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An Dilbhlach, 1945.
There were no Notes from the Northern Area, in our last
issue, as the Northern Organiser was wholly engaged with the
work of organising the Inverness Burgh and County Thanks¬
giving Week effort. This campaign, the seventh, proved
eminently satisfactory, the target of £400,000 being exceeded
by over £76,000.
Meetings of the Propaganda and Education Sub Committees
were held on 3rd November, when several matters requiring
consideration were dealt with. Mr. Donald Graham, M.A.,
E.E.I.S., was re-elected Convener of the Propaganda Committee
and the election of a Convener for the Education Committee
was delayed until the next meeting.
It is pleasing to record, that Language and Music Con¬
tinuation classes are being conducted at Nethy Bridge. Both
classes are under the auspices of the Inverness County
Education Committee, and are conducted by Mr. and Mrs.
Mathieson, Schoolhouse. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Mathieson
was Music Teacher at Portree Secondary School, and Mr.
Mathieson is an authority on Gaelic matters. He has on
many occasions acted as Adjudicator at the Skye Provincial
A Gaelic Music class has just been started at Drumnadrochit,
with Miss J. E. Mackenzie as Instructress, under the auspices
of the Inverness County Education Committee.
On Wednesday, 7th November, Mr. Donald Graham,
Convener, presided at a public meeting at Nairn called for the
purpose of re-constituting the Nairn Branch of An Comunn.
This was successfully accomplished. Mrs. Macdonald as
President, the Rev. Gordon Fraser, B.D., Vice-President, and
Miss Kaitriona MacDonald was appointed an Hon. Secretary
and Treasurer. A general Committee of twelve members was
appointed, and the annual subscription was fixed at 2s. 6d. per
member. It is intended to hold monthly meetings and Ceilidhs.
A Ceilidh followed the public meeting at which the Northern
Organiser presided. Votes of Thanks brought a very successful
evening to a close.
It is hoped to re-constitute the Banavie branch, at a meeting
to be held in the Corpach Hall, on Wednesday, 14th November.
As the Northern Organiser has an engagement at Lochinver
that evening, Mr. Lachlan Mackinnon has kindly agreed to
represent the Northern Committee at this meeting.
Aberdeen National Mod, 1946.
In order to assist the local branch with the organisation of
the National Mod which is to be held at Aberdeen during the
week ending 28th September, the Northern Organiser visited
Aberdeen, and made many useful contacts culminating in a
public meeting, held in the Music Hall, under the chairmanship
of the President of An Comunn Gaidhealach. It has been
arranged to hold a further meeting, on 23rd November, to
appoint various sub-committees with respective conveners.
Mr. Macphail is also to attend this meeting.
At the request of the Northern Propaganda Sub-Committee,
the Executive Council has agreed to terminate the agreement
regardmg the Northern Organiser’s Part-time service with the
Scottish Savings Committee as from the end of 1945. It is
felt that Mr. Macphail’s whole time service is now required by
An Comunn.
Ceilidh nan Gaidheal an Inbhir Nis opened the
twelfth session on 23rd October, with the Hon. President, Dr. D.
J. MacLeod as Fear-an-tighe. Dr. MacLeod spoke in fine
idiomatic Gaelic and he was heartily thanked by Mr. Donald
Graham, Vice-President. A programme of songs, dancing,
and instrumental music followed. There was an attendance
of over 400 which augurs well for the future of this All-Gaelic
The Organiser attended meeting of An-Comunn at Stirling,
on Friday, 9th November, and on Saturday he gave talks at
Kinlochleven in aid of the Thanksgiving Week being held there.
He also visited Kinlochleven School, and had a talk with the
children. He was engaged in the Fort William district, on
12th November, and now on his way to West Sutherland to
assist in the Thanksgiving Week Arrangements for the County
of Sutherland.
It is with sincere regret that we have to record the passing
of three of our members, Miss Eleanora Cameron, Edinburgh ;
Dr. Edward MacKay, Greenock, and the Rev. James Duff
MacDonald, M.A., Edinburgh. Miss Cameron had been a Life
Member for over 20 years and was most helpful to our cause in
Edinburgh. Dr. MacKay was a Life Member for a like period
and served for a term as President of the Greenock Highland
Society. The Rev. Mr. MacDonald was minister of St. Oran’s
Gaelic Church, Edinburgh, for almost 30 years, and was
whole-hearted in his support of An Comunn and all that
pertained to the welfare of Highlanders in the Capital. He
had been an Ordinary Member of An Comunn for 26 years.
Many Branches of An Comunn are now in full session and
meeting with much support from the general public. Mr.
Alasdair Matheson visited the Branches at Ayr and Stirling
recently, and was much impressed by the large attendances
and enthusiasm of the members. The Gaelic Class at Ayr,
previously referred to, is now under the Continuation Class
Code, and is being conducted by the Rev. Archie Beaton,
M.A., Dundonald. Mr. Kenneth Grant, M.A., Dunblane, is
a tower of strength to the members of the Stirling Branch and is
teacher of the Gaelic Class there.
The Aberfeldy Branch has resumed activities. The Rev.
Iain MacLellan, *M.A., Weem, is President, and the acting
Secretary is Mr. William Hamilton. Miss Calder, M.A., who
had acted as Secretary with conspicuous success for many
years had to resign owing to pressure of profession&l duties.
Killin Branch had its opening meeting on, 16th November,
and I hope to refer to this in our next number. Millhouse
came severely under Wartime regulations and meetings were
out of the question. The Branch is now functioning and
meeting in the school at Tighnabruaich. Mr. Neil MacLeod,
M.A., who was recently transferred from Port Ellen School,
is the new President and Miss E. Mactinosh, who was respon¬
sible for the formation of the Branch, is again acting as
Official visits to Ardnamurchan, Lorn and Mull Branches
and Feachdan of Comunn na h-Oigridh are being prepared,
and it is also hoped to take a Concert Party to the Oban
District and Mull in the interests of the Lorn Provincial Mod
and the Central Fund of An Comunn. Miss Low, Secretary
of the Kilbrandon Branch has written to say that there is a
demand for the Concert Party in that area and we hope to
send a Party there when in the neighbourhood.
There is a large attendance at the Glasgow University
Gaelic Classes conducted by Mr. Alex. Nicolson, M.A., under
the auspices of the Workers’ Educational Association. There
are also large numbers attending the Gaelic Classes conducted
by the Gaelic League in the Hall, New City Road.
I paid my annual visit to the Glasgow High School Gaelic
Class Ceilidh, on 10th November, and addressed the members
in Gaelic and English. Mr. Matheson accompanied me and
illustrated my talk with appropriate Gaelic songs.
Members and readers will be interested to know that a
Junior Gaelic Class has been formed by the High School
Ceilidh members, and they have a regular attendance of over
40 boys and girls. The teachers are students from Jordanhill
Training College. I had the pleasure of speaking to the children
at the close of their evening class and conveyed to them the
best wishes of An Comunn. The Ceilidh members are to be
congratulated on their enterprise, and if enthusiasm is any
criterion, their effort on behalf of the children is thoroughly

This Fund will close at Headquarters of An Comunn at end
of December, and anyone wishing to contribute should send
their donation forthwith to the Treasurer at 5 St. Vincent
Place, Glasgow, C.l.