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‹‹‹ prev (48) Page 40Page 40When first my dear laddie gade to the green hill

(50) next ››› Page 42Page 42By delicious warness of thy mouth

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Wlien corn rigs wav'd yellow, and blue het'ier bells
Bloom'd bonny on muirland and fweet riling fells,
Nae birns, briers, or breckens gae trouble to rne.
If 1 found the berries right ripen 'd for thee.
When thnurqn, nr wreflled, or pufred the (lane.
And came aff the viftor, my heart was ay fain ;
Thy ilka fport rr.anly s:;ave pleafare to me ;
For nane can putt, wreftle, or run fwift as thee.
Our Jennv flngs faftly the Coimlen-htoom knoivs.
And Rofie lilts fweetly the Milking the eius ;
There's few Jenny Nettles like Nanfy can fing ;
At Thro' theivood, laddie, Befs gars our lu^s rinjj.
But when my dear Pecgy fings wi' better flciil.
The Boatman, Tvjeedfide, or the Ltfi of the mill,
' Tis mony times fweeter and pleafing to me ',
For tho' they fmg nicely, they cannot like thee.
IIcw eafy can lafTes trow what they defire -'
And praifes iae kindly increafes love's fire:
Gi' me ftill this pleafure, my ftudy (liall be.
To mnke myfell better and fweeter for thee.
Patie. Wert thou a gij-det gawky like the la\'e.
That little better than our nowt behave.
At naught they'll Ferly, fenfelefs tales believe.
Be biyth for filly hechts. for trifles grieve-
Sic ne'er cou'd win my heart, that kenna how
Either to keep a prize or 5'et prove true :
But thou in better fenfe, without a flaw.
As in thy beauty, far excels them a'.

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