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ordinance to put him in ward till he pay the said xl schillingis and thairafter
find cation to performe his repentance. (Findlason)
23 Marcii 1584
Absentis: Andro Jhonston eldair
Quhilk day the minister and eldaris appointit theis that fallowis to serve in
tyme of the ministration of the communion.
For the south kirk dor to stand
James Hepburn and James Drummond bailyeis, Oliver Peblis eldar
For raceaving of the pures almes thair
Andro Blythman and James Mersser deaconis
To stand at the northe quier dor
William Hall bailye, Andro Mersser eldar, Jhon Ronaldson deacon
To stand at the south quier dor
Andro Donaldson [and] Andro Moncreif eldaris, and George Hall, deacon
[201] To keip the wicket behind the auld pulpeit
Jhon Jak [and] Robert Grant, deaconis, and William Ross, officear
For taisting of the wyn, that it be not mixit
James Hepburn and Andro Mersser
For convoying of the bread through the tabills
Jhon Davidson and Andro Malcum eldaris
For giffmg of the cuppis to the pepill
Jhon Lawrie, Alexander Gibson, Andro Jhonston, and Walter Eldar, eldaris
For filling of the cuppis
James Quhyt, Jhon Ogilve, James Sym and William Cok deaconis
For convoying of the wyn fra the revestrie
William Williamson and William Katrow deaconis
For gathering of the puris almes at the north kirk dor
Robert Chapman eldar and Alexander Dundie deacon
For preparing of the bread, Robert Rynd
The thesaurer to furneis burdclaise, basynnis and cuppis.
And the bellis to be rung acording to the auld order.
To sie that na tumult be in the kirk it appointit that Robert Anderson be
in Sandrois 111,11 at the skynnaris dask12 George Jhonson, in the north 111
Dyonice Conquerior, in the South 111 Mr Jhon Mitchell.
Quhilk day forsamekle as Colyn Evict of Balhousy13 comperit befoir the
11 Anderson is to watch those sitting in the aisle formerly devoted to the altar of St Andrew.
12 Jhonson is to watch the area around the seat constructed by the skinners where members
of their guild may sit.
12 Cohn Evict of Balhousie was given to property disputes, and worse. See, e.g., PKCA ms
B59/13/3, fo. 99v, his pursuit of a tenant for back rent in the Perth baihes’ court, 26 May

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