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KINGSBRIDSB, l^tevon 208. . Fan, daily,
4 aft,. .Swan, Gt.Cnner-la,(i{Bell, Friday
St.... If'aggon, 8 incjrn, Bell, I'riday-
street, and Castle and Falcon, Alder.s-
gate-st..M W and Fr, Swan, Holborn
bridge, and New Wliite Horse Cellar,
and BlacU Bear, Pipcadiily.
KINGSBURY, Middlesex 6..Tu Th and
Sp, Cook, Snowliill.
KINGSCLERE, Hants M..F morn 10,
King's Arms, Snowbill.
KINGSCOTE, Gloncesler 103.. Fan, Tii
Th and Sa Ii, and Waggon, ii and '
daily, 33 White Cross-street, CiipiJle-
gate King's Head, Old Change..
White Bear, and Old White Horse'Cel-
lar, Piceadilly.. Griffins Green Man &
Still, Oxford street.. and M & Th noon
" Three Cups, Aklersgatest.
KINGSDOWN, Kent 42.. Daily, Ship,
Charing cross, & Catherine Wheel, Ti
and Fr, White HJift and Spur, and Ti
noon, Geor2;e, Borough.
KINGSFOLD, Sussex 32. .Fr I!, Cathe-
rine Wheel, Borough.
KINGSLAND, Devon.. r««, daily, 4 aft,
S^van, Great Carter-lane.
KINGSLAND,Middlesex I. .Daily, aft 3
George & Gate, Pewter Platter, Cros;
Keys, & No. U Graceehurch-st..Black
Boy and Camel, Leadenhall st. .Flower
Pot, and King's Arms, Bishopsgate-st.
Kings and Key, Fleet-st. .Cop^ Snon
hill.. Spotted Dog, Strand. .Magpie and
Stnmp, Newgate.st.. Fortune of War,
and White Hart, GiKspur st. .Geori;e,
Old Bailey.... and Swan, Skinner-
KING'S LANGLEY, Herts 20..fraggon,
,, W and Sa, Bell, Warwick lane. .1 u &
Fr noon, Saracen's Head* George, Snow-
hill.. and Green Man and Still, Oxford-
street -Sa morn 9, Oxford Arms, War-
wick-lane. .RI ThFiVSa morn 10, Kings
Arms, Snowhill.
KING STANLEY, Gloucester 10.".. . J'an,
Tu Thand Sa II, and H'a^gon, \'i & •
daily, 33 Whitecross st, Cri'pplegate. .*
^rn#S^on,daily, White Bear, (feOldWhile
HoT.se Cellar, Piccadilly. .M & Th noon,
Three Cups, Aldersgate-st. .M Th & Sa
inorn 10, King's Head, Old Change, &
Griffin's Green Man and Still, Oxlt^rd-
KINGSTON, Surry 1 1 . . Van, daily, 2 af I ,
Swan,Doctors'commons. . U'aggon,ia\\y
Rose Inn, West ismithfiekl.. Magpie &
Stump, Newgale-st.. Flower Pot, and
King\« Arms, Bi>bopsgate.st. .George&
Gate, Gracechurch-st..Co(-k, Snowhill,
and Hay market... .and Ship, Charing-
cross, daily, CW ex.) George, Old Ba'i-
]ey..Wei'. Ram, Sinithlield. .M WF
and Sa noon, Horse Shoe, Borough, and
No. 11 Gracechurch-st— F noon,George,
Borough. .Th att .';, Oxford Arms, War-
wick-lane. .M W Fand Sa aft 3, New
Inn, Old Bailev.
KINGSTON INN, Berks, C2..M Th and
Sa aft 2, New Inn, Old Bailey
> Swan, Holborn-bridge..Tu & F aft 4,
Oxford Arms, Warwick-lane.
KINGSWOOD, Wilts 110..Ffln, Tu Th
and Sa II.. and Waggon, 12 & T daily,
33 Whitecross-st, Cripplegate. .King's
Head, Old Change.. ..While Bear, ami
; Old While Hor.se Cellnr, Piccadilly
Green Man and Still, Oxford-st..and M
' & Th noon. Three Cups, Aldersgate-st
KINGTON, Hereford ],M Daily, 13
Aidersgate street. .Sa noon, George Inn
' Sinithlield.
KINSWEAR, Devon 203.. Tan daily,
4, and /ra^gon Smorn, Bell, Friday-st.
KINTLINT(JN....M Th and Sa noon,
George, Snowhill
KIRBY, Es.sex .'■.8..Tu Thand Sa, King's
, Arms, and Bull, Leaden hall-st.. and Sa-
racen's Head, Ald?ate.
KIRBYMOOR-SIDE, York 224. .Daily,
alt 4, Bull and Mouth.
