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signation. On Saturday at tuelth hours, my mother speaking 17 May.
about my hollie sarks1 so mooved me thairafter, by putting me
in remembrance of all Gods former mercies and of my present
affliction, that I was wonderfully both dejected and ravisched.
Thairafter, both going and kneeling in my chamber and study,
my saule poured out itselth with ane exstatik libertie of sprite
and conjured the Lord that, by this comunion, he wald assure
me not only of remission, reconciliation, and future glorification,
bot also evin that as he had hithertil, so he wald contineu to
let me seie his faytherly love, pouer, mercie, and wysdome in his
outward providence, turning al visibly unto my weal; and also
to mak me live and die as his sone might and sould doe, par¬
ticularly that he wald caive both in my mariage and calling.
At night in a barne I got many tears. On Sunday in Cauding- 18.
ham, after a continual motion during the foranoone sermon comunion.
on the 1 v. 61 c. of Isay (the Sprit of the Lord is upon me,
etc.) I comunicated, taking the singes as pledges of my Satur¬
days petitions.
On Mononday morning, halving gone through Gods blissings 19 May.
my heart being most sensible and thankful for his assistance
under my trouble, it poured out itselth befor God concerning
thos tuo petitions quhilk I craived with ane unexpressible
eamestnes to be heard, and Gods audience of them to be
verifyed in the particulars of my mariage and calling. Heir
my mynd sau God praepairing me for a blissing, praepairing a
blissing for me, blissing us in the conjunction of both in al his
wayes and works of importance hithertil, quhilk I prayed the
Lord to let me seie and find in hindring or furthring this par¬
ticular; yea my saule craived of the Lord first, principally
and cheifly, that he wald give me ane heart unreservedly to
resinge, ardently to recomend, perfectly to trust, patiently to
wayte on the Lord in this particular, and then let the event
be quhat he wald, for if he dischairged my pairt I sould never [/<>/. 109.\
doubt of his auin, to wit of his faytherly, wyse, pourful pro¬
vidence in it. On Mononday afternoone, notwithstanding my
mornings exercise with aboundance of tears, and my foranoons
reading of Boltons tuentie considerations dissuading fra sin,
1 Shirts full of holes. ‘ An old hollie and threadbare garment. —Samuel
Rutherford’s letter to Lord Loudoun, September io, 1637: Letters, ed. 1664,
p. 158. See also Murray’s New English Dictionary.

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