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Glasgow ; Roderick MacDonald, Dundee ; Hector MacDougall,
Glasgow ; Donald Shaw MacKinnon, Edinburgh ; Earquhar
MacRae, M.A., B.Sc., Glasgow ; Angus Robertson, Bearsden ;
Alexander Nicolson, M.A., Glasgow ; John A. Nicolson, M.A.,
F.E.I.S., Glasgow; Rev. T. M. Murchison, M.A., Glasgow ;
Dr. Colin Sinclair, Glasgow; Donald Thomson, M.A., Oban;
Duncan Thomson, Glasgow. In attendance:—James T.
Graham, C.A., Treasurer; Neil Shaw, Secretary; Alasdair
Matheson, Assistant Secretary; Donald MacPhail, Northern
Organiser; and Miss Ann MacKay, Junior Assistant.
Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and
approved on the motion of Dr. John Cameron, seconded by
Mrs. Campbell (Airds).
The President welcomed the return of Mr. Angus Robertson
to the Council, and assured him of their pleasure in having him
with them again. The President also introduced Miss Ann
MacKay who had recently been appointed Junior Assistant at
Headquarters. She was a native of North Uist and was a
member of the Baleshare Feachd of Comunn na h-Oigridh.
He expressed the hope that she would be happy with them,
and he was sure that she would find the work congenial. A
very cordial welcome was given to Miss MacKay by the
members of the Council.
The President referred to a public meeting held at Aberdeen,
on 1st November, when Office bearers were appointed to carry
out arrangements for the 1946 Mod. He was present at the
meeting, along with the General Secretary and the Northern
Organiser. Mr. Bannerman was unable to be present owing
to a business engagement. It was a most successful meeting,
there being fully 200 people present, and he felt sure that the
Aberdeen Mod would be a great success. The Secretary read
the names of the Office-bearers as follows : Convener, Mr.
Dugald MacDonald ; Vice-Convener, Mr. Charles Davidson ;
Hon. Secretary, Mr. James MacLeod, and Hon. Treasurer,
Mr. Alfred Milne. In accordance with Bye-Law 31, these
appointments have to be confirmed by the Executive Council,
and, on the motion of Mrs. Edgar, seconded by Mr. J. M.
Bannerman, these were unanimously approved.
The Treasurer read a Minute of the Finance Committee.
The Committee reported on the appointment of Miss MacKay,
and on the Central Fund which now amounts to £283.
Estimates of Standing Committees were considered, and that
of the Art and Industry Committee for £50 was approved. The
others were deferred for further consideration.
In view of the forthcoming developments in the work of
An Comunn, the proposal to terminate at the end of December,
1945, the arrangement with the Scottish Savings Committee
for Mr. MacPhail’s Joint Services was recommended.
The Minute was approved on the motion of the Convener,
Dr. John Cameron.
Two Minutes of the Publication Committee were read.
It was reported that the new series of Gaelic Text Books,
edited by Mr. Lachlan MacKinnon, were well advanced and
in the hands of the printers. The Committee also reported on a
Memorandum on new publications which had been prepared
by the Convener and circulated to all members of Committee,
and, to a number of others whose opinion it was thought
advisable to have. The Committee made several recom¬
mendations, among them being a target of at least two works
each year for the next five years ; draft proposals for improving
the advertising and marketing of An Comunn’s publications,
and to enquire into the possibility of establishing a bi-lingual
quarterly magazine like the former Celtic Review.
The Minutes were approved on the motion of the Convener,
Rev. T. M. Murchison.
The President thanked Mr. Murchison for the work he had
done in preparing the Memorandum.
Minute of Meeting of Propaganda Committee was read.
The President had welcomed Mr. Donald Thomson back to the
Committee after his service with the Armed Forces and moved
that Mr. Thomson act as Vice-Convener of the Committee
until such time as the Convener, Mr. Donald MacDonald, was
able to resume. Mr. Thomson kindly consented to do this
It was reported that two Provincial Mods had been arranged
for, Lorn and Mull Provincial Mod at Oban in April, and the
Lochaber Mod at Fort William in June. It had been decided
An Dubhlach, 1945.
that one of the officials of An Comunn should visit the Lorn
area in the near future with a view to stimulating interest
in getting some active work done for the Mod.
The Minute was approved on the motion of Mr. Donald
Thomson, Vice-Convener.
Two Minutes of the Art and Industry Committee were read.
The Committee had arranged competitions for 1946, and
these are given on another page of this issue of An Gaidheal.
On the motion of Mr. Donald Thomson, the Education
Committee was asked to consider the prospects of holding a
Summer School for Gaelic.
The Minutes were approved on the motion of the Convener,
Mrs. Iain M. Campbell (Airds).
Minute of meeting of the Mod and Music Committee was
The Committee, after discussion, agreed to recast the
Syllabus for the National Mod to be held in Aberdeen next
September, by including the Junior Section which had been
arranged for 1946 at Perth. The Senior Section, as arranged
for Aberdeen in 1939, is recommended to be continued with
the addition of a Uist and Barra Song competition.
The Committee considered the remit from the Annual
General Meeting regarding the maximum number of choristers
forming choirs taking part in the Lovat and Tullibardine
Shield Competition. It was decided to recommend that no
action be taken meantime, but, to review the position next
The Minute was approved on the motion of Mr. J. M.
Bannerman, Convener.
Minute of Meeting of Clann an Fhraoich was read. The
Committee had considered the bolding of a Summer Camp in
July of next year, and decided to do everything possible to
have this Summer outing for members of Comunn na h-Oigridh
restored. It was also decided to hold the Annual Gaelic
Ceilidh in the Highlanders’ Institute, Glasgow, on Tuesday,
18th December.
The Minute was approved on the motion of Mr. Hector
MacDougall, Convener.
Notice of the following motion for discussion, at next
meeting, was given by Mr. John A. Nicolson: “ That the
question of sending the Secretary and a small concert party
on a propaganda visit to our kinsfolk overseas—Canada and
the United States in particular—be investigated with a view
to putting such a proposal into effect during the session,
The date of next meeting was fixed for Friday, 18th Januarv,
The President called on Mrs. Bannerman who explained
the objects of the Central Committee in launching the War
Memorial and Thanksgiving Fund. She suggested that officials
of Affiliated Societies might be approached to give their
support to the project. She also suggested the holding of
Highland Games in Glasgow for the same object.
The Executive Council gave its blessing to Mrs.
Bannerman’s suggestions.
Mr. John A. Nicolson and Mr. Donald Shaw MacKinnon
were appointed to Clann an Fhraoich Committee to give
assistance in the Committee’s endeavour to obtain a grant for
Comunn na h-Oigridh.
Minute of Copyright Special Committee was read and
approved on the motion of Mr. Angus Robertson, Convener.
The Secretary read a report on meeting of the Scottish
National Film Studio. The Secretary was appointed to
represent An Comunn at next meeting of the Society.
Letter was read from Lord Inverclyde with reference to
desire of Celts in Brittany to renew association with their
kindred in these Islands. It was decided to approach the
Secretary of the Celtic Congress in the first instance and
ascertain whether the Congress was likely to meet in the near
Mrs. Macphail Holt made an appeal on behalf of the Arisaig
Branch for comforts to be sent to the people of Brittany.
Comforts not being available it was suggested that a parcel of
Gaelic books might be sent.
Consideration of appointing a B.B.C. listening group was
continued till next meeting.
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.