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DIARY, 1637-1639
OnMononday,8 Janu.,I rose about three hours, went through 8 janu.
the second Jerem. fra 14 to the 26 v. in meditation and
application, quhair the 17 and 19 v. spak to my present defec¬
tion procured as is set doune in the preceiding page at NB.
Gods blissing, my voues, my breaks, my spritual hoordomes,
I fand clearly set doune in al the rest of the verses. Lord,
maik me sensible of them for Chryst saik, and cairful above al,
above al, to keepe and interteiny my privat fellouschip with
the Lord in my retyrings, for, as they goe right or wrong with
me, al uther things and turnes goes right or wrong; not that
they ar any wayes meritorious of the good as they ar of the
evil, hot, as they ar the main causes of the evil, they ar the
testifications of Gods goodwil in the uther and so many
certifications from Gods spritual comunication of himselth, of
his outward providence, and indulgent assistance to me in al
my wayes and affairs. I fand al that day the Lords directing
me right in the looking over my L. Thresaurers writs and
signator; at night I conferred and prayed ane hour or tuo
with Mris. Anna Ker.
Upon Tuesday and Wedensday mornings I went through the
hinder end of the second of Jeremie; hot remember thou had
almost forgotten thy f. on Mononday night. Upon Wedens¬
day foranoon, quhyles thou was recomending thyselth to
the Lord for his directing the quhat to say about the toun of
Edrs. supplication, William Dumbar came in ; and, after your
telling him of your formes and his deuties, ye bad him re¬
comend the hoi busines to the Lord, as thou did the lyk; and
thou fand Gods assisting the in the publik meiting that
Upon Foorsday afternoon thou had long privat conference
with my L. Advocat and was free with him, supplicating the
Lord al the tyme he was speaking with you.
On Fray day morning I got good in the publik prayer, 12.
and was desyred be Jhon Smith to drau up som expressions
for the toune of Edr. to be put in the Information; thou
prayed earnestly for the Lords direction to thyselth in that,
and to the hoi meiting about this main poynt anent Edr.
Declaration, or the information of the hoi busines to be
trusted to the staitsmen. 4 Lord, give me reason to thank the

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