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Downa, expressive of inability
Drap. drop
Dree, suffer
Dreepin', dropping or wet
Drimlie, muddy
Drookit, drenched
Drouth, thirst
Duds, clothes
Duinnewassal, Gaelic for gentleman
Dunt, knock
Dunted, beat
E'e, the eye
Een, the eyes
E'enin', evening
Eerie, frightened, troubled
Eild, old age
En', end
Enew, enough
Fa\ fall, lot, to faU
Faes, foes
Fain, happy, fond [anxious
Fain, anxious— Fidging fain, very
Farin', food
Fashb ms, troublesome
Fasht, troubled
Fauld, a fold, to fold
Fnuts, faults
Fearfu', frightful
Fecht. to fight
Fee, hire
Fen. to make shift
Ferlies, wonders
Fidging, uneasy
Field, fiend
Fit fa', footfall
Flee, fly
Fleech. to supplicate, to coax
Flunkies, servants in livery
Forhye, besides
Forg'ie, to forg'.ve
Fou, full, tipsy
Foumart, a fox
Fouth, lots
Frae, from
Fuffin, puffing
Gab, the mouth, to speak boldly or
Gabbing, speaking and chatting
Gae, to* go
Gaed, went
Gaen, or <3a«e, gone
Gaet, or (?aie. way, manner, road
G-ng. to go. to walk
Gar, to make, to force
Gart, made
Gaucy, jolly, large
Gaun, going
Gawky, foolish, romping
(rear, riches, goods of any kind
Gee, pet
Gerse, grass
Ghaist, a ghost
Gie, to give
Gied, gave
GicM, given
Gilpey, half-grown, half-informed
boy or girl, hoyden
Gin, if, against
Glaiket, foolish, mad
Glamour, the influence of a charm
Gled, a hawk
Gleg, quick, clearsighted
Glint, glance
Gloamin' twilight
Glow'r, to stare, to look
Goupins, handfuls
Gowan, mountain or field daisy
Gowd, gold
Gowk, fool
Grannie, grandmother
Grat, wept
Gravat, a neck-tie
Gree, pre-eminence
Greetin', crying, weeping, grasped
Grup, grip
Gude, good
Guid e'en, good evening
Guid-mornin' , good morning
Guidman and Guidxoife, the master
and mistress of the house— Young
Guidman and Young Guidwife, a
newly married pair
Guidfather and Guidmother, the fa-
ther-in-law and mother-in-law
Gutcher, grandsire
iTa\ hall
ifae, to have
Haen, had
/fa«H, whole
Hairst, harvest
Halesome, wholesome
Hallan, cottage
Hame, home
Hap, to shield, to cover up
Barum scarum, half-mad
Hauch, a low flat piece of land
Haud, hold
Hear't, hear it
Hech! oh, strange
Heich, high
Herrin', herring
Hinney, honey
Hizzie. romping girl
Hool, husk
Hoseris, stockings
Howket, dug
Howlet, owl
Hunner, hundred
Hurklin, cowering
Ilk, each
Ilka, every
Ingle, fire-place
Ingleside, fireside
I'se, I shall or will
Ither, other, one another
Jag, prick
Jaupit. bespattered
Jee. change
Jeel, jelly
Jink, to dodge, to turn suddenly
round a corner
Jo, sweetheart
Jouks— see Jinks
Joyfu' , joyful
Kail-yard, cabbage garden
Kame. comb
Kebbuck, a cheese
Keek, look, a peep, to peep
Keeking-glass, looking-glass
Ken, to know
Kend, or Kent, knew
Kenna, know not
Kens, knows
Keps, catches
Kilt, a portion of the lighland garb
Kimmer, a young gill a gossip
Kin, kindred, relations
Kintra, country
Kirn, a churn, the harvest supper
Kit-sen. to christen or baptize
Kist, chest
Kittle, to tickle, ticklish
Knotve, a small roun.l hillock
Kve, cows
Kyte, the belly
Laddie, a boy, diminutive of lad
Laigh, low
Laith, unwilling
Lane, lone— My lane, myself, alone
Lanely, lonely
Lang, long, to think long, to long, to
Lap, leap
Laueh, laugh
Lave, the rest, the remainder, the
Laverock, the lark
Law, low
Leal, true
Lee, an untruth
Xce lang, live long
Leezeme, a phrase of congratulation
I am happy in thee, or proud of
Leugh, laugh
Leuk, a look, to look
Licht, light
Lift, sky
Lightlie, despise
Lilt, a ballad, a tune, to sing
LUting, singing
Limmer, an abandoned female
Linn, a waterfall, or the pool at the-
bottom of it
Lintie, linnet
Loaning, a broad lane
Lo'ed, loved
Loof, the palm of your hand
Loon, a wild young lad
Loot, did let
Loup, leap
Lugs, ears
Lyart, old, thin
Lowe, flame
Jfae, more
Mak', make
Mailin, farm
JtfatV, more
Maist, most
Maistly, mostly
Maukin, a hare
Maun, must

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