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Maunna, must not
Mark, a Scottish coin
Marrow, equal, like
Mat, may
Mavis, the thrush
Mess John, the minister
Micht, might
Minnie, mother
Mirk, dark
Mischanter, misfortune
Mither, mother
Monnie, or \fony, many
Mou', mouth
Moudiwart, a mole
Muckle, or Mickle , great, big, much
Mun, must
Murlain, a basket
Mutch, cap worn by females
Mysel', myself
Na, no, not
JVae, no, not any
Naething, or Naithing, nothing
Naig, a nag or horse
Naigies, horses,
Nane, none
Neivefu', handful
Newk, coiner
Neist, next
Mcht, night
Nip-pin, piercing or pinching
Nip-pit, pinched
Nocht, nought
Noo, now
Nout-horn, cow-horn
O', of
O'ercome, burden, as of a song
Onie, any
Ot, of it
Oursels, ourselves
Owk, week
Owre, often, too
Owsen, oxen
Paiks, knocks
Pairtin' , parting
Pappit doun, popped down
Parochin. parish
Pawky, sly or cunning
Perlins, jewels
Philabeg, the kilt
Pibroch, pipe, tune
Plack, an old Scottish coin
Pleuch, plough
Pouther'd, powdered
Pow, head
Pree, to taste
Pree'd, tasted
JVrf, pulled
Puirtith, poverty
Puir, poor
Quo, said
Rackle-handed, strong-handed
Raid, inroad, foray
Rang, reigned
Rax, fetch, reach
Rede, warn
Reek, smoke
Rifted, torn
Rin, run
Rout, the blowing of a horn
Routh, plenty
Rubbit, rubbed
Rung, a walking stick
Sae, so
Saft, soft
/Sew, sore
Sairly, sorely
Sang, song
Sark, shirt
Sassenach, Saxon or lowlander
Sauf, save
Sei', self
Shank, to depart or set off, a thin
scranky leg. a handle
Shauchled, ill or loosely shaped
Shaw, a, wood in a hollow place
Shearing, reaping
Sh'-ene, shoes
Sh citing, cot, a cottage
ShiU, shrill
Sic, such
Siccan, such
Siller, silver money
Simmer, summer
Sin', since
Skaith, to damage, to injure, injury
Skeigh, proud, nice, high mettled
Skelp, to strike, to walk with a smart
tripping step
Skirling, shrieking, crying
Ski-eigh, a scream"; to s'eream
Statu, slow, dull
Slee, sly
Sleekit, sleek, sly
Slogan cry, war cry
Sma', small
Smack, kiss
Smoored smothered
Snaw. snow, to snow
Snaw-ivhite, snow-white
Snawy -drift, snow drift
Soger, soldier
Sonsy, stout, good looking
Sough, the sighing of the wind
Spak', spake
Speel'd, clamb
Speir, ask
Speired, inquired
Spence, parlour
Spurt/e, a stick with which porridge
is stirred when boiling
Stane, stone
Staney, stony
Stappit, stepped
Starn, or sternie, a star
Steek, shut
Stended, strided or walked
Stoot, stout
Stots, oxen
Stoun, pang
Stoups, measures for holding liquids
Stour, dust
Stoivn, stolen
Sumph. fool
Sunkets, left meat
Sweirt, not caring
Syne, then
Tam, taken
Tak\ to take
Takin', taking
Tak' tent, take heed
Tune, tother, the one, the other
Tupsalleerie, upside down
Tent, caution, to take heed
Thae, these
Thegither, together
Themsds, themselves
Tlwct, thought
ThowUss, cold, broken-hearted
Thraws, turns
TiWt, to it
Tine, to lose
Tint, lost
ra/wr, the other
Titterin' , gigling
Tittie, sister
Tittle, to whisper
Tocher, marriage portion
Toddlin, tottering
Toom, empty
Totting, a child's run
Trig, spruce, neat
Trow, believe, know
Tryst, cattle market, a meeting by
Twa, two
Twa-three, a few
Tyke, dog
Tyne, lose
Unco, strange
Uncouth, very, very great, prodigious
Wa\ wall
Wab, web
Wad, would
Waddin', wedding
Wadna, would not
Wae, sorrowful
Waefu' , wailing, woeful
Waes. woes
Wair, to lay out, to expend
Walth, plenty
Wark, work
Warld, world
Warlock, wizard
Warst, worst
Waukrife, sleepless
Waur, worse, to worst -
Wean, child
Weary, or Wearie.mony a weary body,
many a different person
Wede, weeded
Wee, little
Weel, well
Weelfare, welfare
Weel waled, well chosen
Ween, a vow— I ween, I wot
fee*, rain, wetness, dew
Weir, war
We'se, we shall
TT/ia, who
W Aa'H, who will
Wha wadna. who would not
Whare, where

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