KIRBKY LONSDALE, Westmorland -ifi
. .Daily, aft 4, Bull and Mouth. .& noon.
White Horse, Ctipplegate, and Axe,
KIRKBY STEVEN, Westmorland 260..
Daily, aft 4, Bull and Mouth, and Axe,
KlRKCUDBRIGHT,Scotland 366.. Daily
aft 4, Bull and Mouth.
KIRKHAM, Lane. i!2,').. Daily, Axe, Al-
KIRKOSWALD,Cumbcrland,292.. Daily
aft 4, Bull and Mouth, and Axe, Aider
ma II bury.
KIRTLING, Cambridge 63. .Sa l,Vine,
KNAPTON M W & Sa 12, Bull, Hi
KNARIiSBORO-TTGH, York 197. .Daily,
aft 4, Bull and Mouth, and noon, While
Horse, Cripplegate.
KNATT1SHALL..M W and Sa noon, &
I'h and .^a3. Blue Boar, Aldgale
KNEESWORTH, Cambridge 40.. F, Ca-
therine Wheel and One Swan, Bishops-
KNIGHTON, Dorset 122..Tu and Sa aft
4, Oxford Arms, Warwick-lane
KNIGHTON, Radnor l,')8..Sa ev. George
Smithfield, and Green Man and Still,
KNIGHTON, Worcester 121. .Daily, 13
A Idorsgate-st.
KNIGHTSBRIDGE.Middlesexl.. Daily.
Cock, Snowhill.. Blue Posts, Holborn
Flower Pot, and King's Arms, Bishops-
gate-st. .Bell, Bell-y"ard, George and
Gate, Cross Keys, and No. U Grace-
church-st ; New Inn, Old Bailey; Goosi
and Gridiron, and Crown, St. Paul':
Church yard.. ..Silver Cro.«s, Charing-
cross.. Kings and Key, Fleet-st. .Red
Lion and Spotted Dog, Strand,, .and Old
Bell, Smithfield.
KNOt^KHOLT, Kent 18. .M and Th ,5,
Talbot, Borou'ih.
KNOWLE, V/arwick lOi... .Fan, rlaily,
.'i afternoon, and Waggon, noon, 1" Old
Change. . M W F & Sa, Bell, War-
KNOYLE, Wilts 9r....Tu even, Ro.se,
KNUTSFORD, Che.shire 176.... Daily,
Axe, Aldermanburv.
LABTIRN.. Daily, aft 4, Bull & Mouth
LACEY GREEN. ...Tu W Fand Sa,
noon, George Snowhill.
LACKFORD..W & Sa, Bull, Bishops-
LAKENHEATH, SulTolk 76. . fan, W &
Sa 12, Vine, Bishopsgate-st.. ^FcggO!!,
Tu and Th noon, 26 Sun st, Bifhops-!
gate-street. .M W {f Sa, Blue Boar, Aid-:
LALEHa:\F, Middlesex l7..Tuand Sa,'
morn «, Old Bell, Holborn. |
LAMBERHURST, Sus.sex iO.... Fan)
daily, ev. 6, Cross Keys, Gracechurch-I
St.. Spread Eagle, Piccadilly. .Brown's
Warehouse, 248 Oxford-st-^W morn,!
Talbot, and ev 6, White Hart, B6ro..Wl
Sa ev 6, Spur, Boro .. & M W and F'
noon, No. 3.i Camomile-.st.
LAMBETH, Surry l. .Daily, Goo.«e and
Griiliron.St. Paul's Church-yard. .Spot-
ted Dog.Slrand. .FlowerPot and King's
Arms, 'Bishop,sgnte-st..Bel], Bell-yard,
George and Gale, Fortune of War,
While' Hart, No. 11, Pewter Platter,
and Cross Keys, Gracechurch-street. .. .
Cock, Snowhill--George, Old Bailey..
Swan, Skinner-st. ..Magpie & Stump,
Newgate-street. .Black Boy and Camel,
Leadenliall-st. .and Silver Cross, Chai-
LAMBOURN, Berks 67.. Dailyl2, Swan,
Holborn bridge.. Old While Horse Cel-
lar, and Blacic Bear, Piccadilly . .Tu Th
and Sa 10, Rose, Fleet-market. .Green
Blan and Still, Oxford st. .and King's
Arms, Snowhill.
LAMMARSH, Essex 51.. Th &Sa3,Bliie
Boar, Aldgate M W and Sa, Bull,
LAMPE'TER, Cardigan 203...rrtn, Tu
Th and Sa II, and /^a^gon, 12 and 7,
daily, 33 Whitecross-street, Ciipple-
gate, and IS Aldersgatc-street.
LANARK, Lanarkshire 386.. Dailv, aft. 4,
Bull and iMouth.
