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threefold ground of thair love, and tended not to thair glory,
the weal of kirk and comonweal, and our salvation. Con-
tinualy heir my saule groaned and sobbed out with tears this
cry to the Lord, That he wald not dishonor his auin naime, or
scandalize his servants, by the going on of it for to punisch
my sinnes of prosperitie and adversitie, quhilk then I confessed,
humbly craiving pardon instantly for Chrysts cause ; and thair-
after I prayed for the furtherance of it, if it preceded from
thos grounds and tended to thos ends. A1 this tyme, the
spaice of ane houre, the Lord wonderfully assisted me by his
Sprit of mourning and supplication. After the afternoon
sermons, in the yaird the Lord assisted me in prayer with
continual meditations, and with som tears at my reiterating
my resignation, attestation, and conjuration.
On Mononday morning I got good in praying God to
separat me from al that separated me from him, and to further
al that furthered my union with him. Afternoone in Revilrig1
high chalmer, after privat invocation I with H.H. and schoe with
me, we put up unto God al my Sundays petitions, resignations,
attestations, conjurations, and that with ane great libertie of
heart and tounge, with strong cryes and sundry tears. On
Tuesday morning we reiterated the samin after our privat
retyrings; afternoone, at my separation from hir, schoe sank
8 May. deeper to my heart nor ever. On Foorsday, ryding to Keith-
marchel, by the way I was spritualy mutch mooved; and thair-
after in Keithmarchel gallery, the spaice of ane houre, God
was wonderfully manifesting himselth in me and to me by ane
extraordinar sight of my miserie, his mercy, my wants, his
willingnes and abilitie to supply them. Heir I reiterated al my
Sundays petitions with as exstatik a libertie as on that od
Wedensday and Frayday in my first ouing.
On Frayday and Saturday I fand Gods ordinarie assistance
n May. accompagnied with som tears. On Sunday I comunicated in
’ Aytoune; as befor on the Saturday I confessed, so after, in
Mononday morning, I went through Gods blissings with som
sense. Al that weak God praeveined my bakslydings, and
keaped me morning and evening in ane good tune of praying ;
on Frayday morning with aboundance of tears during my re-
1 Alexander Hay, Helen’s brother, seems to have resided there.—Commiss.
of Edinburgh, 27 Dec. 1647.

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