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(34) Advertisements -
An Dubhlach, 1945.
To enable An Comunn to meet its current obligations,
and place it in a postition to launch a propaganda campaign
now that the war is over, and thus regain the ground lost during
the years of its enforced inactivitiy, donations, large or small,
will be gladly received by the Treasurer, Mr. James T. Graham,
C.A., 5 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, C. 1. Remittances should
be made payable to “An Comunn Gaidhealach.”
Previously acknowledged £199 5 2
Net Proceeds of Mr. Matheson’s Concert Tour—
Strathyre, Dalmally, and Taynuilt.. .. 84 11 4
£283 16 6
<> —■
Donation List.
Previously acknowledged £2,146 17 4
Roimh-ainmichte .. .. .. .. .. £267 7 —
Uisdean MacMhaoilein, Glaschu .. .. .. — 5 —
£267 12 —
Previously acknowledged .. .. .. .. £73 9 6
Dr. A. MTntyre, Airdrie .. .. .. .. 11 —
Ex-Provost Morris, Motherwell .. .. .. — 10 —
Miss C. Kelso, Bearsden .. .. .. .. 3 3 —
Miss Campbell, of Invemeill .. .. .. — 10 —
Mr. R. M. Nicol, Glasgow 11 —
Mrs. Edgar, Strathyre .. .. .. .. 11 —
Mr. J. D. MacDonald, Glasgow 11 —
Mr. Donald MacPhail, Inverness .. .. .. — 5 —
Mrs. MacRae, Glasgow, W.3. .. .. .. — 2 6
Miss K. MacLaine, Glasgow, S.4... .. .. — 10 —
Dr. John Cameron, Glasgow, C.2. .. .. 11 —
Mrs. Ena Craig, Glasgow, C.2. .. .. .. 11 —
Capt. MacAffer, Hamilton.. .. .. .. — 5 —
Mrs. E. Shaw, Edinburgh .. .. .. 1
Dr. Dingwall, Glasgow, C.3. .. .. .. 11 —
Miss R. Dingwall, Hamilton .. .. .. 1
Mrs. Thomson, Hamilton .. .. .. .. — 10 —
Mr. Farquhar MacRae, Busby .. .. .. 1
Mrs. Angus White, Fort William .. .. 4 4 —
Mr. D. M. MacPhail, Edinburgh — 10 —
Mr. Donald Urquhart, Glasgow, N.W 2 2 —
Miss L. MacRae, Glasgow, C.3. .. .. .. — 10 0
Miss Millar Weir, Alexanderia .. .. .. 5 6 —
Mr. Duncan MacCallum, Glasgow, W.l. .. — 10 —
Mr. D. Morrison, Glasgow .. .. .. 11 —
Mr. D. Thomson, Glasgow, W.l. .. .. .. — 10 —
Lady Graham, Fintry .. .. .. .. 2
Mr. Neil MacEachnie, Port Glasgow .. .. — 10 —
Mr. J. MacTaggart, Glasgow .. .. .. 11 —
Dr. Hugh F. Watson, Edinburgh .. .. 5 5 —
Mr. D. MacNair, Biggar .. .. .. .. — 5 —
Mr. J. H. Fraser, Greenock .. .. .. — 10 —
Mrs. MacCallum, Cambuslang .. .. .. — 10 6
Mr. M. MacEachern, Greenock .. .. .. — 10 —
Mrs. Straiten, Clarkston .. .. .. .. — 10 —
M. F. Matheson, Glasgow .. .. .. .. 2 12 6
Mr. W. D. Fraser, Glasgow, S.4 .. .. .. 1
Rev. J. M. MacPhail, Burnside .. .. .. — 10 —
Mr. Archd. Warnock, Paisley .. .. .. 11 —
Mr. Euan MacDiarmid, Edinburgh .. .. 2 2 —
Mr. Hugh Matheson, Glasgow, S.2. .. .. — 10 —
Dr. & Mrs. Matheson, Rutherglen .. .. 11 —
Mr. J. Maclnnes, Glasgow, W.3 .. .. .. — 10 —
Rev. John MacKay, Glasgow — 10 —
Mrs. MacLeod, Cardonald .. .. .. — 10 —
Mrs. J. B. Dunlop, Glasgow .. .. .. 11 —
Dr. Angus MacNiven, Glasgow 1
Mr. Norman Campbell, Glasgow 1
Mrs. R. Bain, Glasgow, S.4 .. .. .. g
Dr. Colin Sinclair, Glasgow, S.W. 2. .. .. io
Mr. Neil Ferguson, Glasgow .. .. .. io
Mrs. A. M. Stewart, Balfron .. .. .. i
Mrs. M. C. Campbell, Glasgow, S.W.l .. .. 7
Mr. H. S. Shield, Edinburgh .. .. .. 11
Mr. John C. Maclean, Gourock .. .. .. 1
Mr. Andrew Ross, Glasgow, C.l. .. .. .. 1 1
Mr. Coll MacDougall, Glasgow .. .. .. 10
Mrs. Cameron, Glasgow, W.l. .. .. .. 10
Mrs. Barron, Glasgow .. .. .. .. 10
Friend, per Mrs. Barron .. .. .. .. 5
Mr. Hugh Sinclair, Glasgow 1
Mr. D. Matheson, Glasgow, W.2. .. .. 1
Mr. J. N. MacConochie, Glasgow .. .. 10
Mrs. & Miss Maclver, Bearsden .. .. .. 5
Mr. A. J. Sinclair, Stepps .. .. .. .. 10 6
Mrs. MacKerracher, Bearsden .. .. .. 10
Mrs. MacDonald, Onich .. .. .. .. 1
Mr. Hugh Cameron, Fort William .. .. — 10
Mr. Wm. MacRae, Baillieston .. .. .. 1
Mrs. Iain Grant, Glasgow, C.3 — 5
Mr. Alex. MacKenzie, Glasgow .. .. .. 1
Mr. D. C. MacLeod, Skelmorlie .. .. .. 2 2
Mr. John MacKenzie, Greenock .. .. .. — 10 .
