J. S.S.C. 30 St, Andrew square
Wallace Walter, leather cutter (W. & J. Wallace), 18 Livingstone pi
Wallace Walter, sculptor, 1 Haymarket terrace
Wallace \\'alter, dairyman, 29 Melville terrace
Wallace William, draper, 278 Leith walk
Wallace William, dairyman, 33 Balbirnie place
Wallace William, butcher. 140 Duke st, Leith
Wallace WiUiam D. S.S.C. (W. D. & J. Wallace), 15 Leamington ter.
Waller Bryan C. l.r.c.p. & surgeon, 2 Argyle Park terrace
Walley Thomas, v.s. m.r.c.v.s.l. & e. professor & principal Edinburgh
Veterinary College, Clyde st; house, 1 WeUington place, L
Walls Agnes, apartments, 11 Dundas st
Walls Alexander, hau'dresser, 20 Dundas st
Walls & Sutherland, S.S.C. 8a Abereromby place
WaUs Elizabeth, apartments, 11 Portland place, Leith
Walls John, S.S.C. (Walls & Sutherland), S3 Heriot row
Wallsend Cement Company, Limited (Neivcastle-on-Tyne), SO St.
Andrew square— Robert Hamilton, agent
Walter John, bootmaker, 7 Portland place, Leith
Walters George, curator (National Gallery), Mound
Walton Agnes, shopkeeper, 64 Abbeyhill
Walton & M'Gaviu, drapers, 36 & 36 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Wanless George, commission agent, 26 Waterloo place
Wanless Robert, gardener, Esplin Cottage, Morningside
Wann Annie May, lodgings, 26 Lauristou gardens
Warburton Charles, shipping agent, 19 Balfour st, Leith walk
Warburton John, clerk, 7 Hermitage place
Warburton Samuel, lithographer, 129 High at
Ward & Tupman, ship & insurance brokers, 2 Commercial place, L
Ward Dennis, confectioner, 22 Richmond place
Ward John, tobacconist, 6 Leith Street terrace
Ward John, temperance hotel, 5 College st
Ward Lillias, stationer (Waddie & Co.), 20 Annandale st
Ward Robert, china merchant, 3 Trafalgar square, Bonniugtou
Wardale M. & S.Berlin wool & fancy repository, 13 George IV. bi-idge
Wardale Thomas, sawmaker, 44 Grass market ; house, 23
George IV. bridge
Wardale Thomas, jun. sawmaker, 19 Livingstone place
Warden Elspeth, apartments, 25 York place
Warden Helen, stationer, 56 North Pitt st
Warden Janet, linen draper, 126 Thomson place, Duke st
Warden Wm. & Co. oU melchants & drysalters, 163 Leith walk
Wardlaw John, smith. East London st
Wardrop & Reid, architects, 19 St. Andrew square
Wardrop George, clerk, 5 Mulberry placo, Buuuington
Wardi-op Jane, dyer, 322 Lawn market
Wardrop Maitland, architect ( Wardrop & Reid), The Lodge, Forbes rd
Wares & Co. drapers, 27 Argj'le place
Warner John, lodgings, 4ij Albany st
Warrack & Sons, wine merchants & rectifiers, Elbe st, Leith
Vv'arraok John, merchant (Joim Warrack & Co.), 1^ Carlton terraCQ

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