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for hearing me in both for Chryst saik ; for I knou not evin
hou to beginne; hot my eies ar towards; doe thy auin work to
thy auin glory, for thy auin naimes saik.’ After I had drauen
up three reasons, the noblemen was content with it. After¬
noon, the bailyies and commissioners with Mr. Hery Rollok
mett in my chamber, to quhom I comunicated the Informa¬
tion. I souped with Balmerino, and by him and the Erie of
Lauthian was chairged with great importunitie to mend and
revise the Information with my auin notes again, quhilk charge
I durst not undergoe, hot could not get refuised ; and thairfor
13 Janu. on Saturday morning, after one long, earnest, pouerful prayer
in my familie, and reiterated fervent ejaculations in my
chalmer for the Lords immediat blissing, assistance, presence,
strenthe, wysdome, I fell to it in nomine Domini mei, quhos
servant I am, quhos worschip is in hand, quhos work it must
be, and to quhos glory it must tend and end. I fand sensibly
my prayer heard, and the Lord, both outwardly by his pro¬
vidence in letting me seie the touns letters to Canterburie and
Stirling, and by his inward assistance bringing sundry things
to my memoire, as the want of the peoples prayers, the
proclamation 24 July, the provests tuo letters 26 September;
and directing my judgment in putting in and putting out
sundry things.
Upon Sunday, in the morning, in my familie I got good, and
in the foranoons sermon of Mr. H. R., upon 5 Job, ‘ I would
seik unto God and maik my talk unto him.’ Fra foor hours
after sermon I was forced to contineu reading and dyting the
Information, being opus pietatis, charitatis, et necessitatis
seing my L. Thresaurer was to maik away the morne
15 janu. Upon Mononday morning, after privat recomendations to
the Lord, he, I know not hou bot I hoope to ane good end,
brought in my mynd to adde ane clause in the hinder end of
the conclusion for restitution of his M. favor and the ordinar
taikens thairof to the whol supplicants, bot especyaly to Edr.,
quhilk I pray the Lord to let me seie, by the consequence that
it was his auin motion as it gaie me in my mynd. Aftemoone,
the whol Information and especyaly that conclusion (the word
‘hopful’ being put in only for ‘desyrous’) was approven by

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