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The actis that fallowis is since Mr Patrik Galloway, minister, departit20
xi Maii 1584
Presented: Oliver Peblis, Andro Jhonston, Andro Donaldson, Jhon Lawrie,
Alexander Gibson, Walter Eldar
Quhild day forsamekle as the minister is absent, it is orderit that the reader
with ony twa eldaris sail recave the contractis of mariage in tyme cuming.
Comperit Jhon Chrystison and desyrit his bairn to be baptisit, gottin with
Margret Ruthven his spous quha had Mr George Ruthven cation that he
suld performe the will of the kirk and sa licence was grantit. (Chrystisons
17 Maii 1584
Quhilk day it ws ordanit that James Sym suld delyver to Robert Blair ix
of the ten that was consigned in his hand.
Compereit James Lamb and was cationar that Chrystie Wilson sail marie
Janet Salmond within xl dayis under the paine of x and is cationar for
hir lykwayis. (Mariit)
Compeirit James Monypenny confessing his duble fornication with Margery
Oliphand desyring his barne to be batist, quha finding Wilham Monypenny
cationar that he suld performe the will of the kirk licence was grantit. (J
23 Maii 1584
Quhilk day comperit James David and is cationar for David Muill that he
sail marie Agnes Quhyt within xl dayis. Cationar for hir James Mitchell.
Comperit Wilham Campbell and is cation that Andro Chalmerland sail
marie Violet Mason within xl dayis. Cation for hir Jhon Mason. (Mariit)
xi Junii 1584
Comperit Patrik Lamb and becam cation that Robert Brown sail marie
Janet Thomson within xl dayis. Cation for hir James Anderson, yet because
20 Patrick Galloway had succeeded John Row as minister in April 1581. At this point he had
fled the wrath of Lennox over the suspicion that he had been complicit in Cowrie’s attempt
on Stifling (for which the earl would be executed). Hearing of his arrest order, he went
first to Dundee, then London, and finally Newcasde. He would remain in England until
November of 1585. See Calderwood, Historic of the Kirk of Scotland iv, 110-122, and NLS
ms Adv.31.1.1, fos 35r, 52v-53r, for Scott’s summary - and an interpretation as partisan as
Calderwood’s. Perth was without even an interim minister until November 1584, when
John Howieson was finally sent to supply Galloway’s place. It is worth noting that the
session continued to operate quite efficiendy in his absence (pace Scott, fo. 53).

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