LANCASTER, Lane. 240. . rati, daily, ev
6, Cast le,Wood-st.. Griffin's & Moore's,
Green M.in & Still, Oxford-st. .& Ship
Charing-cross Waggon, aft 4, Bull &
Mouth, 13 Aldersgate-street....WhHe
HoiBe, Orijip legate, and Axe, Alderman-'
l)ury..W and Sa mom, BeII,Warwick-
LANJJAFF, niamorgan 161.... Waggon,
daily, 33 White Crossstreet, Cripple-
gale. ..13 Aldersgate-street..and Swan,
Holborn-btidge..Thiee limes a week,
Wiiite Horse, Cripplegate.
LAN Dl B V E, Caerm Ifaggoii, daily,
33 White Cross-street, Cripplegate..
Green Man and Slill, Oxfor(l-.?lreet..&
13 Aldeisgate-slreet.
LANE DELPH, Stafford 153.. Daily, 13
LANE END, Tu and Fr aoon, George,
LANGATHEN. . Waggon,AaUy, 33 White
Cross-street, Cripplegate.
LANGENDEIBNE.. /ruggon, daily, 33
White Cross-street, Cripplegate.
Hart, St. .lohn-slreet.
LANGliOLM, Dumfries 322— Daily, nft
4, Bull and Mouth.
LANGLEY, Herts 29. ..Tu and Fr 12,
George, Snowhill.. and Green Man and
Still, Oxford-st.
LANGPORT, Somerset 12B. .?'«?;, daily,
4 aft, & Waggon, 8 morn. Castle and
Falcon, Aldersgate-st,&Bell .Friday st.
LANGTOFT, York 199.. Daily, Ipswich
Arms, Culliiin-st.
LANGTON, Dorset 12.% .Tu and Sa aft 4,
Oxfoi d-Arms, Warwick-lane.
LANNOR, Cacrm, 240- Waggon, iaily,
33 White (.'ross street, Cripplegate.
LANTHAROG. . Waggon, daily, 33Whi1e
Crosv street, Cripplegate.
LARKFIKLD, Kent 30. .Tu & F, White
Hart, Borough.
LARLINGFORD, Norfolk 88.. W & Sa,
Bull and Flower Pot, Bishopsgafe-st, &
Ipswich Anns, Cullum-st..M W & Sa,
Catherine "Wheel, Bull and One S«an,
Bishopsgate-street, and Blue Boai, Aid-
LASHAM, Hants 49.. .Tu and Frnoon,
George, Snowhill. .and White Bear, &
Old White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly.
LATINGFORD. .Daily, Ipswich Arms,
LATTIMERS. .Tu & F 10, King's Anns,
LAUGHARNE, Caenn. 230 Waggon,
daily, 33 White Cross-st, Cripplegate..
and 13 Aidersgate street.
LAUNCESTON, Cornwall 2 13.... ran,
daily, 4 aft, and Waggon, 8 mom, Bell,
Friday street.. //og-gon, daily, Castle
& Falcon, Aldersgate-st. .M W & F 13,
Swan, Holborn biidge..New White
Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Picca-
LALTNTON , Oxon .^6. .M Th & Sa noon,
George, Snowhill.
LAVANT, Sussex ,i8..Tu Th and Sa,
aft, Talbot, Borough.
LAVENHAM, Suffolk 6l ... .Tan, daily,
morn ;.'■>, & U'aggon, Th & Sa 3, Blue
Boar, Aldgate.. Th and Sa, King'sArins,
LAVINGTON, Wilts 90. .Tu W & Fr
Svian, Holborn bridge. .. .Old While
Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccii-
LA WH ADEN, Pembroke 2.'-7.. ^^a^gon,
daily, 33, White Cross-street, Cripple-
LAWSHALL, Suffolk 63.. M W Th and
Sa 3, Blue Boar, Aldgate.. Sa, One
Swan, Bishopsgate street.
LAXFIELD, Suffolk 92 Daily, Bull,
],eadenhall-st ..Tu Th and Sa, aft 2,
Blue Boar, Aldgate.
LAYH AM.. Daily, Ipswich Arms, Cul-
lum st.
LAYTON, Essex 4. ...Daily, Catherine
Wheel, Bishopsgale-st ; Magpieii'Stump,
Newgate-st....Biack Boy <ind Cainel,
Leadenhall-st.. Black Bull, Aldgate..
King's Arms, Bishopsgate-st.. Fortune
of War, and White Hart, Giltspur-s(;
Cock, Snowhill.. George, Old Bailey..
Swan, Skitiner st..and Pewter Platter,
LAYTON STONE, Essex 6.. Daily, Ca-
therine Wheel Flower Pot, & King's
Arms, Bishopsgate street. .George, Old
Bailej'.. King's Arms, Cock, and Black
Boy and Ckimelj Leadenhall-st.. Sara-

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