Contact us

Please contact us if you would like any more information about John Slezer or the views from 'Theatrum Scotiae'. We would like to hear from you if you can provde additional details about any of the images on this website.

Email (general enquiries):
Tel: +44 (0)131 623 4660

Copies of images

We are happy to supply printouts and digital images of these views. All orders should be made through the online ordering facility on this website.

Please navigate to the map or maps you wish to order, and select the Order this map button. You will then be prompted for the required details - whether you would like an image or printout and your preferred size. Maps are usually printed at the same size as their original dimensions, but enlargements or reductions can be done on request.

For general enquiries about printouts, images, and the website, please look at our Frequently Asked Questions. For any other queries, please contact us at

Tel: +44 (0)131 623 4660 (direct dial)
+44 (0)131 623 3700 ext 4660

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