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assemblie in presence of the minister and eldaris and desyrit his tak14 and
assidation of the Blackffeiris apperteining to the hospital to be renewit to
him. He being removit, the minister and eldaris ordanit him to cum on
Thuresday nixt and in the revestrie efter sermond befoir the minister and
eldaris ffelie to offer quhat he will gif for girsum15 and yeirlie dewtie for sic
takis as he will require to be set to him, and than he sail half ane deUberat
answer. (Balhousy)
Quhilk day forsamekle as Nicoll Ronaldson is not abil him self ring the
bellis in the steipill to pretching and prayeris, and Jhon Ronaldson youngar
quha ringis the bellis under his father neglectis oftymes the ringing of thame
and uthir tymes ringis thame unorderlie, it is ordanis [sic] that the said Jhon
desist heirafter in all tyme cuming fra the ringing of the beUis. It is ordanit
that Nicolhs eldest sone namit Jhon Ronaldson also, ring the said bellis in
all tyme because he dois diligentle await thairon and hes rung thame sen his
entreis in dew tyme. (Bellis Ringing)
[202] 30 Marcii 1584
Quhilk day the minister accusing Thomas Anderson alias Tyrie before my
Lord Gawrie and the eldaris for interupping of the psalme and speking in
tyme of sermond and efter sermond unreverandie calhng his minister ane
dr[u]nkin minister, he declynit fra the judgment of the minister because he
was partie unto the presbiterie.Yit he giffing injurious talk to the minister
he was commandit be my Lord of Gawrie to be put in fast ward till he fand
cation to answer to the kirk.16 (Anderson)
Quhilk day comperit Adam Harrowar and becam cation that Mr Robert
Purves suld marie Alison Blyth within xl dayis according as thay haif giffin
up thair banns befoir the minister and twa eldaris under the paine of x
And for hir pairt, Thomas Jhonston bower is cationar. (Harrowar and Blyth)
13 Apprilis 1584
Quhilk day comperit Robert Cok and becam cation that Michael Baxter
sail marie Margret17 on Witsonday nixt under the paine of x £, and for hir
William Kar is cationar. (Mariit)
1602, and more seriously, NRS-WRH ms JC2/1, fo. 234 (1581), the charge before the
Justiciary Court that he had kidnapped and held in captivity the burgess Jhon Anderson.
14 Leasehold.
15 An anticipation of rent; a sum of money paid in consideration of a lease for a term of years.
16 The seriousness of the offence is marked by Lord Cowry’s unusual presence in a session
meeting. This is the only instance in the session minutes of opposition to the recent (1581)
formal establishment of presbyteries.
17 No surname is given for Margret.

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