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theft and drunkennes by peircing and drinking Annas punchion
of ayle, in stead of confessing hir fault covered it with denyals,
lying, and mensuearing, quhairat my wyfe being irritat put hir
to the yett.
\foi. SO.] On Saturday at night, after I was urged to resaive hir home
againe upon hir repentance and promise of amendment, I
called her befor the hoi familie and scheued hir the great
guiltines of hir foorfold fault, theft, drunkennes, lying, and
suearing, with al the aggravating circumstances and the
judgments of God hinging over hir head, quhilk I was forced to
denunce against hir in the naime of the asternal God, that, if
schoe maid not use of this wairning by repentance and amende-
ment, that the visible judgments of God sould follou hir not
only aeternally in hell bot evin in this lyfe befor schoe went of
the world ; and that this present wairning wald eyther proove
sensibly ane wairning of mercie to hir if schoe repented and
keiped hir voue, or of justice to be the savor of death unto
death if schoe did not. Heirupon after a long, sensible,
reproof and exhortation expressed out of my mouth be a
present felt assistance and guidance of Gods Sprit, I was
mooved in the immediatly subsequent prayer to recomend
my hoi familie to God, with great earnestnes, to confesse thair
sins to God, with great motion to deprecat the Lords wrayth
and judgment quhilk we daylie provok, to begge his mercie and
grace in Chryst and the happy event of that nights wairning
in mercie to al the familie, and to resolve and command al the
familie for this end to keipe the morrou, being the Lords
Sabboth, as ane particular fast in my familie to the Lord, for
ane particular confession of sin, supplication for mercie and
grace, thanksgiving for the Lords favor. It pleased the Lord
by som of my words in the prayer mightily to waiken Annas
mynd, rememembring hir of som of hir voues in the Elie, and
hir bakslyding from them, and the Lords removing the blissing
nou from hir (as schoe thought) for that cause.
On Sunday morning I got good in the publik prayer; heard
Mr. H. Rollok, that affliction springeth not out of the dust,
bdt man is borne to miserie as the sparks flie upward, 5 Job;
and on Dickeson afternoon on 1 v. 55 Isay. After sermon we
repeated the sermons togither.

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