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Ordanis Andro Snail to put away18 Helen Ronaldson or ellis he salbe callit
an relaps in fornication. (Snail)
20 Apprilis 1584
Quhilk day comperit Adam Brinsson and becam cation that Gilbart Blyth
sail marie Margret Stanhouse within xl dayis under the paine of x For
hir, George Robertson is cationar. (Mariit)
Comperit Findlay Macduff cationar that Jhon Macnair sail marie Helyn Bog
within xl dayis under the paine of x (Mariit)
Comperit Thomas Fowlis cationar that Thomas Purl sail marie Christan
Edmeston within xl dayis under the paine of x For hir William Ingles is
cationar. (Mariit)
Comperit Jhon Burrie for Adam Ship cationar that he sail marie Issobel
Low within xl dayis under the paine of x_£. For hir George Low is cationar.
The assemblie considering the lamentations of Janet Scot aganis Andro
Marschell hir husband, ordanis the balye to put thair awin act in execution
and desyris tham to ward the said Andro til he satisfie the same. (Marschell
and Scot)
Agnus Carnie is dischargit of his cationar and of the payne of the uther v
C (Carie)
Quhilk day forsamekle as Robert Blair has payit iiii £ for Dyonice Blakwod
and Christyn Mitchell and has offerit uther x £ in the assembHes will, it is
ordanit that he haif ane lice[nse]
[203] to marie alandward19 quhair he please within xiiii dayis next cum, and
gif he the said Dyonice marie befoir the same day it salbe lisom to the [said]
Robert to craif of the assemblie his awin x _£ agane, and thay sail gif unto
him again eftir thair awin descretion.
'8 Move her out of his house.
19 He has permission to marry outside the bounds of the parish, in the ‘landward’ or rural area
surrounding the town, where the session has jurisdiction but less oversight. End of‘license’
is torn away.

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