Mr. Allan MacLean, Greenock .. .. .. — 5
Misses MacMillan, Glasgow, W.3. .. .. 1 5
Miss K. Maclnnes, Glasgow .. .. .. 5
Mrs. MacCall, Glasgow .. .. .. .. 106
Mrs. Calder, Glasgow .. .. .. .. g
Sister MacPhail, Victoria Infirmary .. .. — g
Mrs. Aitken, Glasgow — g
Mrs. Kelso, Glasgow .. .. .. .. — g
Mr. and Mrs. Calum Beaton, Glasgow .. .. — 5
Mr. Lachlan MacLachlan, Wishaw .. .. — 5
Mr. Jas. S. W. Henderson, Glasgow .. .. — 10 '
Anonymous .. .. " 1
£151 10 —
Please send for our Book Catalogue
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Cnoc an Fhradhairc. Poems by Angus Robertson 5/- 5d
Dwelly’s New Illustrated Gaelic Dictionary - - 25/- 8d
Grain nam Beann. 26 Gaelic Songs with music - 5/- 5d
McCheyne’s Sermons in Scots Gaelic - - - 5/- 7d
Oiteagan a Tir nan Og. Songs by Roderick
MacKay, The Uist Bard - - - - 3/6 6d
Smeorach nan Cnoc ’s nan Gleann. Malcolm
Gillies and others 3/6 6d
Religious Songs of Mary Macpherson, Badenoch 2/6 3d
MacLaren’s Gaelic Self Taught, 2/6 net. Key - 1/6 3d
MacLaren's Gaelic Self Taught, in cloth, with Key 6/- 4d
Grain a’Mhoid xvi and xvii: Solo Test Songs - 1/- 2d
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Oran Da-Ghuthach : Gaelic Duet Songs : Solfa - 1/- 2d
Duanagan agus Sgeulachdan Beaga. MacLennan 2/6 4d
Cnoc Chusbaig. Lewis Songs by Wm. MacKenzie 2/6 2d
Baird Chill-Chomainn. Songs by D. & C. MacNiven 3/6 4d
Testament. New parallel Gaelic & English edition 3/6 6d
In gilt edges ... - 5/6 7d
Is Ann. The Gaelic Verb "tobe ” explained - 6d lid
MacKellar’s Gaelic and English Phrase Book - 6d 2d
MacAlpine’s Pronouncing Gaelic-English Dictionary 5/- 7d
MacAlpine’sGaelic-English.English-GaelicDict’n'v 10/- 7d
Nicolson : History of Skye, 12 Illustrations -‘ 10/6 7d
MacKenzie: Skye Traditions and Memories - 5/- 7d
MacKenzie: Old Skye Tales, Illustrated - - 5/- 7d
MacCulloch : Wondrous Isle of Staffs, Illustrated - 6/- 7d
MacCormick: The Island of Mull, Illustrated - 7/6 7d
Maclnncs : Six Songs of Skye with music - - 5/- 3d
Ishebal na h-Airigh, Gaelic and English Songs - 3/- 3d
Clarsach na Coille: Songs by John Maclean <fe others 5/- 7d
Clarsach an Doire : Songs by Neil Macleod - - 5/- 7d
Ant-OghaMor. Gaelic Novel by Angus Robertson 5/- 7d
Ceolradh Cridhe. 0 Original Songs with music.
Gaelic and English 4/- 4d
AU An Comunn’s publications as advertised are in stock.
Gaelic Bibles and Testaments at ail prices.
268 Argyle Street, GLASGOW, C.2
Published by
Comunh Gaidhbalach at 131 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Printed by A. Learmonth & Son, 9 King Street, Stirling